Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 181 The Sky Monument Lying on the Rails!

Chapter 181 The Sky Monument Lying on the Rails! (3 more)
On the high platform, everyone sensed that something was wrong and frowned.

Although Xin Xiang's limbs and bones were all shattered, her head was fine. She bit the tip of her tongue and spat out a mouthful of blood, which landed on the colorful crystal block.

For a moment, the original colorful crystal block seemed to be polluted by the blood, the crystal on the surface was corroded, and a black light rushed out from the crystal block and went straight to the end of the forest of steles——

"Come on, she's heading for the Nine-story Sky Monument!" Someone yelled.

"She must be a spy from the Northern Territory, and she wants to destroy the nine-storey Tianbei in my Central Territory."

Everyone in the high position realized the importance of this matter, and immediately chased after that black light.

The Central Territory Grand Competition is held once every ten years. No matter whether those who ascended the ninth floor of the Heavenly Monument obtained the Emperor Art or other creations, they will all be strong in the Central Territory. If they are destroyed, it will be a huge blow to the entire Central Territory. Loss.

All of a sudden, everyone rushed towards the end of the stele forest!

At the end of the forest of stone steles, a huge boulder tens of meters high suddenly shot up like a sharp sword, and it didn't even catch up with Wu Guang who was rushing to it.

The stone tablet flew towards the ring like a lively loach, and everyone saw that the stone tablet was actually composed of many small steps, and there was a roaring sound as it galloped.

And as the last half of the stele was separated inch by inch, the sky stele was surrounded by a starlight and came straight towards the ring like a train on the rails...

"The monument is lying on the rails!"

"Why is the Tianbei lying on the rails, this champion hasn't been born yet!?

"Look, its direction - is this going to the ring to pick up the Grand Competition champion and go to the Emperor's Arena?"

The three people on the stage were as shocked as sculptures.

"Come on, come on, as long as I can jump on it, I can learn the Emperor Art!"

Lin Wanzhi was the first to react, and skillfully tied the earth dragon tendon in her hand, tied Shen Wu tightly, and was ready to jump on it when the Tianbei flew over.

"Sister Xiang, I'm sorry, since your Hei Yao Corpse Qi Array can't destroy the Tianbei, then I would like to thank you for the gift!"

The arena is the only way for the Tianbei to lie on the rails. Lin Wanzhi's eyes were so excited that she couldn't help it. She saw the practitioners who were chaotic in the arena and snorted coldly.

"Wait for me to learn the emperor's art, you people who refuse to save you should die! I will kill you all!"

Lin Wanzhi still remembered that these people's weapons had bullied her when she and Xin Wu were in the arena!

Seeing that the monument is getting closer and closer...

50 meters... 20 meters... [-] meters...

near, near.

It's now!

The coercion of the gathered spiritual power had already blown everyone's clothes rattling, Lin Wan's face was full of enthusiasm, and she jumped!

Lin Wanzhi's body that just jumped up was about to land on the stele, she was filled with joy, and suddenly felt her body sank, her ankle was grabbed, she turned her head, looked at Xin Wu who had regained her freedom, and widened her eyes: "you--"

Xiao Zhao jumped into Xin Wu's arms, and the stone monkey Yuxi also jumped onto Xin Wu's shoulders!

Forgot these two!
But it was too late.

Xin Wu twisted her body for a while, and then slammed straight at Wu Guang who was chasing after her!
The Soul Crushing Hammer returned to her hand, and Xin Wu flapped her wings and landed on the Tianbei easily...

"Ahhh..." Lin Wanzhi screamed from behind.

Xin Wu pursed her lips... not everyone can fuck me.

After giving Xiao Zhao a few Longxuan Pills, Xiao Zhao returned the jade necklace with a satisfied face, and the stone monkey faded directly from his shoulders.

In the line of sight, a figure descended from the sky, his clothes fluttering, and the indifference and demon rule seemed to be otherworldly. "Aren't you worried about the derailment of the Tianbei if you are still thinking wildly at this time?"

Shen Wu's face was cold and broke instantly, she let out a cry, and asked in a startled voice: "Will it be derailed?"

"of course not!"

The sound came again.

When Xin Wu turned her head, what she saw was a tense face, with a bit of sullenness in those ancient pool-like eyes, looking at Su Che on the opposite side dangerously and viciously, "He scares you, don't believe it!"

 The third update is coming, I don’t know if there will be a fourth update tonight, hahaha.

  This week is over again, and Guoba feels that there have been several little angel recommendation tickets recently, all of which are 4, 5, and even 6, thank you.


(End of this chapter)

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