Chapter 143 Blood Bead (3 more)
Yuan Zhen's figure instantly flew up from the crowd, bursting into the sky and attacking Xin Wu!

Xin Wu remained unafraid, raising the Soul Crushing Hammer to fight.

But at this moment, a ray of light flew out from nowhere and directly knocked the person down from midair.

"Anyway, an elder, don't fall into the rules of the Central Territory Grand Competition!" Although the deep and indifferent voice was addressed to Yuan Zhen, everyone present could hear it very clearly and felt a little chill in their hearts.

Yuan Zhen's body crashed to the ground, and he looked up at the seat behind the referee's bench.

There should be the seats of the top ten Taoist sect leaders who appeared in the last two days of the third round of competition.

At this moment, there was a slender male figure.

Clothes fluttering, handsome as a celestial being, languid with a sense of evil, a pair of black eyes like a deep pool like a black hole in the universe, able to absorb human souls, the women in the audience were shocked, some They were dumbfounded, and some of them turned red.

"Wow, Fu Qingcheng! Master Cangshan, Fu Qingcheng!!" In an instant, all the female cultivators were full of youth, hoping that their voices could be louder to attract the other party's attention.


Yuan Zhen got up from the ground and stood up again on tiptoe.

It's just that she didn't go towards Xin Wu this time, but just said in the direction of that man.

"Whose rules, your rules? Or the rules set by Cangshan and Ling Xiao?! If there are rules, I don't accept it. Why should my talented Xiao'er be smashed to death by her?! Why! ?”

Xin Wu's arena is not as high as Yuan Zhen's, but she has no intention of raising her head.

Anyway, he is a big brother who has seen the world, in front of so many fellow Zhongyu, this kind of words are more suitable for him.

"Elder Yuan, you should know what a terracotta figurine is, right?"

"——That is the secret art of the Yin Sect of the Northern Territory! The root of the chaos in the Three Realms!"

"When you meet a monster possessed by a terracotta figurine, the Taoist will destroy it. What's wrong?!"

"Are you asking me why Cangshan, the Taoist sect, killed the enemy!!!"

That's right, killing Yuan Xiao is considered killing the enemy, so why not! ?
Fu Qingcheng's words were just and awe-inspiring, without any loopholes, but a few questioning sentences made Yuan Xiao feel at a loss as to how to refute.

He looked towards the crowd, trying to find traces of Chen Huang among the crowd waving his hands below, but he didn't see a single figure after he looked several times.

He fell straight from mid-air, and only then did he realize that he was being used.

"My Xiao'er! You have mistakenly believed in Chen Huang!" Yuan Xiao seemed to have aged a lot after losing her beloved son, with tears streaming down her face.

In the past, he still said that the strong are respected, but now that his son is dead, he can no longer say such cruel words.

Two disciples came up to clean up Yuan Xiao's body. After the body went down, other rings were in full swing. It seemed that her side was stuck in the cassette and no one came up again.

No one came for a while, so Xin Wu simply sat on the edge of the ring, took out a handkerchief from the necklace and wiped it with the soul crushing hammer.

After rubbing it, a bloody bead spit out from the slot on the surface of the Soul Crushing Hammer.

"what is this?"

Xin Wu pinched it hard, but it couldn't be crushed.

With her current Qi Niu's peak strength, she can't even crush a single pearl?

One must know that her current strength can shake mountains, and she holds something as huge as a soul crushing hammer like a fly swatter. How hard is this bead?
blood beads...

This on Yuan Xiao's body, does it have anything to do with him?

(End of this chapter)

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