Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 121 Matching... The Strongest Enemy

Chapter 121 Matching... The Strongest Enemy

"There is also the rule that the extra monks will be promoted directly by bye, which is too..."

"...It's too casual."

Shen Wu also silently calculated: Cangshan disciples have 40 people, even if they play cards with 20 people from Hehuan Sect, there will be 20 more people, so the remaining 20 people are likely to match with other female cultivators.

According to a rough estimate based on the results of the first round of promotion, male cultivators accounted for more, which means that even if there is a direct bye, 100% of the promotions are male cultivators.

After Xin Wu told her calculation results, the Cangshan disciples who panicked thought that they might not be able to match female cultivators, only then figured out the huge benefits under the surface.

There are no female disciples to match, that's great, let's advance directly.

Then on the night of the second day, as soon as the Cangshan disciples had allocated their lineup, female cultivators from other sects came forward to strike up a conversation and ask for a combination.

Xin Wu also expected this result.

First: It is well known that Cangshan disciples are all male cultivators.

Second: Cangshan disciples are generally very strong.

Third: With the first and second points... Who the hell cares about the third point.

The [-] Cangshan disciples who could have been promoted smoothly couldn't help the female cultivators' various occasional encounters and showed cuteness, and they all agreed to it. Seeing this, Shen Wu, an elder, wanted to sigh: This is probably the happiest Cangshan disciple. at some point.

These disciples were given time to match, and in the early morning of the third day, many teams of male and female groups waited early in the square outside the forest of steles. It was not until the scorching sun was in the sky that the familiar scene appeared.

A huge lamp floated from the forest of steles to the square, and then the three wicks lit up one after another, blooming in brilliance.

"Auspicious lights come out!"

It was still the same voice echoing in the sky, like the echo of the empty valley, swaying in circles. After a long time, when the last word of the first sentence disappeared, the second sentence suddenly began:
"The second round of the big competition——start!!"

Xin Wu stood up from the ground, looking at the stone tablet that was close at hand, a strange look flashed across her face.

The second stele was the one that Xin Wu had seen a long time ago that looked like an LED scrolling display, with 26 English letters running across it like flowing water.

Although she could see it every day for three days after the first round, Xin Wu always felt that what she was facing was garbled codes that entered time and space.

The boundary on the stele was getting closer and closer, Xin Wu and Su Che glanced at each other, and both speeded up.

Like piercing a bubble, Xin Wu was directly wrapped in it.

Xin Wu heard a strange noise, turned her head and found that Su Che who was following her was nowhere to be seen.

She walked back to find out what was going on, but after only two steps, she found that the way she just came here had an extra wall out of thin air, with a door in front and a door in the back.

Then, in the space, or just above her head, a familiar bell sounded.

"School bell!"

Xin Wu turned around slowly, her neck mechanically turned backwards...

Immediately revealed a pair of 'really so' expression.

The old bastard Xin Tian is not a Huaichun girl, so this kind of competition is played in the second round?

There is a vast space, many cushions and low tables, and even a unified facing place for everyone, as well as a rectangular 'blackboard' made of black spirit stones.

Xin Wu's eyes stretched so far that she couldn't see the edge, did this accommodate thousands of people?

Ok.Let's not talk about how big and how many monks are sitting in this antique classroom, let's say that those people are all people who she saw from Tianyinmen, people from Qilu Hall, and people from Guiyuanzong. There are groups around them, but she Standing alone at the door, and... Su Che didn't come in.

"Isn't the second level a combination of men and women, and I'm the only one?"

"Are you... blind?" A cold and stern voice sounded right in front of him.

Shen Wu lowered her head a little, and saw Gu Chonghua sitting on the ground not far away, looking at her with displeasure: "I'm alone too!"

"And, I'm missing a woman now!"

(End of this chapter)

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