good morning little wife

Chapter 541 Let’s start again in midsummer, shall we

Chapter 541 Let’s start again in midsummer, shall we (2)
Sheng Xia has never seen Yan Jue like this, as if he really cares about herself.Yes, I must care about it. If tens of millions are lost in silent exchange for her innocence, and her name is not counted, then the snake just now—he originally planned to let it bite him, he was sacrificing his own life Save herself, can she still doubt it?
She was lying in his arms, and his heartbeat could be heard in her ears, so frantic and without rhythm, why did he ever do this?

Sheng Xia looked up at his tense jawline, and really wanted to say that she was fine, so that he wouldn't be so nervous.But the eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, and the moment his lips are lifted, his eyes are plunged into darkness.

"Midsummer!" Yan Jue roared upon seeing this.

At this time, he had already returned to the shore, and those people were shocked by the sound, and they saw his grief-stricken appearance.Seeing this, the medical staff who were busy bandaging the victim's wound rushed over.

"Put her on the ground and lie flat." The doctor said to Yan Jue in English.

Only then did he regain his senses, and quickly put Sheng Xia on the ground.

She had a wound on her leg, and the blood had already stained the white dressing cloth, and the doctor went to check the wound there first.

Yan Jue quickly said, "She was bitten by a snake."

The doctor was leaning over to examine Sheng Xia. Hearing Yan Jue's words and following his instructions, he frowned slightly when he saw the mark of being bitten by a snake on the back of his neck.

"How is my wife?" Seeing that he hadn't spoken for a while, Yan Jue finally couldn't help asking.

The doctor did not answer immediately, but conducted a more detailed examination, and then comforted Yan Jue in English, saying: "Sir, don't worry, this snake should not be poisonous."

Yan Jue finally heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and looked at Midsummer on the ground.Her clothes were crumpled, her hair was messed up, and her face was bloodless.The sea breeze was blowing his well-trimmed black hair, but the corners of his thin lips evoked a smile uncontrollably, and there was an impulse to cry with joy in his chest

She is fine.

She's all right, that's great!
The chest is full of joy, filled with the superposition of these words.

At this moment, he is not the aloof Yan Shao in E City, he is not the Yan Jue who is always arrogant in front of Sheng Xia, he is just an ordinary man.

Because Midsummer is fine, Little Fruit is fine, but baby is fine, everyone he cares about is fine, what could be more pleasing news than this?Even if he traded the whole world for him, he would not agree...

-- Divider --

All victims were picked up from the island by government boats and resettled.Yan Jue also directly sent Sheng Xia to the hospital for examination and treatment, and did a detailed examination again, including the physical and mental conditions of the two children.

As expected, Lin Guo and Lin were well protected, and it was almost impossible to see that they had experienced such a disaster.As for Sheng Xia, apart from the fact that the snake that bit her was not poisonous, fortunately, the injury to her leg was only a skin injury, not a bone injury, so it was not serious.

But she never woke up, which made Yan Jue very worried.

The doctor told him with certainty that Sheng Xia was just too tired.From the collision and disintegration of the hull, everyone drifted on the sea, all the way to the deserted island.It is still difficult for the victim to protect herself, let alone a woman who protects her two children unscathed.No one can understand the tension and fear she experienced in the past two days and nights.

Although she has been sleeping soundly and peacefully, Yan Jue still feels that the environment of the hospital is too chaotic, especially many victims are in this hospital.The two children couldn't get enough rest, so they took them home directly.

(End of this chapter)

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