Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 111: School Competition ...3 more

Chapter 111: School Competition (5)...3 more

"Suppressing monument magic weapon?"

Shen Wu frowned slightly, and asked suspiciously: "Are you sure it's a magic weapon, not a essence or a spirit treasure but... a magic weapon, or a magic weapon that suppresses the stele!"

"Let's take a look together?"

Su Che heard the interest in Xin Wu's words, and immediately invited her. ,

Even if she couldn't see the other person's expression at this moment, Shen Wu knew that this seductive man must have a smile on his lips, and he was extremely handsome.

"Then wait for me!"

Xin Wu began to count the number of cards she had won. At the beginning, she could still hear the slight sound of friction, but later on, the sound of friction was accompanied by the sound of breathing that gradually became thicker, with a feeling of being out of breath.

"1, 2, 3..." When she counted, Su Che's lips curled up and he also counted silently in his heart.

As time went by bit by bit, Xin Wu's patience suddenly faded away.

"Oh, it doesn't matter how many cards it has, as long as it can be promoted, it's fine - walk around, where are you talking about!"

"Hehe." Su Che chuckled softly, and praised her in a tone as if he was praising a child: "Well... counting to 12, not bad yo Xiao Wu, this time's patience actually exceeded 10."

The doting tone, the sexy and mellow voice, if it weren't for the content of this sentence, Shen Wu might have a feeling of floating in the clouds, but this is clearly a derogatory meaning that she is impatient.

"Su Che, you are looking for a fight!"


More than half of the first round of the big competition has passed.

Those who are not strong enough are eliminated early.

But someone discovered that [Cangshan Shenwu] was originally ranked first in the number of medals won, but was quickly squeezed out by [Lingxiaogu Chonghua].

After being squeezed out by Gu Chonghua, he was squeezed out by [Qiludian Yuan Xiao] not long after.

Everyone's eyes were on it all the time, and they immediately saw the change.

Just as they were about to discuss it, they discovered that the words [Cangshan Xinwu] dissipated again and reorganized into [Miaojiang Ancient Country, Yang Yuting. 】

"Oh, I finally made a bet and bet that Xin Wu won the first place. Why did she start to lose again?! My spirit stone!!!!"

"It's not just him, you can see that Cangshan Su Che's seat is also changing... Tsk, I don't know what happened inside, maybe the people in Cangshan have been besieged!"

While discussing, the position on the ranking changed again, causing people to exclaim again and again.

It turned out that just now, Xin Wu was directly squeezed out of the tenth place.

Fourth [Acacia Pie, Jiao Lingyan]

Fifth [Bi Luo Academy, Mo Hao]

Sixth [Contemplation without falsehood, Peacock Feather]

Seventh [Ruyi Building, Shi Hao]

Eighth [Nine Stars Square, Wen Renkai]

Ninth [Return to Yuanzong, Nie Can]

Tenth [Shanhaimen, Fang Yuan]

The rankings of Cangshan Shenwu and Su Che fell directly to the tenth place, which could not be displayed.

……what's the situation? !

That's someone from Dao Sect 48, who was squeezed out of the top ten?
Is it conveying a moral that Cangshan has fallen?

Although it was only the first round of the knockout round, Cangshan had always been at the top of the list in previous years, but this year, the Ling Xiao faction, who was the second child of Wannian, actually came to the top of the list?

Many cultivators onlookers had different thoughts and came up with such thoughts one after another. Even Wu Jingang, who came with Xin Wu, was a little confused, but when he saw someone looking at him furtively, his eyes widened like copper bells Go back directly.

The outside world has been in a mess.

And inside the stele.

Xin Wu and Su Che have been on their way without winning the medal.

On the way, Xin Wu asked Su Che a question.

"You mean that no one above Niegu on the weather list (Niegu, Yushen, Xuanling) can participate in the competition, and only those below the canopy on the princely list (Pigong, True Life, Huagai) can participate?"


Hearing Su Che's answer, she frowned even deeper.

"But after I came out of Maitreya's ruins, I heard from the senior brother that Na Gu Chonghua had reached the middle stage of cultivating gods a hundred years ago, and he was ranked second in the weather list at that time!"

 It's raining. It's raining.

(End of this chapter)

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