good morning little wife

Chapter 551 Sweet Date

Chapter 551 Sweet Date (4)
This woman should have been his wife. Even if she is not only a full-time wealthy wife, she should also make a big splash in the field she likes and is good at. Undoubtedly, he thinks the best thing is the shopping mall. All her thoughts and energy.

But he divorced her, and she embarked on this path.

Even though Yan Jue had thousands of reluctances in his heart, but after choosing and recognizing her, he still had to recognize her.Because it's not just as simple as showing her face, as she said, she is now a star and a household name.

After returning to China, if they want to have a date or have a family dinner, they will not be as comfortable as they are here.

"Yan Jue, this drama was signed a long time ago. Whether it's being a person or doing something, we have to start and finish." She said.

He understood the truth, she was just telling him that she couldn't get out completely now.Not only did she have a contract with the company, Wang Jue also spent too much energy on her.

Yan Jue understood it in his heart, but understanding is one thing, understanding is another.But even though he couldn't understand, he had already learned to respect and accept, so he sighed helplessly, hugged her into his arms, and said, "I really want to hide you in my pocket and take her with me wherever I go."

Pfft, that tone is so childish!
-- Divider --

Three days later, they finally packed their luggage and returned to M City by special plane with their two babies.

The plane landed, looking at the familiar street scene outside the porthole.

However, the scene of being away for less than a month actually gave people a feeling of a lifetime away.

When Sheng Xia returned to M City, he was already fully armed. Yan Jue took the two children off the plane first, and left the airport in the car that picked them up.It took half an hour for Sheng Xia to come out of the VIP passage and get into another car parked outside the airport.We can't blame them for being too cautious, mainly because the current media's sense of smell is too sensitive.

Since I haven't seen Gao Jie for a long time, the first stop was to go to the apartment she bought before.Yan Jue took the two treasures up and rang the doorbell, it was the Aunt Wang who opened the door for them.

"Did Sheng Xia and the two babies come back?" Gao Jie hurriedly ran out of the kitchen and asked.

"Grandma!" After all, the two babies were raised by themselves. Seeing that Gao Jie was still very close, they immediately rushed forward and hugged her legs.

Gao Jie's legs were already healed, and there was no problem with her movements at all. She squatted down and hugged them and kissed them again and again. I really wanted to kill her.

At this time, Assistant Zhu brought in some gift boxes, but found that his boss was still blocked at the door.

It was only then that Gao Jie noticed Yan Jue, and he said, "Midsummer won't arrive until a while later, this is a gift she brought to you, and she specially told you to."

Gao Jie naturally knew that Sheng Xia's mother, son, mother and daughter were abroad this time, and had always been accompanied by him. Even if Sheng Xia didn't say anything, he could still hear a thing or two during the video call with the two babies.

It's just because of all the previous things, the mood is complicated for a while.

"Grandma, grandma, Mom and Dad picked out the gift together. Dad said he should honor you well." Lin Guoran said while tugging at the corner of her clothes.

I have to say that Lin is really a villain, and he can't wait to ask for credit for his father in this matter.

Gao Jie rubbed her head and smiled, then remembered to invite Yan Jue in, and said, "Come in quickly."

Yan Jue nodded slightly and entered the door.

Gao Jie really loved the two children. Since they entered the door, they took out all the things they made in the kitchen.Lin really gave the most face, when Sheng Xia entered the door, her stomach was full.

(End of this chapter)

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