Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 200 Let me see how long she can be arrogant.

Chapter 200 Let me see how long she can be arrogant. (4 more)
She wants to send these thousands of people back to the Central Territory!
This is a force too powerful to be ignored.

These people were sent to the fairy world in various ways, because the fairy world is rich in spiritual power, and they practiced for hundreds of years, [-]% of them have already become the existence of the real fairy list, and the rest are almost the realm of the weather list , a few people are the pinnacle of the prince list.

The Tianbei has been destroyed, and the imperial platform does not exist.

In the future, there will be no way to obtain Emperor Art.

If these people return to the central domain, it will be a great help.

"Could it be that my Zhuji Sect doesn't have any disciples living outside..." Ye Xingluan spoke slowly, and Xin Wu could hear a sense of powerlessness from it.

"There is one more, I don't know if it counts..." Xin Wu breathed out, "She established a new sect at the old site of Zhucen Sect, called Hehuan Sect!"

Ye Xingluan frowned even deeper, "Acacia faction?"

Xin Wu licked her back teeth, and said to herself: ...Jiao Lingyan, I've already vaccinated your ancestors, it's better than when she suddenly went back and saw a big change in the school, you can ask for more blessings.

Xin Wu beckoned the ten Shushengzi over.

"Can you sense Fu Qingcheng's existence?"

Fu Qingcheng No. [-] said: "I came all the way from the Jinqueyu Palace, and I saw signs of fighting outside the human coffin,... but I didn't see the real body!"

"Except for the main body, the person...didn't see it?" So where did Su Che go, and Su Che disappeared?
Xin Wu closed her eyes and let out a long breath.

"No more waiting."

She turned around and walked up to Ye Xingluan and said: "Senior, I am going to go deeper, I wonder if you would like to come with me?"

"Then they..." Li Yixian pointed to the ten tree-born children.

"They were originally with me, of course they went together."

Two hours later.

Everyone packed their things and got ready to go.

Zhuang Yan rolled up the package and got together with three or four people, "Let them go ahead, I don't trust that female cultivator anyway, hmph, so what about Cangshan's disciples? Have they forgotten that Cangshan disciples have always been bullying and extremely arrogant! "

Liu Wei said enviously, "That's because he has the ability."

"Brother..., you and I belong to the same school!" Zhuang Yan almost gritted her teeth in anger, and glared at him angrily.

Liu Wei quickly grabbed her, covered Zhuang Yan's mouth, and whispered in her ear.

"I don't want you to cause public anger. Thousands of people here now regard her and Patriarch Ye Xingluan as their core, as their hope to get out from here. You are so angry that you can't wait any longer...?"

Zhuang Yan struggled away, her eyes full of unwillingness turned into surprise.

"Wait?... Brother said that if she can't lead the team out, I have a lot of opportunities to deal with her!"

Liu Wei didn't speak, but his expression seemed to acquiesce to Zhuang Yan's guess.

"Okay!—I'll see how long she can be so arrogant."



Xin Wu, I was on the handle and opened the door again.

"Take away the spiritual power!" After Xin Wu stepped in, a voice came from inside.

It was a tree boy who walked in, and then Ye Xingluan walked in.

After not hearing any movement inside for a while, Li Yixian gritted his teeth and removed the vestment on his body, and stepped in.

The people behind saw that the people in front had been in for so long without being thrown out, so they also filed in.

"The disciple of Cangshan is really miraculous. She came in for the first time, and she actually knows the order..."

Li Yixian's body was running on a wide belt, running at the speed of his body, as long as the speed was a little slower, he would be thrown off.

After panting for a long time, he crossed this step directly, trotted to a wooden post as instructed, took a helmet and put it on top of his head, and then jumped towards the lotus leaf on the water surface. When the lotus leaf flicked, his body was immediately thrown In the air, the helmet on the head was sucked to the iron plate on the cable above.

The rotating shaft on the cable rattled, and the iron plate moved forward, and he was staggered directly to the other side of the river.

At this time, Zhuang Yan also stepped in and looked into the distance.

"Impossible, so much has passed?"

 Thank you [Hua Jie] for your tip yesterday.

  Today's fourth update is here.

  Thick-skinned and begging for a ticket.Hit me, I also demand...

(End of this chapter)

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