Chapter 4 Qamdo to Jiangda

General Zhao Erfeng, the commander of our army, heard the news that the Tibetan soldiers had arrived at Enda, so he rushed to the horse and personally led the officers and soldiers of the five battalions of the frontier defense army, and rushed to Qamdo from Gengqing day and night.All our troops in Qamdo gathered on the east bank of the Sichuan Bridge to meet the general.Although the border guards at that time belonged to the old-fashioned army, they had followed General Zhao for many years, fought north and south, and crossed the plateau and desert to enter the border for a long time.Generally, officers and soldiers in the army are physically strong.It is not uncommon to march a hundred and twenty miles in a day.On this day, I went out with the large army and waited for a long time on the river bank before I slowly saw the large group of people galloping down from the mountains and valleys on the other side of the river.An officer next to him was talking, and he pointed to the last rider on horseback. The military uniform was different from the rest of the soldiers, and he wore a purple war robe. He said that this man was General Zhao Erfeng, who was so powerful in the desert.When the group of people started to cross the bridge, we all saluted. General Zhao rode past in front of the large group without looking back.I stared at his figure carefully, and felt that the general's appearance was slightly different from that in Chengdu.Maybe it's because when he was the governor of Sichuan, his hair was already slightly gray, and he looked like he was just in his early 50s, but today, his hair is covered with frost and snow, and his beard and hair are all white.We stood for a long time, despite the harsh wind, but our bodies couldn't help shaking. General Zhao was seventy years old, but he was sitting upright on his horse with his military uniform, and his face was radiant.The cold wind blew away the purple-red shirt on his body, exposing the muscles inside, but the general didn't flinch in the slightest.I am afraid that there is no other person in the world with such a vigorous and vigorous spirit.

On the same day, Zhong Ying led the troops, Biaotong and Guan, to visit the bank account set up by General Zhao.We didn't end the meeting until midnight and went back to our respective tents.One of the personal bodyguards, who was with Lin Xiumei, came back on horseback first and told me: "General Zhao seems to think that your last adventurous trip to Lazuo was suspected of being greedy for success and missing opportunities, and you may be beheaded! You What should I do?" I asked him, "Lin Guandai is at the side, how did you answer?" The bodyguard said, "Guan Dai is silent." I was surprised, so I fidgeted, and when Lin Xiumei came back, I asked him again. He just said: "General Zhao will order you to meet tomorrow morning, and you will know when the time comes." After finishing speaking, he refused to say another word.I thought to myself, anyway, I was ordered by my superiors at the time, and I was a prisoner of the Tibetan soldiers, and I suffered a lot of injuries. The matter should be very clear. Get a good night's sleep.I got up the next day, washed up in a hurry, and went out to see Zhao Erfeng, but just as I stepped out of the door, there was Wu Bian, one of Zhao Erfeng's subordinates, who took me there with the order of the commander in chief, and I followed him.

When I walked into General Zhao's camp, I saw several other generals Zhong Ying and Liu Shaoqing from the Army Food Mansion had already stood in the house.Seeing me coming, he pointed at my face and scolded me for taking the risk of going to Lazuo. He was greedy for merit and insulted the prestige due to a large army, and warned me that I would be dealt with by military law.Zhong Ying and Liu Shaoqing hurried forward beside me, pleading for me.General Zhao was still angry, and at this juncture, I knew that my life was at stake, so I didn't care about what Lin Guandai said about this matter last night, so I said generously to the general: "Whether this big crime is true or not, everyone They all knew it well. As for me personally, I at least obeyed the order to go. Although unfortunately I was captured by others, the Tibetans were still able to treat each other with courtesy and sent us all the way back. I also took the opportunity to publicize the approaching army as much as possible. After working, the Tibetan army actually retreated three days later—I dare not say what is my fault and how much credit I have for this, but I hope you, Commander, can make it clear!" After I finished speaking, I bowed my head and said nothing more.

Zhong Ying stood aside, and repeatedly explained and excused me.General Zhao's expression softened a little, and he began to question everyone in detail about the whole story of the order.He also asked Lin Xiumei if she really knew the beginning and end of the matter.At this time, I opened my mouth to tell the truth again, and pointed out that the Military Food Office still had the official documents written by Lin Guandai at that time as evidence.The general asked about the situation one by one, and then sent someone to take official documents to verify.In the end, he directed all the scolding at Lin Xiumei, and asked him a few questions. Xiumei was speechless. General Zhao was furious, and immediately ordered his guards to step forward, confiscated the weapons he was carrying, and ordered him to take off his military uniform , and immediately wrote a letter of resignation at the desk, and the position of the supervisor was replaced by me, so I had no choice but to remain silent.

A wise man in the past said: If you lose your horse, you will know that it is not a blessing.However, such a disaster turned into a blessing like what I experienced when I was in Qamdo, it is too strange, not to mention that there is an expert who secretly protects and leads, there are more strange things than me, I know there is another pieces.There was an officer in the army, Zhang Hongsheng from Anhui, with a treacherous personality. At first, he followed Zhao Erfeng and served as the border military commander, but was later dismissed due to incidents and deposed back to Sichuan.This person defected to Zhong Ying's army again.When Zhong Ying went to Tibet, Zhang Hongsheng was appointed as the engineering battalion management leader. In fact, it was a false name and had no actual military power.This person thinks about it day and night, and wants to be a Bubiao camp leader, but suffers from no suitable opportunity.When I was captured in Lazuo that time, the news spread to everyone. There was an officer who was close to Hongsheng, and he was General Zhao Erfeng's entourage. Together with Lin Xiumei, the three of them got together and discussed this matter. Sheng actually harbored a ulterior motive, and urged Lin Guandai to say: "As far as I know, the commander-in-chief has a violent personality. If you have anything to ask you face to face, you'd better pretend to be confused, just pretend that you don't know. In his shogunate, there are my brothers who are worshiping you." , at that time, if there is anything he needs to say in front of the general, he will definitely consider it for you first, so you don’t have to worry about it.” Lin Xiumei actually believed his words, and when General Zhao really came, she blamed my actions for damaging the army’s reputation , asked Lin Xiumei, but the latter remained silent, pretending not to hear.General Zhao was furious for a moment.At this time, when Zhang Hongsheng was looking at the situation, he saw Fu Huafeng, the general's confidant, who seemed to be on my side, arguing for me, and immediately turned to criticize Lin Xiumei with bitter words, intending to take Xiumei's position Instead.His purpose at that time was not for me at all. On the other hand, Fu Huafeng was an old friend of Zhang. Seeing Zhang's emotional intensity, he made more efforts to report Lin Xiumei's negligence and dereliction of duty in front of the general.By this time, General Zhao himself had been confused, so when he sent me, he really wanted to find out.Unexpectedly, the development of the situation went in a direction that Zhang Hongsheng didn't want to see. As a result, the forest management belt was dismissed, and I was promoted to an official position instead.Zhang Hongsheng hadn't had time to manage any tricks, the general issued a written order, and the matter could not be changed.Of course Zhang Hongsheng had no choice but to hang his head down, thinking he was unlucky.On my side, I really narrowly escaped death, a blessing in disguise.The sinister intentions of people in the world often have pitiful and ridiculous results.

The next morning, I was respectful again, thanked the general for his trust in me, and presented the documents that Khenpo asked me to bring back.I waited a long time in the tent.General Zhao just came out to see me and warned me: "Your adventure is going deep this time. Of course you have more courage, but from now on, you are already in an important position. You should be more cautious in everything and keep working hard, otherwise you will be let down again in the future." I'll find a chance to kill you." After saying that, he looked at me with piercing eyes, making people daunting.

General Zhao asked me to draw up a plan for advancing troops as soon as possible because I understood the situation of the Tibetan troops ahead.After I was ordered to return to the tent, I discussed with Zhong Ying and other generals and drew up a rough battle plan.First, the Sichuan Army marched forward to expel the Tibetan soldiers stationed in Enda. The marching route still took the Leiwuqi and 39 tribes, and then left Lali from there.The rest of the frontier guards all went straight to Larry from Enda Avenue.This is the first step in the plan for the whole army to fight.The second step is to wait for the two armies on the Sichuan side to join forces with Larry, and then it will depend on the specific situation of the Tibetan army.And draw the planned route and marching position into drawings, mark the details, and submit them to the general for decision.The general immediately agreed to our plan, and ordered the whole army to set off early in the morning the day after tomorrow.Zhong Ying ordered me to take the lead with the first troops, followed by the larger troops.After the plan was finalized, the whole army announced that they would rest for a day and set off on the road at dawn the next day.

On the first day of the march, we spent the night at the foot of Mount Lazuo, where all the residents had fled.I know there must be someone hiding in the mountains not far away.So he ordered his soldiers to separate routes and search carefully, and found several Tibetan residents.Asking them, they said that there are still Tibetan troops stationed in Linduoba ahead, and some of them are guarding the head of the Bingda bridge.So I thought: "The Tibetan soldiers don't have the strength to resist. Khenpo Tendup himself is not the one who leads the troops to fight. Why are the troops still stationed now? Maybe it's because General Zhao Erfeng didn't reply. There is still a wait-and-see? Or, there is another one." The reason is that he wants to keep a small force to cover the safe retreat of his large force? No matter what the situation is, the two armies are always close at hand, and it is better to be careful." Then he thought about the open terrain around Linduoba, where he could attack easy.It's just the Bingda bridge that must be passed.The bank is high and the river is wide, guarded by Tibetan soldiers, like a natural danger, it is not easy to capture.Suddenly I remembered that when I was a prisoner not long ago, I went in and out of this bridge and observed it carefully.I saw that four or five miles upstream of the bridge, the river was frozen and it was possible to wade in vain.For our army to attack, it is best to make an illusion of a frontal feint.Then send another main force to transition from the river, which is easy to work.The idea was made, that night, the moon was as bright as day, and when we set off at the fourth watch, the ground was covered with dazzling green snow and frost.A group of soldiers in a feint attack approached the edge of the bridge, and saw Tibetan soldiers on the bridge from a distance, panicking like they were frightened.I personally led three small teams with a gun and smuggled across the ice from the upper reaches of the river.At this time, at dawn, our soldiers charged into the sky.The Tibetan soldiers immediately scattered and fled.Our army took advantage of the victory to pursue, but no soldiers dared to resist along the way.With little effort, they chased to the vicinity of Linduo Dam.At this time, all the Tibetan soldiers stationed there came out to fight, and our troops were still divided into two wings to attack.The battle lasted for about two hours, and our left-wing army had occupied the mountain behind Linduo Dam.Attacking back and forth, the Tibetan soldiers finally collapsed one after another.Because I suspected that the base camp of the Tibetan army was not far ahead, and the terrain was relatively complicated, and there might be desperate battles along the way, I immediately gathered my troops and searched and advanced in sections.When I got close to Enda, Ye Menglin, the messenger of Enda, came to me from a mountain path and said, "The Tibetan army has retreated to the south for about two hours." So our troops calmed down. Stationed in Enda, set up a cordon, camped nearby, and waited for further orders from the rear. In this battle, more than 40 Tibetan soldiers were killed.Our army only injured two platoon leaders, nine soldiers were killed and 17 were injured.

In the early morning of the next day, I sent someone to deliver the good news to Qamdo, and received an order from the military department, asking me to lead the army to reach Enda tomorrow, and follow the original plan to divert to Leiwuqi and the 39th tribe.

Starting from Enda, the troops marched northward, and the season was already in the middle of the cold winter in December. The colder the weather, the heavier the snow and ice along the way, and the steep mountains, it was very difficult for every officer and soldier to walk.The place we are going to pass is called Leiwuqi. It turns out that it is in the midst of thousands of mountains. The surrounding vast and undulating mountains all originate from the world-famous Tanggula Mountains. It winds from the northwest to the south. There are many branches.From the day our army marched forward, there was not a single day in the army that was not covered in snow to climb mountains, walking in the ice and snow caves during the day, and sleeping in the wilderness and snow at night.The soldiers' quilts were thin, and every day when it was dark, the ruthless wind and snow blinded their eyes, making everyone shiver from the cold, and they finally hid in the tents and lay down, but there was no heat in their bodies. Tossing and turning, moaning in their respective sleeping places.In the middle of the night, it was too cold to sleep, so everyone had to get up, sit around the stove, and wait for dawn like this.So the next day, we decided to change the marching method and simply set off by the moonlight.Get on the road early at [-] o'clock in the morning.Not long after the journey, we climbed a mountain, which was so high and steep that we couldn't see the top of the mountain when we looked up.We put the horses and ox carts in front, and the soldiers followed closely behind. As soon as we reached the halfway up the mountain, we suddenly encountered a large herd of cattle fighting on the top of the mountain.The equipment and luggage on the cow fell one after another, and the soldiers couldn't avoid it for a while, and more than a dozen people were injured.Fortunately, I was still walking at the foot of the mountain at that time. Seeing that the situation was not good, I immediately found an open-air shabby house to hide in, and escaped the catastrophe.

From the departure of the Dajianlu large troop to the present, it is stipulated that each class of prepared wounded and sick should ride one horse. After arriving in Leiwuqi, it was freezing cold, and the horse riding time was a little longer. Immediately, both feet froze. The pain is unbearable.Therefore, those who ride horses with the army must walk a few miles at the beginning of the day to warm up before they can mount the horse.Immediately sit for an hour at most, and then have to get down, and then move the muscles and bones of the legs.However, there were also some soldiers who thought they were cunning and smart, and asked for a horse to ride on the pretext that they were not feeling well and could not walk.Once I got on the horse, no matter how cold the wind was, I refused to get off. I was afraid that other patients would compete for the horse. I rode on the horse from morning to night, my feet swelled from the cold, and I lost consciousness.In this way, they are even more unwilling to dismount and walk.After repeating it for three days, the leg swelled and festered, and it became disabled, and I couldn't walk even if I wanted to.What was said to be ill before has also become a real illness.There was no medical care during the march, and he could not be left to rest. Slowly, he developed frostbite all over his body, and died miserably on the way. Soldiers who died in such a strange way can be found everywhere in a few days.It is so pitiful!The cattle and horses along the way were often delayed, so after walking for more than 39 days, the troops finally reached the territory of the [-] tribes.When arriving at the destination, each soldier's hair grew an inch longer than before.Everyone looked disheveled, and some people tied up their long hair with a handkerchief, dragged it behind, and staggered, but they didn't look like a complete person.Fan Yukun, the clerk of the battalion, in his fifties, is a well-known bearded beard. He bought a fox fur scarf. One day, the troops left early, the snow was heavy, and the icy wind shattered the bones. Yukun sat on the horse, For a long time, I buried my head and necked my neck, and hurried forward.Halfway along the way, there is a small post station set up by Tibetan officials, who serve tea juice boiled with lit cow dung as entertainment.When we got there, we all dismounted and prepared to rest. Yukun also wanted to take off the fox fur on his neck and get off the horse, but he didn't know that after bowing his head for a long time, the fox fur and the skin and hair on his neck had frozen together. opened.He tried again and again, but screamed in pain, and the people around him were stunned by this scene for a moment...

The 39 ethnic groups (Tibetan name: Jiade) span thousands of miles, but the population is only 10,000+. According to legend, they are the descendants of the 39 Miao descendants left behind when Nian Gengyao conquered Tibet. It would not be as prosperous as it is today.I'm afraid, if we really want to count it, we should count it back to the Tang Dynasty. During the heyday of Tubo, the two princesses Wencheng and Jincheng were married to Tibet successively. Could it be the Han race left over from that time?In any case, Tibet was still very friendly to the Han people in peaceful times, so General Zhao decided to take this path for Zhong Ying's troops, lest the cattle and horses be missing and there would be no place to replenish them.

The 39 people are located in the northwest of Qamdo, the climate is extremely cold, even colder than the Leiwuqi place we came all the way, and there are many mountains and mountains.Every mountain peak seems to rise straight into the sky, and the snow on the top of the mountain is as bright as a pile of silver.Even on the flat ground where I usually walk, the snow is more than one foot deep.I tried to ask a lama on the road, when does it snow in this place of the 39 tribes every year?The lama said: "About July and August, the mountains began to condense snow, and in September and October, the snow fell to the halfway up the mountain. In the cold winter, there was snow everywhere. And it kept falling. As for those mountain tops The snow on the snow has never melted for tens of thousands of years..." The rare animals produced in the snow mountain include snow maggots and snow pigs;

From Enda to the north, we marched for more than a month before we arrived at Lali. That day was already on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month.Larry is a famous Sichuan-Tibet post road.In ancient times, there was an interrogator, which was under the jurisdiction of the Sichuan border troops, and later a military food office was added.Therefore, there are many Han people living there, and everyone feels very cordial when they meet in different places.I myself also paid a visit to a local general manager of the military ration office surnamed Deng. The conversation was very pleasant, and the general manager Deng even specially set up wine and food to clean up the dust for me.The dishes are also very rich, and they are all dishes that I have never tasted in the past 50 days.At the wine table, I also inquired about the situation of the Tibetan army in detail, and said that the Tibetan army had already traveled a full five days from here.However, it is said that the leader of the Tibetan army, Tendrup Khenpo, has not come here yet, at least he has not passed by here.It was also reported that he had diverted his route back to Lhasa by the south road, but no one knew exactly which situation it was.When I was full of food and drink, I bid farewell to Director Deng and returned to the army. Just as General Zhong Ying's order arrived, we were all required to go to Jiangda to stand by.But I stayed, because I had to change to a new batch of horses, so I had to set off one day later than the main team.

In the middle of the night of this day, I received a notification from the military department: After the Tibetan army retreated to Jiangda, the first group of about 2000 people had already stood firm on the bank of the Wusi River, 3000 miles away from Lhasa.The other part, about [-] people, retreated to Gongbu, and their leader, Khenpo, was indeed still lagging behind.The Tibetan army seems to have to wait until their leader, Khenpo, arrives in Jiangda before putting on strict guard and so on.Because of the tense situation on the battlefield, I immediately sent someone to urge the Army Food Office to prepare the necessary horses before noon tomorrow, so that we can set off early the next morning.

At this time, the annual Chinese festival: New Year's Eve, and the Spring Festival is approaching, so I took advantage of the spare day to go shopping for some wine and meat, and reward the soldiers around me.For the first time in my life, I was born in a mother's womb, and I spent a New Year in such a high-altitude, snow-covered and bitterly cold place all day long.I also invited some of the remaining officials to meet at breakfast, and after the meal, I checked the cattle and horses needed, but they were not delivered.When I got there, I saw more than a dozen Tibetans sitting cross-legged on the ground in the hall of the Junliang Mansion. Director Deng led several other Tibetan officials, standing in front of them with solemn expressions.I knew I was busy, so I just chatted around and stood up in the hall to watch.I saw the leader of the Tibetans holding the Buddha statue that Tibetans worshiped all the year round, whispering to the kneeling worshipers, and after a long time, went up and touched everyone's heads with the Buddha statue one by one. Ask and answer.A person who looks like a clerk is recording by his side.After a long time, the crowd dispersed.After everyone left, Director Deng came back to his senses and asked me to sit down.He smiled and asked me: "Do you know what's going on?" I didn't know, so I asked him, and he replied: "Isn't it just for the horses needed by your army? Because the Tibetans nearby know in their hearts that they The Chinese army just passed here not long ago, the supply has already been exceeded, and the remaining cattle and horses are extremely tired, so they have been evading and refusing to hand them in. I had no choice but to discuss with a few Tibetan officials and ask carefully one by one. I know that Tibetans generally believe in Buddhism. I ordered them to swear in front of the Buddha and tell the truth. Sure enough, no one dared to hide it anymore. You come now just in time for their oath to end. Counting the total number, there are more than 200 horses more than what we asked for, and God bless us—"

After listening to this speech, I admire Director Deng's management thinking very much.You must know that Tibetans who believe in Buddhism are far more devout and hard-working than Westerners who believe in Christianity.

When I returned to the barracks from the military ration mansion, it was getting late, so I immediately sat down with the battalion staff to drink and celebrate the New Year's Eve, celebrating this traditional festival of the Chinese people, and imitating the mainlanders to eat a New Year's Eve dinner.Just after eating, there was a sudden gunshot from the rear of the barracks. The gunfire was very urgent. As I was asking what happened, a messenger stood at attention and reported: "Tibetan soldiers have invaded! Captain Yu has led the team to go." I hastened Assemble your troops and prepare for battle.I got another report: "The Tibetan soldiers have retreated, and the team officer Yu was wounded and killed!" I was shocked, and then my subordinates brought a Tibetan prisoner. Commanding Khenpo and his guards.Ever since Enda escaped in the battle, this Khenpo ran for his own life regardless of the life and death of his own troops, and wanted to find a way to detour back to Lhasa. Yesterday he heard that my troops were stationed here, so he hurriedly wanted to meet Unexpectedly, the sentry of our army misunderstood him and shot at him, which led to the fuss just now.After learning about this situation, I immediately realized the importance of Khenpo, and it was not appropriate to let him go immediately, so I hurriedly asked someone to invite him over.Before Khenpo came, I asked the prisoner some more information. He said that after the team officer heard suspicious movements, he led his non-commissioned officers out and saw Tibetan soldiers from a distance. He immediately dispersed and started fighting randomly.At this time, Captain Yu was still riding a horse.Commanding everyone to move forward, his mount was frightened, and he rushed straight out of the skirmish line, but was accidentally shot by his own men. The situation was very pitiful.Captain Yu was a student and had never been in actual combat. When he heard that there was an enemy situation, he would inevitably panic. That's why General Zhao always looked down on officers and soldiers who were students.After a while, Khenpo, the leader of the Tibetan army whom we had dealt with under more special circumstances before, arrived, and the two sides met. I also tried my best to entertain him and secretly asked my subordinates to pass the news to the military headquarters. .In the end, I went to the rear of the barracks to take care of the funeral of the team officer. It was very late, and the matter was over. I was also extremely tired, so I went to the battalion headquarters and fell asleep.

Before dawn the next day, I got up early and made a room for the coffin of the unfortunate Captain Yu.Then he led all the officers and soldiers to hold a burial ceremony as decent as possible for him in silence.After the funeral, he and Khenpo Dengzhu set off together with the main force. They walked for two days and arrived at Ningduotang.This day happened to be the first day of the new year, and the place where we lived was a barren mountain, and we couldn't even find a place where we could pitch a tent without being forced.It is really wild and wild, and it just happens to be such a festive season. When I look back at my home mountain, I feel full of emotions. I reluctantly sit down, get some wine and meat, and ask the officers and soldiers to have a drink.On the fifth day, we set off early in the morning and arrived at Jiangda at three o'clock in the afternoon.The local garrison general Wu Baolin led all his generals, Tibetan officials, lamas and more than 100 people out to welcome us.Jiangda has always been a famous town in Tibet, with temples and dwellings, there are four to five hundred households, and there are all kinds of goods in the market.Since the Tibetan army dispatched troops, it has been devastated and the streets have been washed away.On the day we arrived, the street market there was already a desolate and desolate scene.The next day, three other battalions of the Sichuan Frontier Defense Army marched here.We stayed in Jiangda, and the army rested for more than ten days. We communicated with General Wu Baolin almost every day.He is from Chengdu. He has been in Tibet for more than 80 years. There is still an old mother in her 50s who is still alive. Paulin misses his old mother every day and misses going back to his hometown, but he has been suffering from no chance. Just a sad expression.One day, he begged me so hard that if he had a suitable opportunity in the future, he would take care of him and get him a small errand, as long as it was convenient for him to go back to Sichuan, or he could go back often for a visit, nothing else.Everyone who happened to be celebrating the Chinese New Year felt a little melancholy and lost, and invited each other to drink and get some food and wine to relieve their worries. I was also called to his house by Wu Baolin, saying that I had some pasta, all of which were made by his wife The cook does it for us.Baolin's wife was in her [-]s at the time and had lived in Tibet for a long time. All the pasta, steamed buns, and pancakes she made were better than those made by local Tibetans. Five divided by two, it was already steaming hot immediately, and it was brought to the table, which made me very moved and unforgettable.

On the eighth day after I led the troops to Jiangda, I received a top-secret order specially sent by the command, ordering me to quickly execute the accompanying Khenpo on the spot.So on the ninth night, in the middle of the night, I carried out this order.I think the meaning of the headquarters is probably: Khenpo occupies a high position, and in the entire political and religious circles of Tibet, he can be regarded as a second-rank monk official at any rate. The Dalai Lama has always regarded him highly.At that time, the Dalai Lama himself had fled to Darjeeling, India, and took refuge with the British.If the Khenpo is released, there may be troubles in the future, and he should be executed publicly, probably because he is afraid of disturbing the Tibetan government and the public, and giving the Dalai Lama a pretext for future rebellion. Such a difficult situation, I have to bear it on my behalf.

Last year, when our army arrived in Qamdo, the Dalai Lama had already returned to Lhasa. At the beginning, he continued to increase his troops to resist, and repeatedly asked the British army for help. The matter was not over yet, or in other words, the progress he hoped to achieve had not yet been reached. Our troops are out Larry.Now, the Dalai Lama panicked and hurriedly invited Wen Zongyao, the deputy minister stationed by the Qing Dynasty at that time, to a meeting to discuss it.However, the Dalai Lama was still full of doubts, and finally one day, he absconded to India.When Zhong Ying led a large force to Jiangda, the Tibetan soldiers stationed along the Wusi River had also retreated.The situation of Gongbu is unknown, but it is said that King Bianjue Duoji, the king of Tibet, also brought thousands of troops with him, attempting to hold out in the area of ​​Wojungaga.Based on this situation, the High Command ordered our department to immediately move into the work cloth without stopping, and attack with cameras.

When I was still stationed in Jiangda, I already knew that the Shazha Kalon had arrived in Houzang, and there were no Tibetan soldiers in Gongbu area.But when I was ordered to advance into the work cloth, I still ordered my officers and soldiers to proceed carefully and advance on guard.The weather was clear on this day, and the scenery along the way was pleasant. At one o’clock in the afternoon, the team arrived in Yapi, and I went to a small mountain to stay at the home of a local battalion officer in Yapi.There are tall and simple buildings in that place.All decorations are magnificent.Spread a layer of ghee on the floor, and the light can be seen.The surrounding windows are bright and clean.The furnishings are quaint and exquisite, and when I live in it, I feel like I am in the palace of a prince and aristocrat.Behind the building, there is a big river, the river beach is very shallow, the water flow is gentle, there is a sandbar in the middle, and there are dozens of wild ducks swimming in the waterfront. All these scenes make people return to the mainland in a trance.A few days ago, the battalion officer of the Yapi Camp went to Lhasa on business and hadn’t arrived home yet. His housekeeper came out to entertain us here, and everything was very attentive. Seeing me leaning against the window for a long time looking out, he asked me with a smile: "The fish in this river are very delicious, and you can make rare delicacies. You have come from a long way, and you probably haven't known the delicacy of fish for a long time along the way?" He said, and immediately called his servants to catch fish in the river. fish.Seeing this, I also smiled and replied: "Don't you catch fish from this river?" The steward immediately said: "Of course! Of course. What you saw, sir, is just a mountain stream. In addition, this river is wide and deep, and the source is long and fast, so you don’t have to worry about the fish.” Although I don’t particularly like fish, I also like to watch people catch fish, so I agreed Soon, I saw several Tibetans carrying fishing nets down the river and laying out the nets in shallow water. After a while, I saw fish scales shimmering in the nets, and even big fish jumped from the water and fell into the air. The embrace of the fisherman, "Okay, they caught it." The butler said from the side, this idyllic scene immediately refreshed my body and mind after I had been in the barren mountains for a long time.

It has been more than half a year since I left Sichuan with the army. The world I see every day is so desolate and precipitous. Sometimes the mountains are covered with snow, and sometimes the ground is solid with ice. In addition to the harsh plateau weather, the wind is howling all day long, making me sad. For the first time, there is very little time to settle down, take a little rest, and think about some pleasing things in the world.Once you live in the beautiful mansion of Yapi Yingguan, all of a sudden the buildings will appear, and the scenery will be completely changed.My body, mind, and vision couldn't get used to it for a while, and I felt like a savage who had lived in the mountains for a long time.The so-called: enter the solemn painting building with the body of the wind and dust.Although it is very refreshing.Deep down in my heart, I feel ashamed and depressed from time to time.The more attentive the master was, the more I felt my heart beating and my face blush.At the banquet that night, there were really many expensive delicacies from mountains and seas.According to the housekeeper, they were all obtained from Lhasa.The most delicious, I think, was the pasta that night, all handmade by Tibetan women with exquisite skills.When making it, I only rely on a one-foot-sized square board, and it is done in an instant. It is not like the place where noodles are eaten in the inland, where there are several tables and knives and sticks.

The woman who is the owner here has a slim waist like a willow, a face as pink as a hibiscus, and a light eyebrow, which makes people fall in love at first sight.For a while, I am afraid that the beautiful concubine Ming in the court of the Han Dynasty was not as beautiful as her... Her husband, who is currently the Yapi battalion officer, returned home from Lhasa a few days later.He is well-dressed, all in the costumes of people from the Tang Dynasty, and he speaks elegantly, without a trace of the habits of local people in Tibet.According to Tibetan customs, the eldest daughter of the family usually takes care of the housekeeping, and when she reaches a certain age, she recruits a man she likes as her husband.If he is the eldest son, he will marry another family and be his son-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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