The strongest deity of Panlong

Chapter 44 Heaven Defying Cheater

Chapter 44 Heaven Defying Cheater

The relationship between the two has made great progress. Catherine knows Olivia's heart very well. It's not that Catherine doesn't like him, but she feels that Olivia already has Sophie and Jessica. Difficult to accept.

Therefore, it is still impossible to go one step further and accept Olivia.

"Catherine, why did you come to the cemetery of the gods?"

Olivia suddenly discovered that Beirut made this cemetery of the gods, which was of no use to geniuses like them who became gods on their own.For example, killing people to seize the godhead, the godhead is a treasure to a person like a warrior, but it is of no use to him.

"It should be to obtain the godhead and artifact. However, before I met you, I always wanted to get a godhead in the middle of life. Now I don't want to rely on the godhead, but I want to cultivate myself to become a high god, so come to everyone The cemetery of the gods has become an experience."

Catherine said.

Olivia is very clear: enter the cemetery of the gods in the sanctuary to get the godhead, and then become a god; enter the cemetery of the gods at the god level to get the main godhead, and become the main god; or get the main artifact, and become the main god's messenger.

This is the attraction of the cemetery of the gods.

But Olivia also knows that it is impossible for them to obtain the main godhead, and it is almost impossible to obtain the main artifact.

Therefore, Olivia wanted to go to the next floor, purely to have a look, he didn't ask for any treasures.

Outside the cemetery of the gods, Beirut has been paying attention.

He found that Olivia was actually comparable to the middle god when he was a low god, and he immediately understood that he combined the two different laws of light and darkness.

"Genius, genius, what a pity, what a pity!"

While Beirut was admiring, he thought of his main godhead attribute and sighed.

"With his talent, he should be able to become a high god comparable to Dzogchen."

Beirut commented again.

"In that case, what gift should I give him?"

Beirut muttered alone.

"Just do it."

Tarossa and Dilin are both on the thirteenth floor of the cemetery of the gods.

After the two left the Moon Elf clan, their purpose was to find those god-level powerhouses, challenge them, kill people and seize treasures.

And Di Lin had to find a next godhead for his child.

After walking for a long time, no god-level powerhouse was found.

"I heard that the Beast God was killed by a person named Olivia in the Moon Elf Clan." A long-faced lower god said.

"I also heard that the moon elves who went with the two high gods, the beast god and the wolf god, planned to besiege Isabel and then wipe out the moon elves, but the beast god was killed. The one named Olivia, It is said that he is still a low-god. He can kill a high-god, but he doesn’t know how to cultivate.”

On the opposite side of the long-faced low-god, the round-faced low-god, obviously he has also heard the news, and he is still relatively clear about the process.

"If you can get his cultivation method, maybe you can be that powerful." The lower god with a long face said eagerly.

"Why did he tell you that the beast gods were all killed by him, we are not worth mentioning in his eyes." The round-faced lower god said.

For the first time, Tarossa and Dilin met a god-level powerhouse, two lower gods.

"Is what you just said true?" Tarossa and Di Lin walked out and came to the two lower gods.

"My lords, what we said is true. The news that the Beast God was killed has already spread." Two middle gods suddenly appeared, and the long-faced lower god hurriedly replied.

"Olivia, do you have such strength?" Tarossa asked Di Lindao.

The first time Tarossa felt incredible, I couldn’t believe it; just like what Beirut said, the best lower gods can sneak attack and kill the middle gods. Now you tell me that the lower gods can kill the upper gods.

"You don't know, and of course I don't know either. We'll find out if we go back and have a look."

Di Lin said that he didn't quite believe it either.

Then, the two tacitly killed the two lower gods, picked up their relics, and rushed to the moon elves.

"Olivia, you actually killed the high god, and you are not an ordinary high god, how did you do it?" Tarossa and Di Lin rushed back to the moon elves without stopping, and asked Olivia at the beginning .

On the way back, they met people from the Moon Elf tribe, and they had already asked and confirmed.The whole moon elves are grateful to Olivia and worship her extremely.

"It's a secret, and I didn't even tell Catherine. However, only I can use this method, and it's useless to tell you." In fact, many people have already asked how Olivia did it.

Olivia refused all of them.

"Unexpectedly, how long have you become a god, and you can actually kill the upper god. Although we are divine beasts with extraordinary talents, when we are the lower gods, we dare not challenge the middle gods, let alone the upper gods; compared with you Get up, Olivia, you are the real genius, I admire you." Di Lin said.

"I admire it very much." Tarossa also said.

Both of them are divine beasts, with high hearts and arrogance. They have always been the best in the same class in Yulan Continent. They were suddenly dumped by Olivia. Strong, there is still a chance to hug the thigh.

Tarossa and Dilin came back and stayed for a while, then left again.

Fengshen also came to the moon elves, but Olivia was not in a hurry to go to the next floor.

He felt that he was about to break through, so he was going to wait for the breakthrough before going to the next floor.

This level is already a highgod, and the next level must be stronger, just for safety.

In addition, the deity of Yulan Continent made a very important discovery.

Olivia has always known that practicing Tai Chi can help him comprehend and integrate the mysterious laws, but after a period of research, he found that light and darkness interact, collide, and merge within the Tai Chi diagram.From the Taiji diagram, it can see the deduction process of the mysterious fusion of laws.

Yes, as long as Olivia has comprehended the mysterious laws, there is actually a fusion tutorial in the Taiji diagram.

For example, Olivia comprehends the mysteries of the law of the light element and the mystery of the law of the dark element. At the intersection of light and darkness, the two mysteries are merging. He can perceive how the two mysteries are fused. Similarly, the speed of light It can also be sensed by the mysterious fusion of Xuan'ao and Shadow Transformation Clone Technique.

In addition, on the side of the Taiji Diagram representing the light element, the mystery of the light element and the speed of light that he comprehended are also fused, and he can perceive how they are fused.

This means that he can use perception to learn the mystery of the fusion law.

It's like learning to play Rubik's Cube for beginners. The initial state and the final state are shown to you. How can you change from the initial state to the final state?One is that I tell you the steps to turn the Rubik's Cube, and the other is that you explore it yourself.

Those who know the steps only need to operate step by step; and you may try countless times to find out by yourself.

In the past, she groped by herself, but now Olivia knows the steps of turning, and the fusion law is mysterious and countless times faster;
This is a cheating device against the sky.

After the deity found out, he immediately began to retreat and comprehend.

Try to integrate the mystery of the light element with the mystery of the speed of light, the mystery of the dark element and the mystery of the shadow clone technique as soon as possible, and become a middle god.

(End of this chapter)

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