Chapter 51

The gods descended, and the Magnolia Continent became lively, and it became dangerous for the local powerhouses.

There are about 2000 strong people who come out of Gobada Prison, and the minimum is the sanctuary limit, while the original Yulan Continent sanctuary limit plus god-level powerhouses, there are only a dozen people.

It turns out that a strong man in the sanctuary can occupy a province, just like McKenzie of the O'Brien Empire.

At this time in the Yulan Continent, there are many god-level powerhouses, and even more sanctuary powerhouses. The original sanctuary powerhouses basically have no room to survive. Gobada's powerhouses directly kill the local powerhouses.

They regard human life as worthless, arrogant and domineering, and the former strong men of the Yulan Continent suffer unspeakably.

And the Yulan Empire and the Eighteen Kingdoms of the Northern Territory seem to have become a paradise on earth.

These two places belong to the power of local powerhouses, and there is Linley's Dragon's Blood Castle, but the Dragon's Blood Castle cannot protect itself.

Many people from other empires secretly fled to the Yulan Empire and the Eighteen Kingdoms of the Northern Territory to seek refuge.

Victoria's Saintess Guards are extremely busy, helping refugees and saving lives and wounds.

Originally, the members of the Saintess Guard were spread all over the Magnolia Continent. The gods came too suddenly, she was so fast, there was no time to withdraw, and many of them had lost contact.

The concept of the Saintess Guard is completely opposite to that of Gobada's strongmen. In the past, no one dared to deal with them openly. One was backed by a god-level strongman, but they were respected. Using that method now is almost courting death.

Victoria asked Olivia many times if she could kill the other god-level powerhouses or drive them out of the Magnolia Continent.

However, these god-level and sanctuary powerhouses are scattered all over the place, so it is impossible to do it.And Olivia felt that Adkins was definitely not weaker than herself.

Mostly Olivia didn't feel it was necessary.

It can be saved for a while, but it cannot be saved forever.

However, Victoria often sent down miracles to help those civilians, warriors, mages, etc.

Catherine and Olivia, who just came out of the cemetery of the gods, returned to the Yulan Empire.Tarossa, Dilin, O'Brien, Xisai, and Rutherford all followed to the Magnolia Empire.

Having seen Olivia's strength, they felt safer here.

In fact, with Tarossa's strength, it is still very safe in the Yulan Continent. Except for Adkins, no one should be able to defeat him.

"Ms. Catherine, you are so beautiful!"

Victoria had been waiting for Catherine and the others to come back a long time ago, and when she saw Catherine without a veil, she stuttered in surprise.

With a beautiful face, indifferent demeanor, and pointed ears, Victoria knew that this was Catherine by breath, but she was not used to it, so she froze for a moment before speaking.

Just like Hessai, Rutherford, and O'Brien when they saw Catherine for the first time, they were in the same situation.

After a brief surprise.

Victoria threw herself into Catherine's arms, and the two beauties hugged each other.


Catherine told Victoria what happened in the cemetery of the gods.

"Ms. Catherine, you are a moon elf. Are all moon elves really as beautiful as you?" Victoria asked.

"Yes, they are all beautiful." Catherine recalled that she missed the days with the moon elves very much.

"Really, next time the cemetery of the gods opens, I will also go to the moon elves." The two chatted intimately.

Said that the beast god wanted to destroy the moon elves, Victoria was filled with righteous indignation, wishing she could kill him at the scene.

Victoria, like Catherine, is very kind, and Catherine has experienced countless years, and many things have become bearish, but Victoria is different. She is not yet 30 years old, and she has always been taught by Olivia and Catherine. In her eyes, all the evil ones should be eliminated. If she had the strength, she would go out and kill the group of people from Gobada earlier.

Not enough strength.

If she had the same strength as Beirut or 'Green Fire', Olivia wouldn't mind tidying up the Magnolia Continent.

"Victoria, come here, this is Tarossa, Di Lin, Sisay, Rutherford, and O'Brien."

Olivia introduced to Victoria.

"Victoria, hello, I'm Tarossa."

Greet each other and get to know each other.

"Olivia, you say you are a genius, you teach an apprentice who is even more genius than you, how do you let us live." Tarossa joked.

Tarossa's words spoke out the hearts of everyone, and they were all envious.

However, Valkyrie O'Brien was a little embarrassed.

He tried to take Olivia as his apprentice twice, but was rejected both times. With Olivia's achievements today, he felt embarrassed for himself and felt a little embarrassed to face it.

O'Brien originally didn't want to come to the Yulan Empire, and his relationship with Olivia was not very good, and there was also the matter of Catherine.

It was Tarossa who said that there is a middle god of the fire department. If he is willing to follow him for 10 years, he will give it to him. He hasn't decided yet, but he wants it very much in his heart. He is hesitating, so he follows it first.

Besides, Olivia's sister-in-law is his most valued descendant, and he is also in the Yulan Empire, so it makes sense for him to come here, and he finds psychological comfort for himself.

Moreover, he had an extravagant wish in his heart, if possible, to ask Olivia for help in taking back the O'Brien Empire.

Same night sky, same people, same place.

Catherine stood on the top of the magic tower and looked at the starry sky in the distance. She was thinking that after the coming of the gods, if there was no Olivia, she would be homeless.

She was engrossed in her thoughts, and her thoughts were a little far away.

Olivia and Victoria came up.

"What are you thinking, Catherine?" Olivia asked, looking at Catherine who was staring into the distance.

"Olivia, I'm thinking, what would I do without you?" Catherine came back to her senses and asked.

"Uh, Catherine, are you confessing your love to me?" Olivia was stunned for a moment, thinking to herself without saying a word.

Afterwards, Catherine quickly said: "Oh, no, I mean, without you, the Yulan Empire would be gone, and I would be homeless, so don't think about it."

"Hehe, Teacher Catherine, you subconsciously spoke your mind." Victoria smiled. "I see, there is nothing to repay, it's better to promise with your body."

"I won't tell you anymore." Catherine pretended to be angry. "What are you two doing here?"

Catherine couldn't say no to Olivia, nor could she say no to Victoria. Every time at this time, she simply didn't speak.

Silence is better than sound, she has already mastered this trick.

"My deity killed a group of people who wanted to occupy the Yulan Empire, and got fifteen godheads. In addition, I got four godheads in the cemetery of the gods. I want to pick some people to refine the godheads, so as to strengthen our Strength, let's discuss it." Olivia said.

Two upper godheads, one water-type and one earth-type; three middle godheads: one earth-type, one water-type, and one wind-type.Fourteen lower godheads: three for water, two for fire, five for earth, one for thunder, one for wind, one for destruction, and one for darkness.

In fact, Victoria has long wanted the godhead in his hands, and Olivia has never agreed to train his saintess guards.

"You get the godhead, I have no problem with how you distribute it." Catherine said first.

"Teacher, why don't you give it all to me? It's useless for you to keep it anyway." Victoria said, seeing that Catherine said no, she was very happy.

"You're so beautiful, you're so beautiful." Olivia understood her thoughts, and the strength of the maiden guard team she formed should not be too weak.

"How about this, I will take three lower godheads, two for water and one for fire," Olivia said. "Take three of the other Catherines and give them to your disciples, whoever is suitable."

Then he gave the rest of the godhead to Victoria and said, "I'll give you the rest, little money fan;"

"However, you should keep the middle godhead and the upper godhead first, and don't give them to others easily, and don't let people know, this is a lot of people snatching it; O'Brien paid 10 years of freedom in exchange for one, your teacher and I Give you so much, you get rich."

As for these godheads, they are huge treasures in the Yulan Continent.

If people knew that Victoria had a high-ranking godhead, someone would probably kill her with evil intentions, and then go to the god plane, and Olivia would have nothing to do if she wanted to pursue it.

"Victoria, the person who refines the godhead must be cautious, and if you have chosen it, let us know." Catherine instructed.

She knew how hard-won the godhead was, and how many times she had narrowly escaped death in the cemetery of the gods for the sake of the godhead.

Olivia asked for three godheads, and the fire-type one was going to be used by Judy, but Brummer decided to let him practice to become a god by himself, and then find him a godhead when he couldn't break through.

The mounts prepared for him by the water system are Simba's two good friends, Nana and Sally. As for Simba, he has already reached the limit of the sanctuary, and he decided to break through by himself.

"Where's Kaiser? Why didn't you see him?" Olivia came to Brummer's residence.

"Brother, you're here!" Judy said. "This kid recently got a girlfriend, probably on a date."

Julie seemed to be happy to see her daughter-in-law.

"Brother." Blumer said.

Brummer has been chasing Olivia, and the chasing is getting farther and farther, especially the day Olivia shot to kill Althorp, and the demeanor of the flipping hands, Brummer knows the gap How far is it.

In fact, Brummer is already very good. He is in his sixties and is stronger than Hedson.

"Judy, Brummer, come here." Olivia called the two together. "Judy, this is a low-level godhead of the fire department. Here it is, after you refine it, you will be a low-level god."

With that said, he handed over the godhead.

"Thank you, brother." Judy said.

Olivia has always been one-sided. Besides, no one wants to have a godhead.

"Brummer, you have already comprehended the law of light quite well, and you have a great hope of becoming a god by yourself. I hope you will become a god yourself. Of course, if you really can't, I can also give you a godhead."

Olivia said again.

Get something for nothing and work hard to gain an unknown future.

How to choose, it is easy to choose the former, but difficult to choose the latter.

(End of this chapter)

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