Chapter 102 No clue
A day later, everyone set off, and still let Abliz lead the way. The Tomb of the Sun is a relatively well-known place here, and it has been discovered long ago, and Abliz also knows the location.

He has been a guide for so many years and has walked in the desert for so many years, so it makes sense that he can survive.

He didn't approach any dangerous places along the way, and was only responsible for bringing these people there. Although there were so many casualties, he has been fine.

With no shortage of food and water, they walked for four days and arrived at the Sun Tomb. On the way, the Snake King did not attack again. Master Guo and the others rejoiced and thought it was a good thing.

But the reincarnators are very bad, and the sudden silence is never a good sign.

When they arrived at the Tomb of the Sun, Zhou Qifa, Du Deming, and two students set up a tent and set up a temporary camp, and they stayed here without taking any more risks.

Abliz was still the same as before, staying in the camp and not leaving.

After the others arrive, the first thing to do is to survey the terrain.

The tomb of the sun is the same as what Professor Zhang said. It is a sun-shaped tomb composed of a large number of wooden piles. When they walked to the top of the hill, they saw six tombs of the sun at a glance. There are many species.

Although Professor Zhang was silent all the way, he was excited when he saw this. If it wasn't for true love, he would not have chosen this line of work, and he has achieved what he is today.

The others followed closely and walked into the Sun Tombs. These crescent-shaped wooden coffins had no bottom.The outside of the surrounding top plate is covered with sheepskin or a dustpan-shaped straw woven fabric.

Most of the wooden coffins only buried one person, and the bones are still preserved. It should be due to environmental reasons, and they have not decayed for thousands of years.

The heads of these mummy faces east, the corpses are naked, wrapped in felt, wearing a pointed felt hat with bird feathers inserted in the hat, and wearing leather shoes.

There are jade and bone bead ornaments on the neck, wrist and waist of the corpse.A small bag of broken ephedra branches is placed on the chest, and there is a small basket made of straw nearby, which contains a small amount of wheat grains or white pulp.

At the east end of some tombs, there are wooden or stone statues.Other burial objects include wooden basins, bowls, cups, animal horns, and zigzag carved wood.There are also mummies of children tightly wrapped in felt and preserved intact.

Jiajia was terribly afraid of bugs, Jiang Ziling was surprised to see these ancient corpses were inexplicably excited, Jiajia's preferences were really different.

Reincarnation and Ye Muchen didn't understand these things, and they had no interest in them, so they just stood by and took charge of vigilance.

More than half an hour later, Jiajia first returned to Jiang Ziling and said, "After a general look, there are two kinds of tombs, the Crescent Tomb, and there are men, women, and children buried there, and they should be the family members or servants of the owner of the Sun Tomb.

The tomb of the Taiyang Tomb constitutes seven concentric circles, and the wooden piles are arranged from the inside to the outside, and the thickness is orderly.Outside the ring, there are four-way radial rows of trees, forming a radial line of five or six meters.

Most importantly, the owners of the tombs are all male.Their burial postures are all on their backs, with their bodies straight, their heads facing east and their feet facing west.

However, there are not many funerary objects in the burial, only zigzag engraved books, bone beads, bone cones, wooden statues, etc., and only the burial objects of the Loulan Kingdom were found in the Fifth and Sixth Sun Tombs. That is to say, this tomb group is not Loulan. unique to the state, but a form of inheritance.

The last is the most important thing. On the surface, there is no seventh tomb, and Lanna is a woman. Judging from the form here, it cannot be the seventh tomb of the sun.Could it be that our inference was wrong. " Jiajia asked.

After a while, Master Guo, Professor Zhang, Dr. Gu and others all returned, all of them downcast, obviously not seeing anything.

Professor Zhang said: "The terrain here has been surveyed many times. I have searched all the places that I thought were suspicious before, and found nothing unusual."

Dr. Gu also said: "This is not according to feng shui and astrology, it seems to be another arrangement, which I have never seen before. I can't deduce the location of the seventh sun tomb according to astrology and feng shui."

Seeing that everyone is in a dead end, everyone is frowning.

As there were no clues, Jiajia said, "Let's go back to the camp first. It's already five o'clock in the afternoon. We'll be looking for clues tomorrow."

Dr. Gu said: "Well, let's study from the recorded data tonight. As long as the seventh sun tomb exists, there will definitely be traces to be found."

Now, based on the information obtained earlier, the location of the ancient city of Loulan is roughly known.

But with this approximate location, if you really search for them in this desert, you will definitely find them to death.

The ancient kingdom of Loulan must be buried underground, and there is no exact location. Finding it in the desert of death is no different from finding a needle in a haystack, and there will be sneak attacks by the snake king at any time.

Ye Muchen knew how to get in the entrance, and knew it was underground, but he didn't know where it was in the desert of death. There are no detailed coordinates in this novel.

Everyone hopes to get important clues from the tomb of the sun.

In the original play, they fought against the Snake King and entered the seventh tomb through the hole left by the Snake King.

It's a pity that the snake king's attack that should have appeared in the original play did not appear this time, and it should be related to the existence of Xiao Qi with a high probability.

After Xiaoqi ate the soul of the snake girl, her breath changed slightly.

I have been practicing with the Netherworld Meditation Sutra for the past few days, and my cultivation level has improved rapidly. It seems that there is a sign of a breakthrough in this Netherworld Meditation Sutra.

And it seems that he has realized something, Xiao Qi himself said that it has something to do with the sacrifice of the snake god.

Back at the camp, there are only two tents here, one for discussion and one for Professor Zhang and his students.

Everyone else could only find a place to rest by themselves, and it happened to be free for Xiao Qi to continue to practice. Her strength will improve, which will be more beneficial to the future.

Xiao Qi meditated behind a wind-blown soil slope next to the camp, Ye Muchen was about to stand by, and found that Xiao Fei and Jiang Ziling had tents, which looked like houses.

Only then did I realize that anything can be opened from the treasure chest obtained by completing the mission in the reincarnated world.

And the quality is very good, and if you are lucky, you can even get living items with special attributes.

He immediately walked to Xiao Fei's tent and said: "Xiao Fei, there are still many tents, give me one."

Xiao Fei was practicing saber skills beside the tent and ignored it. Ye Muchen knew that this guy was a stingy guy, so he said, "I'll exchange the healing medicine with you."

Xiao Fei stopped, looked at him and asked, "What medicine? I have general medicine."

"I know, you are well prepared, but this is made by an alchemist. It is specially used for internal injuries, and it can also restore a certain amount of true essence. Qingling Pill, as long as you have a breath, this pill will protect you. Undead, this is a treasure from the world of high martial arts."

Ye Muchen took out a jade bottle and poured out a light green elixir.

As soon as this thing appeared, one could smell the fragrant medicinal fragrance, and the elixir looked extremely pure, like the condensed light green energy, one could tell at a glance that it was not a mortal thing.

"Exchange a set of tents?" Xiao Fei's eyes lit up, if it's just a set of tents, then he has made a lot of money.

"You are too picky. I am a life-saving pill. You can use a set of ordinary tents in exchange? You can get it with money, so you have to give me something similar." happy face.

Xiao Fei hesitated, Ye Muchen walked to the other side and said: "This is a life-saving thing, I'd better find Jiang Ziling to change it, she is much more straightforward than you. This thing of mine may be the harvest of a hidden mission of yours."

Ye Muchen had just left two parts, Xiao Fei said: "I'll exchange this with you. Apart from sheltering from the wind and rain, the most important thing about this tent is that it uses magic barriers. Even the Snake King can withstand a few attacks. It's me. It was opened from the golden treasure chest obtained by completing the hidden mission."

Ye Muchen smiled and said, "That's about the same. I got it from fighting a group of demon kings."

After the two completed the transaction, Ye Muchen happily took this and built it in the camp. He already knew that Xiao Fei opened the treasure box to get this thing, and that guy would not give up using it.

This guy is absolutely reluctant to take out a life-saving elixir.In fact, there are still quite a few Qingling Pills, and it is worthwhile for me to change to this kind of tent with magic power.

If the elixir is gone, go to the Martial Dao Supreme World to collect another wave, it's not here.

But he can't make this kind of props, only the reincarnation world treasure box can be opened.

After the construction was completed, he went inside to have a look, and kept nodding his head and secretly said: "As expected, the treasure chest of the reincarnation world was opened. This tent is really big, with one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen, and a compartment for bathing."

I saw something like an oil lamp on the top of the tent, which can be put into spirit stones as the energy source of the enchantment. There is already one inside, which is also a device for opening and closing the enchantment.

After the enchantment is opened, it is almost invisible from the outside, it is a transparent energy wall, as long as it does not attack, it will not be seen.

He asked Xiaoqi to sit in, how could he let his wife be exposed to the wind and sun, right, especially now that she is in retreat, she can't be disturbed.

After Xiaoqi came in, she also liked it very much. No one likes to sit outside and bask in the sun.

She suddenly kissed Ye Muchen and said joyfully, "Thank you husband for your mercy."

Ye Muchen smiled foolishly, Xiaoqi jumped into the dormitory and began to practice.

Ye Muchen touched the place where he was kissed and smiled, without bothering him, he walked to the conference tent, where Professor Zhang, Dr. Gu, Jiajia, and Master Guo were all discussing the location of the entrance.

(End of this chapter)

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