Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 173 Your thinking is so avant-garde

Chapter 173 Your thinking is so avant-garde (3 more)
Shen Wu rushed back anxiously, but was stopped by Fu Qingcheng before reaching the street outside the forest of steles.

"Today, five promotions and three, you have a bye."

Xin Wu suddenly made up her mind.

He glanced at Xin Wu slowly, his eyebrows furrowed.

"What happened to those men?"

Xin Wu choked, looked at his sharp eyebrows, straightened her tongue, "This is a bit long story."

Fu Qingcheng's face was calm, and Gujing's calm eyes were full of indifference.

"I have time."

Ah, but I have no time!

Xin Wu didn't have time to speak, and before she had time to speak, her acupuncture points were tapped. Xiao Zhao emerged from the necklace and grinned at him. Fu Qingcheng frowned impatiently, and lifted the soft flesh on his neck. , throw it away!
Shen Wu immediately glared, and Fu Qingcheng carried her into the attic and into her room as if he hadn't seen her.

Behind the screen, a super super super super big bathtub is steaming, and the water surface is covered with various flower petals.

As soon as she entered the room, Shen Wu saw the poke, and her eyes widened immediately, "Eldest brother, you you you..."

"I have time." Fu Qingcheng said lightly.

Xin Wu was furious, who the hell asked you this.

"Your thinking is so avant-garde."

Is this going to take a mandarin duck bath with her?really!

Fu Qingcheng was tall and tall, with deep eyebrows and eyes. He didn't answer her and didn't have the slightest intention to leave.

Throwing the towel into the bathtub, and placed a jade pot beside it, checked the screen, and set up a formation at the entrance of the room, he finally walked towards Xin Wu slowly, "You can now said."

"say what?"

Fu Qingcheng's eyes flashed with savagery, and he squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: "—Where did those men come from?"

The two were very close, and a little her was clearly reflected in those eyes. As he breathed, his breath collided. His slender and white fingers touched Xin Wu's skirt, and began to peel off one by one.

The beautiful fingers move very slowly, as if they don't understand why the woman's clothes are so difficult to take off, but it is this slowness that makes them feel elegant and pleasing to the eye...

It's fucking pleasing to the eye, now the key point is: ...he's taking off her clothes! !

Xin Wu, who had just recovered a little bit of reason, moved her eyeballs and saw his red ears, and the words Su Che said sounded, and somehow a terrible idea came up, if she pounced on him, hugged and gnawed him, he would Will the neck be red?As for the body, will it be red?

He was the one who took away her first kiss, and she was still her fiancé in name...

Bah bah bah, thinking about it again.

Xin Wu bit her tongue, forcing herself to divert her attention.

"Generally speaking, this is caused by Baizishu and Soul Crushing Hammer... blood." Before she could say the word "case", she said "ah".

As soon as her body was cold, Fu Qingcheng had already wrapped her in his wide sleeves, picked her up horizontally, and strode towards the bathtub behind the screen.

Fu Qingcheng carried her to the screen a few steps away, and slowly put her into the bathtub.

The surface of the water covered her skin, and the warmth gradually dispelled the coolness just now, and she just exhaled.

just saw——

Fu Qingcheng took off his shoes and socks, and sat in with his clothes on! !

Hello! !

Really going to wash with her! ?
Fu Qingcheng sat behind and hugged her lightly, grabbed the towel from the bottom of the bucket with one hand, and began to wipe her back.Shen Wu didn't dare to move, her body was stiff, only to hear Fu Qingcheng utter three words slightly behind her.

"Keep talking!"

I don't know if she was scalded by the hot water or Fu Qingcheng was leaning behind her, but the rough-skinned and thick-skinned she became a little angry and irritable!
"Talking about your sister, grass, why should I explain to you, besides, I didn't say that this is caused by Baizishu and Soul Crushing Hammer... blood... ah, what are you doing?"

Still the word "case" was not mentioned.

All of this was caused by the fact that the man behind him had his arms wrapped around his arms, holding a towel in one hand and putting it on her little bun to wipe it off.

(End of this chapter)

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