You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 859 Love to the Deep

Chapter 859 Love to the Deep (1)

In the end, Leng Yeyan promised Leng Haiyu that he would find a girlfriend within a month.

Leng Haiyu's anger slowly subsided a lot.

"Grandpa, we are going back tomorrow." Ye Qingxue informed.

I planned to go back today, but she was playful, so she stayed here for another day.

Leng Haiyu nodded, looked at Ye Qingxue and Ye Mohan, "You've lived here for so long, your parents must have thought about it, it's time to go back.

Don't forget to call grandpa often after you go back, and make an agreement that when you get married, you will get married at Leng's house. "

Ye Qingxue smiled, "Grandpa, we have our wedding on the sixth day of next month, and there is only half a month left, so I will come back the day before the wedding, so you don't have to miss us too much."

"How can I not want to, you are my only granddaughter." Leng Haiyu said.

Ye Qingxue hugged Leng Haiyu's arm coquettishly, "Even if I get married, I can still come back and live often."

Leng Haiyu patted Ye Qingxue's hand, his eyes were full of doting, "Okay, come back to spend more time with grandpa."

"For sure, if Ye Mohan bullies me at that time, I will run to live here." Ye Qingxue said and gave Ye Mohan a meaningful look.

Ye Mohan's face darkened slightly: "I won't give you this chance."

"Hahahaha..." Leng Haiyu burst out laughing seeing the young couple flirting.


Seeing that the matter was settled, Ye Qingxue hurried upstairs to deal with her precious son.

The little guy hid in the room alone and sulked.

Ye Qingxue came over and apologized softly, "Honey, next time mom will definitely take you there, okay? Just forgive mom this time."

"Alright then, don't leave the baby alone at home next time." The little guy easily forgave Ye Qingxue.

Even if he wanted to be angry, he couldn't be angry with his mother!
It's Lao Mo's fault!

When his leg recovered, he didn't tell his mother, and even threatened him not to tell his mother.

I'm so good at occupying my mother alone!

Ye Qingxue hastily expressed her heart, "There will be no next time."

Ye Mohan: "..."

Should he teach the little guy to have his own space?
What does it mean to just occupy his wife!

The next day.

After Ye Qingxue said goodbye to Leng Haiyu and Leng Ye, she began to return to Ye's house.

Back at Ye's house, Ye Qingxue frowned and shouted to the living room: "Mom, Dad, grandma, we're back."

Seeing these three people, Gu Lanbing came over and hugged Ye Qingxue excitedly, "You are finally back, Mom, Dad, and your grandma want to die."

"How was the wedding photo taken?" Mrs. Ye was all smiles.

When they were at Leng's house, Xueer was often called by them.

While they were taking wedding photos, the two called to tell their family that they were going out to take wedding photos.

Ye Qingxue smiled, "Very good, I took twelve sets, but it will take two days to wash them out before shipping them back."

Gu Lanbing led Ye Qingxue to sit on the sofa, looked down at Ye Qingxue's flat stomach, and said with a smile: "Let's set a date, and the next step is for you to hold a wedding. In a month, your belly will grow bigger." gone."

Ye Qingxue glanced at Ye Mohan next to her with a smile, "Your son has already been chosen."

"Have you chosen? When?" Ye Yitian asked Ye Mohan
Ye Mohan: "The sixth day of next month."

Mrs. Ye patted Ye Qingxue's hand, "That's right, it will be held on the sixth day of the lunar new year, and we will take care of the wedding. You will take good care of your baby at home for the remaining half month."

Ye Qingxue: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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