You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 893 Ye Mohan, You Scum!

Chapter 893 Ye Mohan, You Scum! (5)

Ye Mohan circled Ye Qingxue's waist, "Just wait until the baby is born and then make up for it. After the wedding, we can go straight to our honeymoon."

Mrs. Ye: "Since the two of you want to host the event after the child is born, let's wait until the child is born and hold the event!"

Ye Qingxue embraced Si Junzhen's arm, her eyebrows and eyes were joyful, "This time I will get married in the Si family, okay?"

"Okay." Si Junchi looked at Ye Qingxue and raised his mouth slightly.

Ye Qingxue's eyebrows were curved, and her heart was filled with awe of her father.

But there is still a question in my heart.

That is her father is so young!

She is already 24, and her father must be in his 40s anyway, but there is no wrinkle on his face, and he doesn't even have white hair.

"Father, how old are you?" Ye Qingxue asked curiously
"What's wrong?" Si Junchi looked at Ye Qingxue with an unpredictable expression.

Ye Qingxue smiled slyly, "It's nothing, it's just that you are too young! Any maintenance secrets can help my husband and uncle learn maintenance in the future."

The faces of certain two men suddenly darkened.

"Pfft..." Gu Zhen tried hard to hold back a laugh.

Si Junyu tapped the porcelain cup lightly with his slender fingers, and parted his thin lips lightly: "46."

Ye Qingxue smiled, "Dad, you look 40 years old at most, if we go out together, people will think..."

"Cough..." Ye Mohan coughed, interrupting her continuation.

Ye Qingxue turned her head and looked at Ye Mohan inexplicably, then continued with frowning eyebrows, "I will definitely think that we are brother and sister!"

Ye Mohan's stiff face eased a little.

Ye Qingxue glanced at Ye Mohan's suddenly relaxed face, and was taken aback for a moment.

He wouldn't think she was talking about husband and wife, would he?

Is he an idiot! ?

Although his father was young, he looked fifteen, six or seven years older than her, and he didn't look like a husband and wife at first sight!

Could it be that there was an accident from France, and the IQ also dropped?

After a while, the little guy came back from the outside with Xiao Xian'er in his hand.

The two little guys ran over and opened their mouths to call mother.

The screaming Ye Qingxue felt as if she had eaten honey.


Dinner is going to be held in the back garden, almost like a party.

The moonlight in the back garden was bright and brightly lit.

The dining table is huge, and in addition to the meals, it is covered with desserts, wine and fruit.

Ye Mohan changed his clothes after returning to the bedroom, and then returned to the back garden. He saw everyone sitting there, but he couldn't see the little girl.

"Where's your wife?" Ye Mohan then asked the servant who was busy serving food outside.

The servant said: "Madam said that she would personally make desserts for the young master, young lady, Mr. Si, and Mr. Leng."

"Oh, can you say you have prepared for me?" Ye Mohan asked casually, pretending not to care.

"It seems... not." The servant quickly lowered his head after finishing speaking.

Ye Mohan: "..."

Ye Mohan turned around and walked towards the kitchen.

Several servants are busy preparing dishes.

And Ye Qingxue was coming out of the kitchen with fruit in his hand.

Seeing an extra figure in front of him, he raised his head and saw that it was Ye Mohan. He couldn't help being slightly startled, "What are you doing here?"

Ye Mohan looked at the fruit ladle in Ye Qingxue's hand, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Is this the dessert prepared for them?

Very ordinary!

She reached out her hand to dig a spoonful to taste, but Ye Qingxue dodged it.

"Hey, don't eat, this is for the two children, not for you!" Ye Qingxue gave Ye Mohan a white look.

(End of this chapter)

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