Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 123 The Devil in Your Heart Is Related to Me

Chapter 123 The Devil in Your Heart Is Related to Me
Everyone is eager to try.

Shen Tian suddenly put on a serious face, and said seriously: "...If you use something other than these words, try to cheat, and delete it directly."

Xin Wu's ears remember the key points: can use the words recorded on the blackboard, such as pills, formations, spiritual pets, etc. to push the [-]th line, and she pays the most attention to the words Xin Tian said In the middle, the sentence [Only when an accident happens, is the loss]...

This sentence made her feel a little strange.

As for how to push the [-]th parallel, and with whom?
Just as someone was about to ask, Xin Tian put his hand in front of his mouth and made a gesture of silence. Immediately afterwards, the low table in front of everyone burst into red light in vain.

A thin red line is accurately drawn from the center of the tabletop, dividing the area of ​​the low table into two.

"This is the [-]th parallel!"

"The thread looks thin, how do I push it?"

"Yes, if a wall, a mountain, or a board can be pushed, but how can a line be pushed?"

All kinds of discussions suddenly sounded.

Fang Yuan sat cross-legged on the cushion, her water-blue skirt was scattered on the ground, like a blooming crabapple, she showed a sweet smile to the man beside her, and introduced herself, "Fang Yuan from Shanhaimen."

The man opposite also replied politely: "Return to Yuanzong, Fang Xing."

"Then, I'll start..."

After Fang Yuan finished speaking, she put one hand on the table and suddenly sent spiritual power. In an instant, the red line quickly moved towards the opposite border.

Seeing this scene, the people near the two people's desks also put their hands on the spirit wheel in the rotating body of the desk, frantically urging spiritual power to pour into the desk.

Immediately, the red line on each low table started a tug-of-war from left to right.

Xin Wu and Gu Chonghua did it almost at the same time.

Compared with other people's hands-on and smiling scenes, the atmosphere between the two is almost freezing.

There are 108 spiritual wheels in Xin Wu's body. At this moment, all of them are spinning crazily to gather spiritual power, and then gather in the palm and then pour out from the palm. But then Xin Wu found that when others are engaged in a tug-of-war, the red line in front of her doesn't care what she does. Enter spiritual power.

It didn't move an inch.

Gu Chonghua put one hand on the table, sweeping away his careless look, and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked into a playful look.

I don't know if it's because of the close distance and the [-]th line of light on the table, Gu Chonghua's pupils seem to have a strange red, this kind of red, Xin Wu has seen it in memory.

"Fellow Daoist Gu, you've lost your magic."

Gu Chonghua's fingers clicked on the table, and the motionless red line leaned towards Xin Wu, "I know! I don't need your reminder!"

"The devil in your heart is related to me."

"Don't be sentimental!" Gu Chonghua said with a cold face, "Don't always talk to me!"

"it is good."

Xin Wu smiled slightly, speeding up the output of spiritual power, and the red line was immediately pushed back to its original position.Then, Xin Wu quickly said: "Spiritual pet."

The necklace around his neck suddenly lit up, Xiao Zhao got out from it, and stared at Gu Chonghua instantly.


Xiao Zhao: "Master, why is there a man next to you every time I appear? Wow... who is sucking my spiritual energy..."

"Don't panic." Xin Wu comforted, and took out a bottle of elixir from the ring.

"This is a nourishing panacea, you keep it for eating, there are a lot of it."

This is what unlimited means!
Gu Chonghua's hand beating on the table paused slightly, and then he realized that the [-]th line was pushed to the edge, and the knocking turned into a cover, and the palm of his hand was directly attached to the table.

"You memorized so many words, aren't you afraid of using them wrong?"

"Don't talk to you what Daoist Gu said just now." Xin Wu said slowly, her eyes were always on the table under the soles of Xiao Zhao's feet. The red line between Gu Chonghua and Gu Chonghua continued to approach Gu Chonghua.


A scream suddenly sounded from behind Xin Wu, and the unsuspecting people around were all shocked.

 ps: The second arrival today, thank you [Hua Jie] for your tip, okay?

  And now I’m starting to save the code words of the Great God. The ratings and recommendation votes of the little angels are my biggest motivation.

(End of this chapter)

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