Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 141: If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

Chapter 141: If something goes wrong, there must be a demon! (1 more)
Is it too hasty to go now?
"Could the elder have given that thing to Xiao'er?" As the elder of the outer sect and Yuan Xiao's father, Yuan Zhen chose to ask.

Chen Huang said: "Yes. Do you have a question?"

"As Xiao'er's master, the elder will naturally not harm him. I just don't want my son to lose. If he can learn the emperor's art on the nine-story stone tablet, what's the grievance? The world of respect..."

After Yuan Zhen finished speaking, he made a bow, and then glanced at the high-spirited Xin Wu on the ring, and retreated to find his son to explain the matter.

After the first two rounds of contestants in the Qilu Palace, there are only about [-] people left.

After Xin Wu went up, there were constant challengers, all of whom came forward to challenge from Qiludian. Now that Xin Wu saw the people from Qiludian coming up, she started to do it when they introduced themselves, and when they just finished saying their names, they just slapped and exhaled.

There is no exception, everything is done with one click.

"The battle is simple, but it's endless..." Shen Wu muttered and sent another Qilu Hall disciple flying away, then turned to ask the referee who looked at her as if she was looking at a super invincible Vajra, "Can you directly fight?" Let them go together?"

The referee froze for a moment, then shook his head violently.


Xin Wu sighed: "It's really distressing."

I was just getting annoyed, yet another disciple landed in the arena, and instead of reporting his sect and name, he asked solemnly, "Don't panic, I'll send you to the west now."

Xin Wu raised her eyelids to look, and raised the corners of her lips frivolously.

"Hmm... Isn't this Yuan Xiao who was imprisoned in the bone prison by my wild man?"

She actually said that Su Che was her wild man?

Yuan Xiao was surprised, with a dazed face, and heard Shen Wu continue: "... Last time I said that I was unkind, and this time I said that I would send me to the west. The disciples of Qilu Palace really thought of tricks to give me face. hit!"

Xin Wu spat arrogantly, "What a cheapie!"

She doesn't have any good feelings for Qiludian, except for disgust and hatred.

Yuan Xiao didn't immediately fight back this time, his eyes were deep and sinister as if he was a different person.

"Qilu Palace, Yuan Xiao."

Xin Wu didn't say a word, her eyebrows were slightly frowned,...something is really wrong.

But then, Yuan Xiao sacrificed the human plate, and the Tao plate suspended behind him was emerald green, obviously a single wood-type spiritual root.

The skill was similar to that of Jiang Yu who met for the first time. There was a green light in the Dao plate, and thick vines suddenly spread out from it and crawled towards her.

Walking like a spirit snake, the number of vines is countless.

No matter where Xin Wu moves, there will always be vines attacking her, the speed is extremely fast, almost as soon as she lands, the vines will entangle her limbs!

Xin Wu held out the Tianpan and shouted coldly.


The fire exploded.

All the vines shrank back as if they had been scalded, Yuan Xiao was not in a hurry, flipped his wrist, and some sharp wooden thorns shot out from behind him, densely packed, looking extremely majestic,

But the sea of ​​fire around Shen Wu didn't care about this at all, and the wooden thorns instead became the nourishment for Shen Wu's fire array.

Even so, Yuan Xiao continued to output, his face gradually became paler, and he looked extremely weak.

The fire array became more and more fierce, and the height actually surpassed Xin Wu, as if wrapping Xin Wu in it from all sides.

"He wouldn't be ignorant of the simplest spiritual root mutual restraint, why would he continue?" Xin Wu's eyes revealed thoughtfully.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!
Sure enough, Shen Wu heard the sound of '噗味噗味', which was inexplicably familiar, and after just a moment, she heard it on Wu Mei'er at the Duel Cliff in Cangshan Mountain, and also on the children of the Lou family and the Shen family in Maitreya's remains. heard.

A thought faintly emerged from my heart!

 Two updates today are fine, please recommend tickets to give the rice cake some motivation.


(End of this chapter)

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