Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 303 Zhongyu people are easy to deceive.

Chapter 303 Zhongyu people are easy to deceive. (3 more)
Among so many Cangshan disciples, no one mentioned Xin Xiang, as if this person was a forgotten existence.

Because everyone knew that Xin Wu's younger sister was Dao Dao, and since Xin Wu didn't mention Xin Xiang's death, they didn't ask about it either.

After switching back to her body, Shen Wu first spread the news back to Cangshan, telling Taoist Qingyu that she had not received the magic pattern order, and then continued on her way to Yinzong.

Two days later, when a group of people were on their way, Xin Wu suddenly stopped and looked up to the sky.

A cluster of lightning as thin as a hair wandered over the crowd, as if searching for a target, the next moment it suddenly stopped wandering and fell towards Xin Wu.

"What?!" Lu Feibai stared wide-eyed, "It's actually Lei Xun."

"Wow, I haven't received Lei Xun yet, and Master didn't send it to me when he sent it to you. Hmph, partiality!" As he spoke, he made an expression that I was Xiao Tsundere.

Immediately, he frowned again: "Could it be that something happened to Cangshan, and a thunderbolt will come over!?"

As he spoke, he hurriedly leaned forward and craned his neck to look.

Xin Wu pinched the thunder snake with her hand, and then squeezed out a small diamond-shaped crystal block. After crushing it, a voice sounded in vain: "There is no need to look for the magic pattern token, it is all in Shen Tian's hands, now hurry back Cangshan!"

This sentence seemed to be uttered in a hurry, as if someone was running or exercising vigorously.

Xin Wu and Lu Feibai looked at each other, "Turn back."

In the past, they used to walk in the Northern Territory in order to hide their aura. Now that the master's school has something to do, who cares so much, they release all the magic weapons and soar into the sky.

"Gu Chonghua follow, Zhu Yu, you guard him, don't let him run away!" After Shen Wu finished speaking, she saw Cangshan disciple's messy magical weapons.

"Get on the Soul Crushing Hammer!!"

Xin Wu took out the Soul Crushing Hammer and hit it on the ground. Then, the Soul Crushing Hammer rapidly expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, just like the Central Territory Dabi flew out of the Little Illusion Realm that day, covering half of the sky, like a mountain peak rise from the ground.

She picked up the chatterbox and stepped up first, and all the Cangshan disciples did not dare to delay.

The Soul Crushing Hammer shot out.

Standing on the Soul Crushing Hammer, I could only feel the wind whistling in my ears, and the fog below was like a sea, and all the Cangshan disciples were nervous all the way, imagining what happened to Cangshan, and they would send a thunderbolt notice.

The crowd had been on the road for so long without any ghosts and snakes, but after the Soul Crushing Hammer was enlarged, its prestige was astonishing, and people in the Northern Territory were not blind, how could they not see it.

So... the way back for Xin Wu and the others was blocked.

"The people above are from the Central Territory, stay here and be my corpse puppets obediently..."

It turned out that the person blocking the way was a businessman from the Central Region who was rooted in the Northern Territory.

Now Xin Wu felt like countless ants were gnawing on her heart, and she was feeling anxious and uncomfortable. When she saw someone blocking the way, her face turned cold instantly.

"Go away, don't get in the way if you don't want to die!!"

She was the first to shout loudly, and seeing the magic weapon of the light boat under the opponent's feet, not only did not avoid it, but urged the soul crushing hammer under her feet to directly hit the opponent——


The warm marriage blows violently, and the sound of hitting the forehead with the light boat resounds throughout the world. The sharp thorns on the soul crushing hammer pierced into the opponent's light boat, and many diamond-shaped petal-like sharp blades on the handle all fell off like meteorites from the sky. They all slammed into each other fiercely with fierce forehead anger.

The first one, the light boat vibrated unceasingly, the crowd on it staggered and couldn't stand still, and then the sharp thorns of the Soul Crushing Hammer struck, many people directly lay on the ground on the light boat, and some flew up to detect Kan dodges.

This time, Wanji's Lingxiao sharp blade was used to extract all of them. Every time it fell on the ground, it would form a huge deep pit. When the cold light was drawn on the sharp blade, some hills would be razed to the ground.

The legs of the people on the light boat trembled in fright.

Some people even peed out of fear.

"Let,...give way to them,...quick!" The merchants on the light boat immediately surrendered.

After seeing Xin Wu passing by with the Soul Crushing Hammer, the businessman wiped his head of sweat, "People in Zhongyu are easy to deceive, and the strong are the same. Showing weakness can save your life. Next time, let's lie to people in Zhongyu more. Kill the corpse puppet and earn a fortune!"

(End of this chapter)

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