The strongest deity of Panlong

Chapter 39 Moon Elf Clan

Chapter 39 Moon Elf Clan
Tarossa, Catherine, Dilin, and Olivia passed the twelfth floor of the cemetery of the gods and can go to the thirteenth floor.

"Is there no treasure on the twelfth floor?" Olivia asked before going to the thirteenth floor.

"Haha, Olivia, right? We have all the treasures on the [-]th floor, and we can get them by killing us. Do you still want them?" Mokley said with a smile.

"Forget it, you have a lot of people. Hehe." After finishing speaking, Olivia entered the thirteenth floor first.

Tarossa and the others followed closely.

But Sisai, O'Brien, and Rutherford had already left the entrance. When Tarossa and the others went to the thirteenth floor, they didn't have the guts to stay with Mokley and the others.

It is as big as the twelfth floor, and it is difficult for others to find it.

"Is this the thirteenth floor?"

Unlike the twelfth floor, the twelfth floor is bare and nothing, but the thirteenth floor is a big forest, and there are towering trees everywhere, and the endless sea of ​​trees is endless.

Such an environment is very dangerous.

On the twelfth floor, even if the consciousness can only radiate a kilometer, the naked eye can see more than a kilometer.Here, the consciousness can only cover a kilometer, which is not a big distance for the god level, and the forest is the most suitable for hiding and sneak attack. If someone sneak attack, they are likely to die.

Tarossa, Dilin, and Catherine were unwilling to encounter such an environment.

"The people on this level are definitely stronger than those on the twelfth level, and the environment is complex, which is more dangerous for us. Flying in the sky, the target is too big. Let's go from the woods, everyone, be careful and set off." Tarossa said.

In the forest, thorns and grass are overgrown, and there is no trace of any road.Fortunately, the four of them are god-level powerhouses, and these plants can't do them any harm.

Walk forward carefully.

Sometimes Olivia wants to directly expose her strength and fly from the sky. He believes that at this level, there should be no higher gods with fusion laws.

While opening the road, move forward, and sometimes remain vigilant, and the speed of travel is very slow.

The four of them are thousands of miles away from Olivia.

Two armies are fighting, one is the handsome and beautiful moon elves, and the other is the very ugly orcs: kobolds, pigs and so on.

Both sides have a scale of tens of thousands of people, and the weakest has level six. All kinds of magical fighting spirits are blooming, and the scene is very spectacular. On the top of the two armies, there are dozens of strong men standing in the air, including god-level strong men , There are also sanctuary powerhouses.

"Rashid, thousands of years ago, you orcs and our moon elves made an agreement that each side would occupy half of the territory and not invade each other. If you break the agreement unilaterally, His Majesty the great moon elves will definitely punish you."

Karl, the god-level powerhouse headed by the Moon Elf clan, rebuked angrily.

"Carl, the elf king has our Beast God to deal with it. It is the Beast God's will. Our Beastman Race wants to unify the entire continent. Your Moon Elf Race must either surrender or exterminate the clan, hahaha."

Rashid didn't care about the Moon Elf King at all.

On this continent, the moon elves and the orcs have lived for thousands of years. Thousands of years ago, the two tribes often fought wars; There has never been a large-scale war.

Thousands of years ago, the two clans had lost too many lives due to the war, and there were only tens of thousands of people left on both sides, and the strength of the two clans was equal.

In addition, there are some god-level powerhouses of other races on the mainland, some of them surrendered to the two races, and some wandered freely in the mainland. The Moon Elf King and the Beast God were afraid that if both sides fought desperately, they would be taken advantage of by other god-level powerhouses. , so an agreement was reached, a truce.

After thousands of years of development, the two clans have recovered their vigor. There are more than one million clansmen, and when the number is too large, there will inevitably be some friction, and the long-standing conflict between the two sides has been intensified.

The most important point is that it is said that the Beast God has successfully broken through, and this is the real reason why the Beastmen started the war.

Olivia and her party walked for ten days and arrived at a village of the moon elves.

"These people are like the legendary elves. The highest strength is the sanctuary, and the lowest level is six." The four watched from a distance for a while, Catherine said.

"This thirteenth floor is really weird. There is an ethnic group living here, just like a human village." Olivia continued.

Didn't it mean that the cemetery of the gods is full of dangers? How can the elves with such low strength still live well.

"According to what they said, there should be another race called the orcs. It seems that the two races are going to war." Di Lin also said.

"Let's ask a sanctuary first, he should know some of the situation here, and then make a plan." Tarossa said.

Soon they captured a strong Sanctuary.

With long silver hair, handsome face, and elegant temperament, the moon elves are excellent in all aspects. Olivia was a little confident about her appearance, but this comparison found that she was not at the same level.

"Catherine, you're not from the elves, are you?" Olivia found that the hair of the elves was very similar to Catherine's, adding a natural atmosphere.

"You don't need to be afraid. We are from the outside world. We came here just to learn about the situation here." Catherine did not answer Olivia's words, but asked the Sanctuary Elf.

The sanctuary elves were practicing, and they were suddenly taken to a strange place. They saw four people in front of them, each of whom was unpredictable, similar to the aura of an elf envoy.

God-level powerhouse.

The sanctuary elves were a little confused, and suddenly they were four gods.

"You'd better be honest, otherwise, we'll kill all the elves." Seeing that the sanctuary elves didn't speak, Di Lin threatened.

"Four adults, what do you want to know, I will tell you." The Sanctuary Elf hurriedly said.It's just some information, and it's nothing to say.

"Just tell us, who are the god-level powerhouses here, and who is the strongest?" Olivia asked.

After the explanation of the sanctuary elves, the four of them understood the situation of this continent.

The moon elves and the orcs mainly live here, each of which has more than a dozen god-level powerhouses, and the strength of the two tribes is equal; and the god-level powerhouses of the elves, from weak to strong, are elf envoys, elders, and moon elf kings. ;
Calculated according to the god-level strength, the elf envoy is the lower god, the elder is the middle god, and the moon elf king is probably the upper god.

In addition, there are more than 20 god-level powerhouses on the mainland, and two of them are about the same strength as the Moon Elf King.

The four great powers in this continent are Moon Elf King, Beast God, Wind God and Wolf God.

"Four lords, our moon elves have always been very friendly to all god-level lords; I am a small sanctuary, and I don't know much. If the four lords need it, I can take you to see His Majesty the Moon Elf King." Sanctuary Elf said.

"Tarosha, do you think we want to meet the Moon Elf King?" Di Lin said through voice transmission.

"I think the Moon Elves are a peace-loving and nature-loving race, so they shouldn't embarrass us. And now that they are at war with the orcs, they won't make enemies casually. In addition, we will definitely face the four strong men here. , it’s just a matter of time.”

Olivia voice transmission.

"Okay, then let's go meet the Moon Elf King." Tarossa thought for a while and said.

"In that case, we will meet you Moon Elf King."

Tarossa said to the sanctuary elves.

 I am happy today, and I will add another chapter later.
(End of this chapter)

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