Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 157 How can the darkness of the world turn black if you can't feel it

Chapter 157 How can the darkness of the world turn black if you can't feel it (1 more)
Does cheap father know Hongtu?
Shen Wu turned her neck stiffly, looked at Shen Tian and said, "Your... your disciple?"

"Well, seven. Wait, you've seen that!?"

"Well, you came to ask me for advice, so that... I'm enthusiastic, so I just said a few more words!"

"Who wants you to talk more, who wants you to be enthusiastic, I don't know you are cold-hearted?! How can you make them feel the darkness of the world after you say a few more words? How can it be dark if they can't feel the darkness of the world? change!!!!"

Xin was in a hurry, poking at Xin Wu with one hand.

I almost couldn't help pressing her forehead.

Xin Wu raised her forehead, and many thoughts flashed through her mind, but they were all incoherent and without any logic, so she had to ask: "Father, tell me the truth, you are here to destroy the world. Are you here to save the world!?"

If Hongtu really changed his name to Hongjun, the world would be in chaos.

Intruded by people in mythology.

Xin Wu——Created an ancestor of He Huan School, very deliberately, the cliff was an accident.

Secondly, if Shen Tian's apprentice really turned into Hongjun Patriarch, it would really not be an accident.

There is a sentence in the memory of the previous life that is very fluent, so Xin Wu remembers it very clearly.

"Ancestor Hongjun is the first immortal,"

"There will be Hongjun first and then there will be heaven!"

There are many legends about the word "Hongjun", and there are countless versions.

Some people say that Sanqing, Nuwa, and the Two Saints are his disciples, and some say that Pangu is also his disciple...

Just talking about Sanqing shocked Shen Wu, there were so many rumors that Shen Wu didn't dare to think about it, she just thought that no matter which one was a big shot, how could she be accepted as a disciple by Shen Tian by coincidence?

Xin Tian turned his head to look at Hongtu.

Xin Wu went to see Xin Tian...

Taoist Qingyu, who had been focusing on his disciple, also turned his head with his gaze...

The ancestor turned his head sideways, and the Cangshan disciples followed suit...


The Holy Mother of Yuanyang, who just let go of her harsh words here, thought that Cangshan disciples were blatantly ignoring her and provoking her!
The Holy Mother of Yuanyang stared angrily. Her current cultivation base and state were ignored by Taoist Qingyu, but even Shen Wu and the disciples of Cangshan Mountain ignored her.

"Ahhh, Cangshan is really arrogant!!"

The Holy Mother of Yuanyang shouted angrily, and stretched a huge handprint towards Cangshan disciples, snorting coldly: "A bunch of blind bastards!"

Ten meters, five meters, one meter...

Because the night was getting dark, the surprise attack happened so suddenly that the shadow of a hand hit a few inches in front of Xin Wu, and Xin Wu felt her body was covered by a chill.

"Be careful--"

"Be careful--"

Two voices sounded simultaneously.

Su Che was not far behind Shen Wu, when he saw this scene, he raised his eyebrows, and stepped forward to pull Xin Wu and throw him.

At the same time, Fu Qingcheng, who hadn't shown his face all this time, suddenly appeared opposite the Virgin of Yuan Yang, and met those huge hands.


Fu Qingcheng raised his arm, calmly facing the giant palm of the Virgin of Shangyuan Yang.

The slender figure is like the safest wall, blocking all crises.High in the sky, that figure stood out of thin air, his robes rattling, blocking the bursting glow.

He didn't look at the enemy immediately, but looked back at Xin Wu.

Just a glance, and then look away instantly.

Then, there was a chill in the eyes, and a sharp cold light shot out from the eyes.

"I said that she is the treasure of my Cangshan Mountain. How dare you hurt her!?"

 Chapter 1 came out first, and I said why my daughter ignored me. Just as I was writing, she suddenly got up from her sleep and started to vomit, throwing up all the food she ate. Oh, my heart hurts so much!Take her out first.

(End of this chapter)

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