Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 160 It seems that there are really many people who want her to die

Chapter 160 It seems that there are really many people who want her to die (1 more)
The room was pitch black, with only the cold moonlight shining in through the cracks in the paper windows.

Ever since the old man's battle, I don't know if it was a shock or not, it seemed that everyone was puzzled.

Because of the late night, the slight sound in the room would be infinitely amplified, and Xin Wu was doing something self-harming, which was bloodletting.

According to the rules of the big competition, if the arenas are merged tomorrow, they will be [-]th and [-]th.

She was impressed by five out of ten people.

Wen Renkai in Jiuxingfang, Wu Hao in Ruyilou, Peacock Ling in Wuwangguan, Chonghua in Lingxiaogu, and Fang Yuan in Shanhaimen.

She did bloodletting and drew a few talismans according to the spells in her mind, but her powers were not enough. Apart from her blood, drawing talismans took the most mental energy. She had to be calm, shielded from distracting thoughts, not stained with dust, neither angry nor happy, Make your mind clear and ethereal.

It's hard.

After spending most of the night, she only gathered two talismans.

The next step is to study new formations. The scene of Wu Hao blasting Zhu Yu away is still being played repeatedly, so she will not be so stupid to use magic weapons to fight, only start with the formation...


And when Xin Wu was crouching temporarily.

In a hall of the Lingxiao Attic.

"Now Cangshan and the elders of the various sects... you still have to be careful not to be recognized by others!"

On the wooden chair was a piece of snow-white mink fur without a single hair. Gu Chonghua leaned lazily and comfortably on it with his legs crossed. Behind him a maid wearing a veil was pinching his shoulders. On the table was a set of white jade. Porcelain, Gu Chonghua held the cup and shook it slightly, and the transparent jade lotus petals swayed inside.

"I know. But can really do something when you meet that woman!?"

The crisp voice came from a woman, and it was Fang Yuan who was sitting at the bottom. She was holding a glutinous rice and sesame dumpling in her hand, and looked at the maid behind Gu Chonghua with a smile: "I think the one who serves Fellow Daoist Gu Maid, those eyes look familiar!"

"Mind your own business." Gu Chonghua snorted coldly.

"If my cultivation hadn't dropped too much, how could I have anything to do with you and the Northern Territory? I still say the same thing, Xin Wu...leave it to me!" The hand holding his shoulder behind him stopped suddenly, and the two Seconds later, he started pinching again.

Fang Yuan kept this scene in her eyes.

"It seems... there are so many people who want her to die." She bit the glutinous rice ball in her hand, stuffed her mouth full, and her words became vague: "If you want me to say... Release your ancestor Ling Xiao from that tower... that bitch's death will be even more... miserable!"


The white jade porcelain cup flew across the air and hit the corner of the table, shattered, and then fell on the carpet. When the carpet absorbed all the tea, the white and crystal jade lotuses scattered in the broken porcelain instantly turned blood red.


Fang Yuan was not in a hurry, she swallowed the contents of her mouth with a grunt, and then looked up at the livid-faced man, " can't even say a bitch? Then why are you talking about killing her, I'm afraid she will die Your heart will ache at every single hair!"

Picking up the teacup and taking a sip of tea, Fang Yuan changed her tone and continued.

"I want to tell you a piece of news. My father was promoted to become the Great Protector in the Yin Sect! He is determined to destroy the Nine-Story Heavenly Monument this time! He will destroy the inheritance of the Emperor Art! If you can do it, he has the right to give you more! pieces of..."

Gu Chonghua's breath stopped when he heard this, he looked at Fang Yuan seriously and said, "Let me think about it, you go out first."

After Fang Yuan left, Gu Chonghua pulled the maid behind her to sit on his lap, lifted her veil, looked at Lin Wanzhi who was wearing a rejuvenating mask, gently stroked it with one hand, and his eyes were blurred.

 New year, the second day, good morning... Thank you little angel for your concern, my daughter has recovered a lot, I love you, I hope you can vote for Crispy Rice.

(End of this chapter)

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