I extracted the BOSS from my own book

Chapter 140 Chaotic Tianluo

Chapter 140 Chaotic Tianluo

Outsiders are prohibited from entering the Tianluo headquarters area, which occupies about one-third of the area of ​​the ancient underground city. The place Zhu Hongfang took him to just now is an undeveloped area here. It is too big, so there is no need to open it all up. And there are many weird things in the unopened area, so Tianluo dare not continue to develop further.

When Ye Muchen was brought into the Tianluo headquarters palace, Zhu Hongfang was placed on the ground, and Boss Luo was already sitting on it in purple clothes. Although he was over half a hundred years old, with a curvy figure, under the secret art of beauty, he looked like two Ten years old, not only has the charm and charm of a mature woman, but also has the appearance and body of a girl.

Seeing Zhu Hongfang's appearance, she frowned and said, "Director, do you have anything to say?"

"My subordinate is incompetent and was attacked by the court's hawks and dogs. I also ask Boss Luo to return my innocence and avenge my subordinates."

Zhu Hongfang stared at Ye Muchen angrily, showing anger at being wronged.

"The chief manager has been in Tianluo for more than 20 years and has made great military exploits. He cannot be from the palace." A person next to him said loudly.

Boss Luo looked at Ye Muchen, and said flatly: "Why do you say that the chief steward belongs to the prince, and what are you looking for? If you don't give me a satisfactory answer, Tianluo has plenty of ways to make you regret coming here."

"It seems that Boss Luo has many spies in his subordinates. I told you at the door that I know how to open the gate of the underground imperial mausoleum. None of your subordinates reported to you such an important matter. It seems that Tianluo still has a lot of things to do. Even your Boss Luo doesn't know." Ye Muchen looked at the other party with a smile.

Hearing this sentence, many people around said angrily: "Presumptuous, you dare to sow discord here, life is not difficult and annoying, come here, let him taste the punishment of heaven, see if you still dare to talk nonsense .”

Ye Muchen smiled, looked at this burly, naked man and said: "Tu Jin, why are you excited, I didn't mention you, don't be too smart to do things all day long, and you won't even know you're being used."

"Looking for death." Tu Jin was furious, shaking his hands, and the thick chains flew up, wrapping around his arms like steel armguards.

"Stop." Boss Luo yelled, Tu Jin had no choice but to stop, looking at Ye Muchen as if he was about to swallow this man alive.

Boss Luo looked at Ye Muchen and said, "You are very familiar with people in Tianluo, so tell me, who are you?"

Ye Muchen looked at Boss Luo and said, "I'm not from Tianluo, but I know Tianluo better than you, Boss Luo. Who do you think I am?"

Boss Luo frowned, and everyone around him was surprised, with a look of amazement on his face. He didn't understand what this person's identity was, but he dared to say that he knew Tianluo better than Boss Luo.

But Boss Luo's expression became serious, he sighed after a while, flicked his finger, and shot out a dark golden dart, piercing Zhu Hongfang's eyebrows, killing him on the spot
Everyone was shocked, and they were even more curious about Ye Muchen's identity. Tu Jin and Zhu Hongfang had a good relationship, they belonged to wine and meat friends, and asked in surprise: "Boss Luo, why is this?"

"Zhu Yaowen has a real name, Zhu Hongfang. He was a guard trained by the palace when he was a teenager. He never revealed his identity when the Tianluo incident occurred. He stayed here and became the elder of Tianluo and the eyes and ears of the Zhao palace. Tu Jin, you Do you have any other comments?" Boss Luo looked at him and asked.

Tu Jin was frightened and furious, came over and kicked Zhu Hongfang's body more than ten meters away, hitting the stone pillar, breaking his bones on the spot and deforming his body.

"His grandma, he has lied to me for so many years. I am a lackey of the royal family because I still call you brother and brother. Hey, who is it, so you are one of your own. Come, come, I will unshackle you." Tu Jin waved his hand, let Someone sent the key to release Ye Muchen's shackles.

Boss Luo didn't stop him either. After seeing him unshackled, he said, "Come with me, the others will step back."

She got up and walked to the back door next to her. A woman in light yellow clothes walked up to Ye Muchen and made a please gesture and said, "Please."

Ye Muchen and Xiao Qi followed and came to the attic where Boss Luo lived.

The two of them just came in, and the maid who was next to Boss Luo went to the side to bring drinks and pastries and put them on the table.

Boss Luo stretched out his left hand as a gesture of invitation, and said, "Sit down."

Ye Muchen Jiuer Xiaoqi sat down and was about to speak when Boss Luo poured him wine and said, "Do you know what happened ten years ago?"

"I've heard of it." Ye Muchen didn't touch the food and wine on the table, just like what Zhu Hongfang said, Boss Luo is definitely not a good person, and he dare not eat her things indiscriminately.

Boss Luo snorted and didn't care that he didn't touch the things on the table. He poured himself a glass and drank it down, then put it down and said: "The previous generation of Tianluo Lord, who is also my biological mother, a secret order from the prince Well, my mother left overnight, but a month later, what was sent back was my mother's head and a secret order.

It said that my mother assassinated the emperor, was killed on the spot, and sent someone to take over Tianluo, why?The prince never asks about court affairs, and only cares about the treasures of the underground imperial tomb. Why would my mother assassinate the emperor? "

Boss Luo put down his wine glass, only to see the purple figure flickering, and when Ye Muchen was about to dodge, Boss Luo was already sitting on his lap, with his right hand embracing the back of his neck, his left hand raised his chin, and looked into his eyes.

Xiao Qi showed anger when she saw this scene, and stared at the two of them, but she knew that the person in front of her was a strong man here, and if she said a wrong word, she would be killed, so she had to restrain herself.He snorted and turned his head away from looking.

"So you think the Emperor sent me to take over here again in ten years?"

Ye Muchen restrained the urge to fight back and kept calm. He was far from being an opponent at close range, and the maids around him were all first-class masters. If he dared to fight, he would surely die.

"Isn't it? The death of the emperor ten years ago was done by a rebellious minister, my mother was just a scapegoat, and that secret letter was forged by someone else.

It's just that I can't understand why Prince Zhao cooperates with those rebellious officials and thieves to harm my mother. If there is no secret order from Prince Zhao, no one will let my mother enter the imperial city alone.

The later new emperor was just an incompetent and stupid emperor selected by those people. He was greedy for glory and obsessed with beauty all day long. The treacherous officials in the court were in power. The national treasury was already empty. "

Boss Luo spoke slowly, stretching out his hand to tease Ye Muchen, but he grabbed his hand, and the maid who was hiding next to him rushed out immediately, revealing all kinds of short weapons and hidden weapons suitable for assassination, each with a murderous look on their faces.

Ye Muchen ignored these people, looked at Boss Luo and said, "It's easy to see that the imperial court is also afraid of the power of Zhao Wangfu, so they pretended to be Zhao Wangye, and originally planned to let Tianluo and Zhao Wangfu kill each other, but it's a pity that Zhao Wangye was far-sighted. After all this happened, fortunately, he let go and let Tianluo develop freely.

But you, the boss of Silla, can't change it no matter what you do. Tianluo is a fact established by Prince Zhao, and the vast majority of people here still obey Prince Zhao.

Tian Luo seems to be independent, but in fact he is still under the control of Lord Zhao. Didn't you already realize this? "

"Oh! You really know a lot, which makes me even more curious about your identity." Boss Luo was surprised, stood up and waved, and the surrounding maids immediately put away their weapons and retreated.

"How do you know the secret of Tianluo? Except for me and a few cronies, no one else in Tianluo knows. Unless you are a member of the royal family."

Boss Luo stared at Ye Muchen, if the opponent showed the slightest flaw, she could kill him with one blow.

Just like just now, if Ye Muchen didn't show that he really knew a lot that she didn't know, it would be worthless, and he might have died in the hands of Boss Luo.

"The current royal family is not what it was ten years ago. It can be said that there are no people in the royal family, but they are just a group of puppets. I only came to you to get the things in the imperial mausoleum, and everyone took what they needed. I have nothing to do with the imperial court. Interested." Ye Muchen said.

"Haha, interesting, then tell me, what do you want? What if I want what you want?" Boss Luo sat back in his seat and continued to pour himself wine.

"What I want is useless to you. What you and Prince Zhao want are nothing more than the Nine Dragon Art, the Coiling Dragon Sword, the Nine Dragon Armor, and the countless rare treasures below."

Ye Muchen said it without thinking, which convinced Boss Luo a little.

She asked curiously, "What do you want?"

"Returning Soul Orb, as far as I know, the owner of the imperial tomb wants to be reborn with the help of the Turning Soul Orb."

As soon as Ye Muchen finished speaking, Boss Luo smiled disdainfully: "You believe this too! If the soul-turning orb can really bring people back to life, there would be no need to build imperial tombs, and immortal old monsters have appeared in this world long ago. But since you believe in these, you can It's none of my business, if the soul-changing orb really exists, it's okay to give it to you, as long as you help me open the stone gate of the imperial mausoleum."

"This is also the reason why I came to you, but to open the stone gate, you need the key in Lord Zhao's hand. He must carry this thing with you. Boss Luo should know Lord Zhao better than anyone else. I wonder how you can get it?" Ye Muchen asked.

"Sure enough, he has the key with him. This old guy lives in seclusion, his martial arts are extremely high, and he hardly ever leaves his palace. It is impossible to secretly get such an important thing from him. The only way is to rob him.

I believe those people outside have passed the news back. Prince Zhao knows that you have a way to open the door, so he must not sit still. He has been looking for a way to open the stone door all his life. Today, if he has a clue, he will definitely come. "

Boss Luo smiled, and then said to the side: "Xiaoqing, pass it on, all the staff gather at the entrance of the imperial mausoleum."

"Yes." A maid immediately opened the door and left.

Boss Luo stood up and said: "It's not too late, let's go now, since my subordinates are all the prince's people, if I mobilize all the staff, he will definitely not be able to sit still, and will automatically deliver the key to the door.

You must hurry up, don't let him have too much time to think, let's go, I hope you can really open the main hall door, otherwise..."

Seeing Boss Luo smiling at him, it was a sexy and glamorous smile, but it made his back feel cold for no reason, this woman is definitely scarier than a snake and a scorpion.

(End of this chapter)

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