Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 167 That's My Chest

Chapter 167 That's My Chest
Shen Wu's body froze immediately, and then she felt a familiar brain wave instantly replace her.

Then, she lost control of her body.

"I moved, I moved again, I moved several times in a row..."

The person in Fu Qingcheng's arms suddenly swayed from side to side, and the woman in his arms had a hidden deep joy in her voice: "Qing, big brother, you did what you wanted to do, I don't want to Will struggle, aren't you happy with my bed?"

Xin Wu's heart choked up in her body, first ten thousand muddy horses galloped by, and then when she saw her take the initiative to stick to Fu Qingcheng, Xin Wu glared.

This bitch, at least switch naturally.

It's like shouting "Yamei's" before and then being so eager, no matter how you look at it, it looks like being possessed by a ghost.

Also...that's my chest, I know it best, it's useless to squeeze...

Fu Qingcheng let go of her, his voice became colder.


She still looks like Xin Wu, but her temperament has changed a bit.

Xin Wu's appearance is cold and beautiful, and his body is stronger than some male disciples. His personality is impatient and impatient, but his glass-like eyes are very beautiful. When meeting strangers, those eyes will reflect the cold light like cat pupils, with A little vigilant, but when you meet familiar people, you will emit bright and dazzling light.

Cen Wu's color is a little lighter and not so cold, bright and moving, and his eyes are flowing with style.

"Junior brother, you also recognize me." Cen Wu was a little surprised, and leaned forward to him with a flat chest.

Fu Qingcheng's eyes suddenly radiated a cold and sharp light, and an endless sense of oppression pressed towards her, "How is she?"

"She is probably watching me play hooligans on you."

There was a hint of interest in Cen Wu's eyes, and she laughed with her charming red lips, "Her memory is quite interesting. I have never seen many things. She is hotter than me. In her world, she He's also an amazing character."

Fu Qingcheng's eyes, which were originally Gujing Wubo, also flashed a strange color... Her world, her soul doesn't belong to this world?
"You said you recognized you?" Fu Qingcheng slowly said with some doubts on his face, "Who else recognizes you!"

"Su Che." Cen Wubu said slowly.

What I was thinking about was the scene of seeing Su Che, when he was holding Xin Wu at that time, he recognized him and pushed him away, so did Qingcheng...

A cold light flashed across Fu Qingcheng's eyes as deep as an ancient pool,...he actually knew it before me.

Both of them were distracted for a moment at this moment, and then a voice resounded throughout the forest of steles.

"Auspicious lights come out."

Cen Wu's eyes lit up in vain: "Dabi!"

"Yes, it's the big competition now, Junior Brother, do you still remember the situation of our big competition at that time? Although you won the nine-story monument, this time you are not in the arena, let me go for it!" Cen Wu stride out

Fu Qingcheng grabbed her out, brows raised, "Why can Xin Wu come back?"

"Wait for me to climb up to the Nine-story Heavenly Monument, get the Emperor Art, wait for me to master the Emperor Art, wait for me..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she was pushed against the wall with a "bang".

"When will my Xin Wu come back?"

Cen Wu was stunned for a moment, a little absent-minded: "You said——, yours?"


At this moment, Fu Qingcheng was like a bomb that was about to explode at any moment, and the atmosphere between the two fell again and again, and it was extremely cold.

Then Cen Wu took a deep breath, raised her arms and put them together in the line of sight where the two were looking at each other: "Give me a day, I will only fight once!"

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(End of this chapter)

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