Chapter 116 Noisy (2 more)
A young man stepped out of the crowded street.

The man was wearing a blue taoist robe with the logo of Qilu Hall embroidered on his chest. The blood vessels under his skin could be clearly seen on his pale and sickly face. This synthesis is a very contradictory existence in itself.

Not only that, but his walking posture is also weird, the arc of his legs under the robe is very straight, as if there is a skeleton without flesh and blood hidden inside.

Xin Wu found that there were more than [-] Qilu Palace disciples standing behind the man, their faces were full of unwillingness or hatred, and the hatred in their eyes seemed to spark sparks at any time.

"What happened to my Cangshan disciple..."

Xin Wu frowned, and reflexively said, "Have you eaten your rice?!"

Yuan Xiao heard Shen Wu's first sentence and was about to sneer and sneer, but Xin Wu didn't give him time, and the latter sentence made him a little bit unresponsive!
Cangshan disciple's eyes lit up behind him, he began to applaud, and then he started to fight back, how comfortable he was.

Yang Fan was blunt and thoughtless, and followed suit: "That's right, Master Xin is right! ——Have you eaten your rice?"

Zhu Yu was a little more elegant, but just folded his arms and sneered: "It's really funny, why is my disciple from Cangshan so ungrateful?"

There is even one of the disciples who is the most vicious: "The mad dogs in Qilu Temple always come out to bite people, and I don't care if you can bite my Cangshan disciple. Don't break your dog's teeth!"

Yuan Xiao didn't care about the provocation of Cangshan disciples, and raised his hand to stop the people behind him from speaking,

"It is said that Fellow Daoist Xin sits down as Taoist Qingyu, and is also very senior in Cangshan."

Yuan Xiao tugged at the Taoist robe on his body, lifted the neckline to a higher place, and continued: "Cangshan Mountain is the yearning place for monks in the entire central region, and it is the head of the Taoist sect that has been extended for thousands of years... Cangshan, which monks yearn to worship,... but in the small world, they hide when they encounter strong ones, and grab them if they encounter them.

what is this?
This is the rule, even if Cangshan blatantly snatches your number plate from Qilu Hall, Yang Fan just stood up when he saw Yuan Xiao making a 'tsk tsk' sound...

"You think that when I say Cangshan disciples are unkind and unrighteous... I mean these things?"

"No no no!!"

"What I'm going to talk about is that Fellow Daoist Xin took away the magic weapon of the town monument without authorization, so that the small world can support everyone present before it collapses???... Hehe... The collapse of the space will cause space turbulence if you don't pay attention. will perish."

"May I ask, where are the monks who participated in the Grand Competition, and where are the lives of the disciples of many sects watching here?!"

"Aren't Cangshan disciples unkind and unrighteous?!"

When Yuan Xiao said this, he deliberately glanced at Gu Chonghua and others in front of Ling Xiao's building.Then he looked around again, carefully watching the expressions of the contestants from various forces, and then a stern look flashed in his eyes... Well, the more people come, the greater the effect achieved!

What he said was dry and impassioned.

Every sentence and every point is based on everyone present, which can easily resonate with others!
Next, let's see how these people react!
Regardless of Cangshan's current status, being hated by so many future mainstays of various factions is enough to drink a pot!

Although Master didn't tell me to do this, it is a fact that Shen Wu not only seized the treasure, but also destroyed the stele...

Now is the best time.

Yuan Xiao thought he was very smart, and looked forward to the reactions of everyone present.

But one second passed... two seconds passed... three seconds passed.

But wait for a word.


Su Che narrowed his long and narrow eyes slightly, and the golden light in his pupils flashed away.

Then, a ray of light appeared in front of Yuan Xiao and all Qiludian disciples, and a bone prison with a yellowish gleam descended from the sky, enclosing the group of Qiludian disciples.

 ps: Thank you [Hua Jie] for your reward...
  I went out to help my mother-in-law with shopping today, and I just wrote it when I came back. I’m sorry for the update, but you can come here no matter what you complain about. I love you...

(End of this chapter)

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