Chapter 137
I saw that the red mist passed by, all turned into corpses, no matter whether it was in the house or the street, no one was spared.

Seeing this scene, Major General Lei and the others in the back all looked terrified, and Fusang exclaimed: "No wonder one person can guard one side, and no monsters below the Beast Master dare to invade. With this ability, even a thousand troops There are not enough horses to kill."

At this time, five people from the traitor army rushed in, namely Xuanyou, Kuanglan, Xiao, Rukawa, and Dayhu.

They stopped in front of the red mist, and Xuanyou warned: "This red mist is not poison, but an extremely thick dark energy. Living creatures will be sucked away and die when they touch it."

Rukawa stepped forward and released his martial soul, his body's soul power surged, but he didn't see his martial soul.

However, he could feel the turbulent airflow around him, and with the release of Rukawa's soul power, the red mist in front of him was immediately blown away.

Ten seconds later, around Rukawa said: "The range of the red mist is too large, I can't blow it all away, I can only ensure that the red mist within 50 meters around will not approach."

"That's enough. With you, this woman will definitely come in handy." Xuanyou released the green ghost king's spirit and took the lead to walk over.

At this time, the surrounding red mist suddenly shrank, entering the Huangquan flower in the air, and watched the flower float into the hands of the Lord of Huangquan.

At the same time, all the snakes around him disappeared, but the ghost snake god was still there, swimming in front of the five people, that huge body, like a mountain peak, gave people an invisible sense of oppression.

Kuang Lan swallowed nervously and said, "This big snake seems bigger than last time."

Xiao also said with slightly nervous eyes: "Last time I only saw part of the body."

Xiaoqi took back everything and concentrated all her soul power on the snake god, allowing the snake god to release its power.

I saw the Nether Snake God screaming up to the sky, the Nether Soul power fluctuatingly released, the entire second floor was shaken, and the overwhelming coercion spread, and everyone on this floor was crushed by this special soul power.

Not to mention ordinary people, the faces of the five soul emperors in front of them turned pale instantly, and beads of sweat burst out.

"Soul Saint!"

Xuanyou's frightened voice changed, and it directly turned into a will-o'-the-wisp and crawled into the ground to escape.


Xiao, Kuanglan, Rukawa, and Day Tiger fled without hesitation. At first they believed that the Lord of the Underworld was the peak of the Soul Emperor, so they dared to join forces to capture the five of them.

Now the other party actually has a soul saint who is even higher than the soul master, that is not at the same level at all, so naturally he escapes without hesitation.

And the chairman of the traitor army or the bosses of the guild are desperate. Facing the soul saint, even if the army comes in, no one can protect them.

It can be said that no organization or even the country can stop whoever the soul sage wants to die.

The power of the Holy Land of the Nether Snake God exploded, and the traitor army was directly defeated.

In fact, Ye Muchen also let the Nether Snake God frighten these people. In a real fight, his soul power could not hold on, and the top-level pills for restoring soul power on his body were exhausted in the last book world.

Watching these people flee, Xiao Qi took back the Nether Snake God.It's not that he doesn't want to kill those people, his soul power has been given to the Nether Snake God in one breath, and he is already powerless to kill these people.

After changing back to his original body, Ye Muchen didn't go to see those people, but returned to his original old house. Of course, the house is now the same as the construction site.

I didn't go to see Major General Lei and the others because I was worried that I would really have to go to the third basement floor by myself, and then be protected together like a national treasure, which would be very detrimental to my development.

He could only hide, and after the matter here was over, he was going to go to the tomb of the gods to find out how to use the spirit of the gods.

Afterwards, he was here, absorbing the spirit liquid to enhance his soul power.

At this moment, the second floor of the basement is still shocked by the fact that the Lord of the Underworld can summon the demon saint, which has greatly exceeded everyone's estimates. The entire second floor suddenly quieted down, the traitor troops disbanded, and everyone went back to their respective places.

The remaining spies from the Alliance of Hundred Clans and people from the New World never appeared again, as if the war had suddenly stopped.

In Xiangshan Bieyuan, both Yan San and Zhao Ya received news from Ye Muchen, asking Zhao Ya to stay in their own house and hide for a while.

And what was sent to Yan San was just one sentence, resolutely not to be a national treasure raised in captivity.

After receiving the news, Yan San smiled wryly. After showing the message to Major General Lei, the guy smiled instead, shook his head and ordered the withdrawal of troops to support the ground troops.

It didn't matter to Zhao Ya, staying here just allowed Zhao Ling'er to practice with peace of mind, and began to teach the fighting skills of the red fox clan. She was too weak to practice before.

The next day it was time to enter the book world, and he would go to Jiu'er's world after becoming stronger, and kill the strong man in the holy realm, and he would never let go of any woman who hurt him.

[Welcome the author back to the book world. The author already has enough soul power to open the third novel world, Doomsday Twilight, do you want to enter? 】

"I chose to enter the world of infinite legends." Ye Muchen knew that the next dungeon of the world of infinite legends contained what he needed, and the world in the third book did not know where the entry point was, so he chose to get those things before talking.

[Welcome the author to the world of infinite legends, please bring Xiaoqi into the new instance within 10 minutes. 】

This time he still appeared in his own room at the Huangquan Inn. After checking the system information, he opened the door and went out. He saw King Hades chasing and killing several evil spirits in the inn. Xiao Qi sat on the shopkeeper's table and looked at The evil spirits were swallowed one by one.

He jumped down from the corridor, and kicked the evil ghost running towards him, but was caught by the Hades King who rushed up from behind, and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Husband! You're awake." Xiao Qi waved her hands and said with a smile.

"Well, let's go to the new world." As soon as Ye Muchen said, Xiao Qi immediately took back all the Hades Kings, and shouted to the kitchen: "Xiao Er, the remaining one is for you. I'll go out and play."

Xiao Qi leaped over, took Ye Muchen's hand and said with joy and expectation: "Let's go, let's go."

Ye Muchen took her hand and walked out of the inn door, the two of them disappeared again in a flash of white light.

"How on earth did they do it? Hey! Don't even try to run away." Xiao Er came out and watched the two disappear again with a look of surprise on his face. Seeing the evil spirit trying to escape through the window, he immediately chased after him.

[This copy is Hidden Imperial City, special reminder, this is a killing copy, everyone can fight each other and get high rewards. 】

After receiving the system message, the two confirmations were sent to a simple tea shop. This is the outskirts of Yinhuang City. There were two guests sitting in the tea shop with weapons beside them. They looked like people from Jianghu.

The tea shop was established on the side of the main road leading to the Yinhuang City, and there were still three or two groups of people on the road preparing to enter the city.

This is the background of the world in the age of war and chaos in ancient times. The people were displaced, but this hidden imperial city was on the safe side. The city lord here is the current prince. Although he doesn't care about the affairs of the court, he has great power and is also a peerless master.

"Xiaoqi, this world belongs to the world of high martial arts. I have explained this to you. You should be able to understand, and there will be a large number of reincarnations appearing. They will use all methods to kill their opponents for the task, and we are among them." Ye Muchen Said.

"What about Xiao Fei and the others?" Xiao Qi asked curiously.

"They can also kill us, so we have to be more careful this time. This time, the reincarnated people are all masters, and their methods are all kinds of strange, so don't be careless." Ye Muchen reminded again.

"Understood, so what is our goal this time?" Xiaoqi asked full of expectation, full of curiosity and desire to explore these strange worlds.

"On the way." Ye Muchen led her towards the city gate.

The four soldiers standing guard at the city gate were leaning against the city wall and fell asleep, and the others were chatting or sleeping under the nearby trees.

Xiao Qi whispered: "Husband, these soldiers are too lazy, isn't their superior allowing them to neglect their duties?"

"This is the intention of the prince here. The water in Yinhuang City is very deep, and the relationship is intricate. There are many unremarkable people who are probably extraordinary people." During Ye Muchen's introduction, they walked through the city gate.

The Yinhuang City is very large. Although the main road leading to the middle palace is not ten miles long, at a glance, it is at least five miles long.

There are various shops and workshops on both sides of the street. There is an endless stream of pedestrians and traders.

In the middle of the main road is a driveway, which is not allowed for ordinary people to approach. It is specially for carriages or troops.

The construction of the hidden imperial city can be described as strange. In the middle of the city is the palace, which is a palace, and the surrounding walls are square. The hidden imperial city is expanded around the palace. The distribution of roads and houses is very strange. Several positions were deliberately avoided, causing the houses that should have been neatly arranged to change their direction.

After experiencing the world of Martial Dao Supreme, and situations outside the plot, he understood that the real world in the book has much more content than his own book, and there must be a lot of people, things, and things that are not in the book.

So this time he was more careful than before, he didn't want to see Xiao Qi also have an accident.

(End of this chapter)

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