good morning little wife

457 Chapter Yan Shao Jealous

457 Chapter Yan Shao Jealous (3)
As the time drew near, everyone became more and more anxious. At this time, a nanny car with dark car film finally drove over and stopped downstairs of the company where the press conference was held. Everyone was almost in a rush. The general's car was completely surrounded, and the security guards had to work hard to separate the people, but the nanny's car remained silent for a long time.

In the car, Sheng Xia calmly read the last line of the speech before handing it back to Wang Jue.

"Do you remember it all?" she asked.

Sheng Xia nodded, looking calm.

Wang Jue knew that she was someone who had experienced ups and downs, and she was not pretending to be calm, but she still said: "I have already greeted the media that has a good relationship with us, and there will be no problem."

Wang Jue has always been very at ease in midsummer, she nodded, and the assistant opened the car door for her.

The crowd that was separated by the security at that moment got very close and out of control again, only to see Sheng Xia wearing a decent dress standing under the flashing beauty lamp and in the sight of everyone.There was no makeup on her clean face, but there was no so-called grievance or pretending to be pitiful. Instead, she looked calm and composed.

In this way, Sheng Xia entered the company amidst the reporters' constant questions and the chasing flashes, as well as the aisle cleared by the security guards.

The press conference officially started, and a large number of media and fans who supported her gathered at the scene. The degree of attention can be seen in general.Sheng Xia narrated the whole incident in front of the camera in an unassuming and humble manner. During the period, he did not publicly criticize Xiaolan and his boyfriend, as if he was just stating the facts.

For her, this is a disaster without reason.

"Miss Shengxia, since you didn't have any unpleasantness with your personal assistant, why did you fire her?" Some media immediately raised questions.

What happened between Xiaolan and the actor in her dressing room can't be revealed, of course, the more you explain some things, the darker the impression will be, and it may even lead to worse guesses.

Sheng Xia just smiled and said: "This is just the company's arrangement."

"Miss Shengxia can't explain it?" Obviously, she said that the company's arrangement was too light, so she wanted to push everything away. Those reporters were not willing to let her go like this, even if her speech just now was very convincing force.

"This is indeed the company's arrangement." Wang Jue, the agent standing beside her, stood up at this time and explained: "Since the beginning of this year, the company has made some adjustments to the personal assistants of its artists. Not only Sheng Xia, but also the assistants around other artists It's also changed."

In addition to Sheng Xia, she has two other bigger brands, and they have more personal assistants around them.It is not uncommon to change one every two or three months. She said that she is not afraid of reporters to investigate.

As for the wicked, it is naturally up to him to be the one.

So Wang Jue presented another piece of evidence in public to prove that Xiao Lan's suicide was a show, and the purpose was to use Midsummer to help her boyfriend Wang Mingkai hype.Yes, that murderer and showman is Wang Mingkai.He is from the same town as Xiaolan, and the two met on the set.

Maybe he came into contact with Xiaolan for a purpose from the very beginning. After all, after so many years in this circle, there are only walk-on characters everywhere. These people really want to be famous and want to be crazy.

After Wang Jue's analysis, and with the evidence in hand, everyone also "suddenly realized" that Wang Mingkai's previous words were full of loopholes.

The atmosphere of the scene changed suddenly, and then several celebrities and directors in the industry who had a positive image and had a good relationship with Sheng Xia came to the stage to testify about Sheng Xia's usual behavior, expressing their support for her, including Su Fan and Sheng Xia. Gu Lan, the situation suddenly turned around.

(End of this chapter)

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