Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 139 It is indeed...very soft

Chapter 139 It is indeed...very soft (2 more)
In order to prevent Cangshan disciples from asking questions, Su Che quietly entered the room with Xin Wu in his arms.

Putting Xin Wu on the bed carefully, Su Che turned around and casually removed his sleeves, Xin Wu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you..."

Su Che's kiss fell, sweeping everything without any warning.

Xin Wu only felt dizzy for a while in Consciousness Sea, as if her spirit and soul had been pulled away by the other party.

Taking advantage of others?Or was it influenced by Cen Wu?
No matter what it is, Xin Wu just doesn't like to be passive.

The hand that was hitting him was grabbed by Su Che, his body was almost completely pressed down, and the charming aura on his body made Xin Wu confused for a while.

it is good!Want to kiss, right?

The arm held by Su's neck bent, automatically hooked his neck, and then leaned towards him.

As if aware of her initiative, Su Che's body paused for a moment, and then his movements became much gentler, his lips and teeth rubbed together, and his breath was filled with her sweet but not greasy fragrance, which could make people lose control at any time.

When he left her lips, and the charming facial features in front of her left a certain distance, Xin Wu could see clearly that she was surrounded by Su Che's arms at this moment, just like when she first broke into his arms.

"Is this your response to me?!" Su Che stared at her with eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and whispered softly.

"How does my lip feel, is it enjoyable?"

Xin Wu's eyebrows were narrowed, and there were traces on her cheeks, but the corners of her mouth raised a slight arc, full of provocation.

"Indeed...very soft."

There was an astonishing smile on the corner of Su Che's mouth. At this moment, the aura projected from the eyes in the outline covered by the hair scattered down was extremely hot, and the dangerous aura surrounded the surroundings.

"I want you so much!"

It's over, I can't continue to flirt, and I will sacrifice myself if I flirt again.

Feeling that her spiritual power had recovered a little, Xin Wu rolled her eyes, "Want me...what do you want from me?"

Under Su Che's scorching gaze, Xin Wu softly called out "Soul Grinding", and a black light flew out from the necklace and smashed it out forcefully!
Su Che didn't expect that the person who took the initiative a moment ago suddenly threw a hammer.

He tapped his toes lightly, and started to back up, until he smashed through the attic window and flew outside, and the Soul Crushing Hammer returned to Xin Wu's side.

"Brother Su, remember it, there will be no next time!"

A word came out from inside the house, and the broken window was densely turned into a wall of earth.

In the room, Xin Wu pressed her slender fingers to her lips.

"Including Fu Qingcheng once, twice!" She slammed down the table as she spoke, "Can I take the initiative next time!!"

No matter what Xin Wu thought, the third round of the competition announced the rules on the second day.

The third round is the real arena.

This round of big competition can rest once a day, with a period of ten days, the one who is still in the ring after ten days will win.

Eighty arenas rise out of nowhere in the forest of stone steles, and they are floating arenas, [-] meters above the ground.

Now, apart from the contestants, even the onlookers can enter the stele forest to watch.

"Auspicious lights come out!"

"The competition begins!!"

When the solemn and majestic voice resounded through the forest of steles, confident monks rose into the air and occupied one of the rings.

At the beginning of the big competition, there were still some people who hadn't had time to set off to challenge, and an arrogant voice came to everyone's ears.

"It is said that Cangshan Shenwu is a peerless genius, but I only saw his wild man venting his anger for her, hahaha..."

Xin Wu took a glance, and saw the person who spoke in the eighty-seat ring.

She has an ordinary appearance, with such a vitriolic appearance that she doesn't even bother to describe it.

"Wu Ming, disciple of Qilu Palace, challenge Cangshan Shenwu!"

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(End of this chapter)

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