Chapter 130 Siege
In the living room, the military doctors waited anxiously and contacted the military department to report the situation.

It is precisely because Commander Zhou Xian is here that the Hundred Clans Alliance will attack head-on regardless of the danger. You must know that the Hundred Clans Alliance on the second floor is wanted by the Lord of the Underworld, and they are all hiding.

This attack is tantamount to exposing his whereabouts, which must bring great danger.

Under such circumstances, they still chose to attack, which shows the importance of Zhou Xian to this battle.

Another military doctor asked anxiously: "Director, can he really find a way?"

"Our Huaxia City only has a short written record about the curse, and there is no single word record about the method of cracking it. If he can't do it, Commander Zhou can only wait to die." The chief military doctor sighed. If he couldn't save people, he could only wait for others to find a way. He felt even more uncomfortable.

"But I'm afraid it won't last long outside now. Five fighters on the second floor have already jumped down." The military doctor clenched his fists excitedly, not daring to look outside. Every time he yelled and then the sound of an explosion, he felt that his body was blown up. Same.

They chose to become military doctors because they wanted to reduce the casualties of their comrades-in-arms, but at this moment they could only watch their comrades commit suicide one by one.

The chief military doctor grabbed his colleague's hand and said, "Take your guns. If they rush in, we will be the last line of defense."

"Yes." The man immediately saluted, picked up his gun and stood in front of the hospital bed, glaring outside.

In just half an hour, there were already more than 20 werewolf corpses outside, and all the soldiers on the second floor had died. In front of the entrance of the hall, there were only two soldiers with shield martial souls and one soldier with dual sword martial souls, and there were almost exhausted soul soldiers. The powerful Yan Sanhe officer, the armor on his body is already covered with claw marks, and some claw marks have leaked blood, hurting the flesh.

"If the support doesn't arrive, we'll be doomed." Yan San shouted, he didn't know the situation outside, and he was not allowed to use the smart bracelet now.

Throwing ten glass jars outside again, watching the ten werewolves stand up from inside, Yan San yelled and cursed, standing in front of him shaking, his hands were already shaking.

The shield soldiers could no longer release their martial souls, relying on their heavy armor to resist, but at this moment the armor had already had many cracks.

When the two sides were about to confront each other, a figure rushed down from the sky, and then the two werewolves were beheaded directly.

Only then did they see Zhao Ya standing in front, and eight werewolves pounced on her.

Eight more figures fell from the air, pressing the eight werewolves to the ground, and piercing the heads of the werewolves with their claws.

Eight more delicate-looking girls appeared, which surprised both Yan San and the officer.

"Which department are you from?" Yan San asked immediately.

"We are Ye Muchen's friends, you stay by Zhou Xian's side, leave this place to us." Zhao Ya glanced at the people in the hall, and then looked outside.

Yan San looked at these people and said thank you. The officer saluted them and retreated into the hall. The five of them lay on the floor as soon as they came in.

The two doctors immediately treated their wounds. The chief military doctor took out five medicines from the medical box and handed them to them, saying, "Drink it quickly, it can speed up the body's recovery and replenish energy."

Yan San took a sip, then panted and said, "Why hasn't the support arrived yet? The military headquarters is farther away. Our police must have colleagues patrolling around."

The chief military doctor sighed and said: "People from the Alliance of Hundred Clans have surrounded us, and the police are attacking outside, but the number is far behind them, and the casualties are heavy.

Reinforcements from the military were also blocked by those hateful traitors.I didn't expect that there were so many rebels. I'm afraid we won't be able to get support here in a short time. "

Yan San smashed the empty bottle on the ground, clenched his fists angrily, and in the end it was a traitor who stopped the army's support.

At this time, Ye Muchen ran down from the upstairs, seeing Yan San and the others surprised, the director quickly asked, "Have you found a solution?"

Ye Muchen nodded and said: "I found it, I have to try it, don't worry, failure will not have any side effects."

"Okay, hurry up, I'm afraid we won't be able to last long here." The director showed joy, standing beside him not knowing how to help, and also curious about how to resolve the curse.

Ye Muchen walked up to a soldier and said, "Lend me your saber."

"Oh! Good." The soldier wondered why he used his saber. If he was going to do surgery, he should use a professional scalpel. His knife was stained with the blood of many strange beasts. Who knows what would be on it? Germs.

Seeing Ye Muchen take over the military dagger, the director was also worried that Ye Muchen didn't understand these things, so he used this to perform surgery on the commander, and quickly picked up the medical kit next to him and said, "I'm prepared for the scalpel."

Ye Muchen shook his head, walked to the side and used a dagger to draw a talisman formation in the middle of the living room. Seeing this, they understood and looked curiously.

But it took him a few minutes to draw an outline. At this moment, an astonishing demonic force erupted outside. The glass door of the living room was shattered, and countless pieces flew towards it.

The officer rushed to the front of the two hospital beds with two shield warriors, releasing the martial soul at the same time, and the two shields blocked the front.The officer swung his blade, slapping the incoming debris away.

All the debris around the hospital bed was blocked, and other things in the living room were shattered by flying glass shards, like being shot by an oversized shotgun, full of holes.

Ye Muchen covered his face with his hands, and the fragments hit him, all of which were blocked by the black cloud suit, and his hair was not even blown.

Yan San, who was sitting on the sofa, turned over and hid under the sofa. As a result, the sofa turned into a hole-in-the-wall outfit.

Ye Muchen looked outside and found that Zhao Ya and Zhuo Bie were fighting, no wonder there was such a big fluctuation.

The other wolf demons and werewolves were stopped by eight shop assistants from Huxinju. Fortunately, all eight of them were at the level of demon kings, and they were enough to deal with them.

Ye Muchen glanced at it and threw a porcelain bottle to Yan San and shouted: "Eat it, restore your soul power."

"It's too early to take it out." Yan San took it, and the five of them immediately ate it separately, all of them showed surprises, they didn't expect that there would be such a miraculous pill in the world, which would quickly restore their soul power.

They all sat down on the spot and exercised their kung fu to absorb the power of the medicine, trying to recover their combat power as soon as possible.

The two military doctors were surprised when they saw it. Huaxia City also has medicine to restore soul power, which is actually an improved spiritual liquid, but the recovery effect is not particularly fast. It takes at least two hours for a soul king to restore his combat power.

But looking at the fluctuations of the soul power on Yan San's body, it felt that the recovery rate was at least several times that of the soul power recovery potion developed by Huaxia City, and they couldn't see the specifics.

Ye Muchen continued to draw on the ground. This is the method he found in the book. It was the first time he used it. The drawing speed was very slow, and he needed tools such as holographic projection, laser ruler and laser protractor to assist.

As long as the angle of the talisman array is wrong, the entire array will be useless, so the depiction is very detailed and very slow.

If it weren't for his great strength, it would not be so easy to carve pictures on the tiles of the dagger.

As time passed bit by bit, the talisman formation gradually took shape, and suddenly a soldier covered in blood jumped down from the stairs.

As soon as he got down, he lay down on the ground and shouted with all his strength: "The roof is occupied by them..."

Before the sniper finished speaking, he stared and died.

"Hmph, so what if they know, can they change anything?"

I saw a monster-like person coming down from upstairs, his mouth was split open, revealing beast-like teeth, his eyes were the reddest snake pupils, a pair of horns grew out of his forehead, his whole body was snow-white with cracks.

Yan San jumped up, turned over and landed in front of Zhang Jie, the martial spirit was released, and claw blades appeared in both hands.

"Zhang Jie!" Ye Muchen was surprised, this man was sure he was dead, how could he still survive.

Seeing Zhang Jie's appearance at this moment reminded him of the Resident Evil series of movies in his previous life.

"Ye Muchen, your genes are mine." Zhang Jie rushed out and reached out to grab Ye Muchen.

Yan San rushed forward, and the martial soul claws pierced into the opponent's chest.

It surprised Yan San so easily, but in the next second, Zhang Jie grabbed his hand with a sneer expression, and the other hand clawed into Yan San's stomach.

Yan San's eyes widened in disbelief. Is this still a human being? With his chest pierced by claws, he can still launch such a powerful attack.

His Martial Soul Claw has four claw blades, and the tearing hole is so big that a person should lose his mobility.

Zhang Jie threw Yan San into the wall and bounced to the ground. The stomach wound was very large, and his intestines flowed out. If he moved again, he would definitely die.

"Just lack your genes, and I can complete it."

Zhang Jie stared at Ye Muchen walking over, the wound on his chest healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

(End of this chapter)

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