You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 855 Mother and Son vs. Ye Mohan

Chapter 855 Mother and Son vs. Ye Mohan (4)

Ye Mo coldly snorted, "Just get used to it!"

Ye Qingxue: "..."

Ye Mohan turned to look at the little guy, and ordered in a deep voice, "Ye Nuoyu, come down!"

The little guy hugged Ye Qingxue tightly, with his legs wrapped around Ye Qingxue's waist.

Ye Qingxue thought that Ye Mohan was going to hit the little guy again, so her expression became unsightly, and she sternly said, "Ye Mohan, I won't let you hit him again!"

Ye Mohan ignored Ye Qingxue's words, and said to the little guy: "Ye Nuoyu, let me say it again, come down!"

"I don't want to call you father anymore, I will call you uncle from now on!" The little guy let go of Ye Qingxue's neck, staring at Ye Mohan stubbornly.

Hearing the word 'uncle', the veins on Ye Mohan's forehead suddenly burst out.

Shooting a sharp gaze towards Ye Qingxue——

Ye Qingxue almost wanted to cry but had no tears.

How can you continue to be angry with your father at this time!

Ye Qingxue smiled flatteringly at Ye Mohan: " don't know the little guy's temper, he's just like you..."

Ye Mohan looked at the little guy, sighed, and reached out to Ye Qingxue, "Give him to me."

"No." Ye Qingxue immediately hugged the little guy tightly and looked at Ye Mohan warily.

Ye Mohan pinched the space between his eyebrows, "I won't hit him!"

"You said it! If you beat him again, I will take the little guy and the two children in my stomach and run away from home!" Ye Qingxue sternly threatened.

"..." The corner of Ye Mohan's mouth twitched, and he gave Ye Qingxue a white look, "You also know that you are still pregnant with two children!?"

Ye Qingxue: "..."

Ye Mohan: "Give it to me, I'll hold it for you!"

Ye Qingxue was slightly startled, and then the corners of her mouth curled up in a spring breeze.

It turned out that she was afraid that she would be tired from holding the little guy!

The little guy was also surprised.

Old Mo actually wanted to hug him!
Ye Qingxue handed the little guy to Ye Mohan.

Ye Mohan looked down at the little guy sitting on his lap, and sighed again.

Maybe he was too impulsive just now!

"Who made the idea to sleep here?" Ye Mohan glanced at Ye Qingxue and the little guy respectively.

"It's me!" Ye Qingxue was afraid that Ye Mohan would blame the little guy again, so she hurriedly opened her mouth.

Fearing that Ye Mohan would not believe it, Ye Qingxue gave Ye Mohan another look and pouted, "Who told you to be mad at me!"

Ye Mohan was speechless, "You think I don't know who came up with the idea to sleep here?"

Ye Qingxue: "..."


Know and ask!

Playing the two of them like monkeys!

Ye Mohan: "No more next time."

Little guy: "No, Dad."

Ye Qingxue: "No more, husband."

next time?
Do they dare to do it again?

Ye Mohan's expression today is terrifying!

Silent night.

Ye Mohan turned on the light in the room and stared at the sleeping little guy.

I reached out and wanted to take off the little guy's pajamas, but found that the little guy was wearing one-piece pajamas and couldn't get rid of it, so I had to give up.

Ye Qingxue called softly, "Husband."

Ye Mohan paused and asked, "Why haven't you slept yet?"

"I fell asleep, and the two little guys in my stomach kicked me awake."

"Fetal movement so soon?"


Ye Mohan asked concerned: "Does your stomach hurt?"

Ye Qingxue shook her head, "It doesn't hurt! Husband, why are you so angry today?"

Even if she lived next door to the little guy, Ye Mohan shouldn't lose his temper after knowing about it!

And hit the little guy...

Ye Mohan: "..."

After a long time, Ye Mohan's thin lips slowly parted, his tone a bit self-blaming, "I was a little impulsive just now!"

(End of this chapter)

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