You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 852 Mother and Son vs. Ye Mohan

Chapter 852 Mother and Son vs. Ye Mohan (1)

Ye Qingxue blushed all over her head, and shook her head at the little guy, ""

"Mom, don't you even cry out for pain?" The little guy said in a reproachful tone.

Ye Qingxue: "..."

Does she feel bad for her flesh?
Distressed, it was because of Ye Mo's chills!

The little guy looked towards the bathroom, and then asked Ye Qingxue, "Why hasn't Dad come out yet?"

The corner of Ye Qingxue's mouth twitched, "Your dad just washed it."

A hint of cunning flashed across the little guy's eyes, and his big clear eyes were full of sorrow, "Then what are you doing in there for so long?"

Of course being held by your father!
But you must never say that in front of the little guy!
Ye Qingxue coughed lightly, and said seriously: "Baby, your questioning nature is not at all like your father."

The little guy blinked his eyes, "I look like my mother!"

Ye Qingxue: "..."


This is really like her!
The little guy crawled into Ye Qingxue's arms, stared at Ye Qingxue with big eyes, and said angrily: "Mom, Dad bullies you so much, can we be angry with him when he comes out?"

Ye Qingxue followed the little guy's words and asked, "Why are you angry?"

The little guy's eyes lit up, he stood up and kissed Ye Qingxue, and continued: "Let's go to sleep next door, okay? No dad!"

Ye Qingxue nodded thoughtfully, "Then your father will be very angry."

The little guy kissed Ye Qingxue again, shook Ye Qingxue, and said coquettishly, "How about it?"

Facing the gracious invitation from her precious son to act coquettishly and cutely, she couldn't refuse at all, "Okay!"

What's more, that guy ignored her and just kept him cool all night!
The two of them, one big and one small, clapped their hands to cheer, and then slipped out of the huge and fragrant bedroom.


adjoining bedroom.

"Mommy, this room doesn't look as good as the room we live in." The little guy looked around and looked at Ye Qingxue.

Although the room is the same size, the layout is too old-fashioned and monotonous.

Certainly not as luxurious and comfortable as her grandfather's well-prepared room.

Ye Qingxue gave the little guy a white look, and scolded, "Then you still have to come!"

The little guy blinked, and stared at Ye Qingxue with clear and bright eyes, "Because there is a mother!"

The little guy repeatedly said love words to her, and Ye Qingxue couldn't help squatting down and pampering the little guy's pink face, "Little guy, did your mouth eat honey?"

Little guy: "Honey is not as sweet as my mouth."

Ye Qingxue: "..."

The little guy turned to smile sweetly, "I'm only sweet to my mother."

Ye Qingxue: "..."

She suspected that the little guy's high EQ is because of her or Ye Mohan's genes?
She thinks that her EQ is not as high as that of the little guy, otherwise she would have chased after Ye Mohan long ago.

Not to mention Ye Mohan's EQ!

Or... Ye Mohan has a high EQ, but he doesn't want to express it?
The little guy showed a sly smile, "Mom, can we lock the door?"

Ye Qingxue: "Worried that your father will come?"

The little guy nodded, and said solemnly: "Yes, aren't we here just to hide... from being angry with Dad? How can we be angry with him when he comes here?"

Ye Qingxue was confused, "What is hiding?"

Little guy: "The baby is talking about how angry you are, how angry your father is."

The corner of Ye Qingxue's mouth twitched, and she stood up, "Okay, you go lock it, mommy goes to take a shower first!"

"Go, Mom." The little guy blew a kiss to Ye Qingxue, and after Ye Qingxue turned around, he smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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