Chapter 94
Following Xiong Da's words, the other party put away the metal life, and the people inside appeared in front of everyone.

There are 48 people in total. There are two people at the head, followed by 46 people. There are fifteen upper gods in the whole team, and the others are middle gods. She was a black-haired, cute-looking, petite girl in a black robe.

Needless to say, these two are the fifth-level shadow thorns mentioned in the intelligence.

"Hehe, when did this mountain belong to you, and this tree also belong to you?" the black-robed girl said with a smile. "You are the bandits of Black Rock Mountain, the little middle god dares to come out and shout, why didn't Adibis come?"

Looking at the nearly thousand robbers around, there is only Heiyan Mountain in this area. She knows the leader of Heiyan Mountain, Adibis, and she is not afraid of Adibis at all.

Hearing what she said, Xiong Da was very upset, now I am the leader of Heiyan Mountain, this woman has no eyesight at all.

"Listen, the woman across the way, Adibis is dead, and now I, Xiong Da, is the leader of Heiyan Mountain. Be honest and keep the treasure, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude."

Xiong Da said seriously, at this time, it is necessary to let the other party know his identity.

"Hey, you, a little middle god, can become the leader of Heiyan Mountain. Could it be that the upper gods of Heiyan Mountain are all dead? Hey!" The black-robed girl heard Xiong Da's words, as if she heard a big A joke, laughing a little presumptuously.

She knew a little about Adibis, and she was very strong among the fifth-level shadow thorns, so she couldn't die so easily.And the little middle god can become the leader of Black Rock Mountain, she doesn't believe it, she wants to see what tricks the other party is going to play.

The stern black-robed youth next to her also smiled meaningfully.

Listening to his words, Xiong Da did not expect that the first time he came out to rob in the plane of the dark god, he would be laughed at by the other party as a middle god and not qualified to be the leader. He was very angry. If the other party was not a woman, he would have gone to Beat her up.

It has always been a good strategy to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, but I didn't expect that robbery as a middle god would have such a disadvantage.

However, if you think about it, banditry is a high-profile profession. It is best for the opponent to surrender immediately when the tiger's body is shocked.

"Can you pretend that it's up to you, we are robbers, if you don't pay, then we will rob it ourselves." Olivia said.

He couldn't see it anymore. Aren't robbers just robbing? Why do they care so much, they just rob if they don't give.

"Hehe, another middle god, it's not your two chiefs." The black-robed woman said with a smile, and then changed the topic. "I don't have time to play with you guys, so get out of the way, otherwise, don't blame me for destroying your Black Rock Mountain."

Facing the robbers in Heiyan Mountain, she was confident that she could handle it.

One thinks that I have the strength to rob you, and the other thinks that I have the strength and is not afraid of you to rob you. There is no agreement at all.

"Hahaha, brothers, give it to me, and leave this girl to me." When Xiong Da heard what the other party said, he felt that what Olivia said was too correct. We were robbery, so why talk so much nonsense, so he directly ordered.

"It's so courageous, I will destroy you Black Rock Mountain today." The black-robed girl heard Xiong Da's words, she didn't expect the other party to fight at will, and she was also very angry. She decided to kill the so-called leader of the middle god first.

In this mission, she originally thought that even if she met Adibis, the other party would not dare to rob her, it would be easy, but she didn't expect a middle god to come out, and said that he was the big leader of Heiyan Mountain, and insisted on robbing her. It's different from what she thought.


The black-robed girl took out an exquisite dagger, and the figure disappeared in a flash.

Her speed is very fast, similar to that of Adkins' clone of the God of Light, and slightly slower than Olivia's current fastest speed.

It's just a fifth-level shadow thorn, such a speed is very scary. You must know that Adkins' clone of the God of Light is good at speed, and her speed can be one level higher than her strength.

With this speed, she can easily run away when she encounters the sixth-level Shadow Thorn, and the fifth-level Shadow Thorn is almost invincible. No wonder he is not afraid of Adibis.

Xiong Da was not good at speed, and Olivia felt a little worried about meeting such a woman.

"Roar!" Xiong Da entered the fighting state, with explosive muscles all over his body, and his height also rose a little, and the surrounding was filled with dark energy.

One is tall and burly, the other is petite and exquisite. Xiong Da and the girl in black are in stark contrast.

"Die." The black-robed girl appeared next to Xiong Da, and the dagger in her hand stabbed towards the right side of Xiong Da's neck with a cold light. She wanted to kill Xiong Da with one blow.

The speed of the black-robed girl was beyond Xiong Da's surprise, but even so, Xiong Da was not a vegetarian.


When the dagger was about to hit his neck, even though Xiong Da's left fist dared to reach her, he deflected her dagger with one punch. At the same time, he turned sideways and kicked towards the petite body of the black-robed girl with his left leg.

The black-robed girl's sure-kill blow was broken by Xiong Da. She was a little surprised. She didn't expect that this big guy was a middle god, but his strength was really not bad.

Seeing Xiong Da's kick, she took advantage of the momentum and rolled over.

"Hehe, the mid-god who combines the three mysterious laws is quite strong, but he is still no match for my mother." The black-robed girl couldn't take a single hit, but Xiong Da's strength was measured.

However, the mid-god, who has integrated three mysterious laws, is also not her opponent. As long as she does not encounter particularly perverted beasts at the same level, she is almost invincible.

"Haha, woman, your speed is very fast, but you are still a little bit close to dealing with me." Xiong Da replied not to be outdone.

Facing the black-robed girl, he was under some pressure. Compared with Adibis, the black-robed girl was not weak at all, but her speed, even Adibis couldn't catch up with her.

"Hehe, is that right? Come again!" The black-robed girl disappeared after speaking.

Relying on her speed, she is invincible, Xiong Da can only be beaten.

Compared with the formidable black-robed girl, the stern black-robed youth is much less powerful.

Olivia didn't take the lead in attacking him, but let Nicholas go, and he supported him at the side. The strength of the black-robed youth was about the same as Nicholas, and neither of them could do anything to the other.

Seeing this, Olivia left him alone. As for the others, Black Rock Mountain has an absolute advantage in terms of numbers. Thousands of people are against forty people, and the upper gods are almost two against one, so they don't need his help at all. .

Olivia decided to watch the battle between Xiong Da and the black-robed girl, so that if Xiong Da needed help, he could do so at any time.

The battle between the two of them was not earth-shattering. The black-robed girl had been relying on her speed to sneak up on Xiong Da, and never confronted him head-on. Every sneak attack was broken by Xiong Da at the very nick of time. She almost succeeded, but only a little.

The black-robed girl felt that as long as she was quicker, she would surely succeed, so she persevered, making sneak attacks and assassinations again and again.

And Xiong Da would fight back from time to time, but the black-robed girl could always dodge.

Except for the clang from time to time, their battle was relatively quiet, but under this quietness, there was a deadly murderous intent hidden.

"Hey, let me tell you if you have any new moves. If you don't bother me, I will!" Xiong Da shouted.

Being attacked constantly, although I can handle it, it is really hard.

"Hmph!" The black-robed girl did not speak, but her actions showed that she would not give up.

(End of this chapter)

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