Chapter 147 Rebellion
Luo Jing just frowned and didn't stop her. She used Ye Muchen more in the first place, but now that Ye Muchen was worthless, she naturally wouldn't fight for him.What's more, she was very moved by the conditions given by Prince Zhao just now.

A few guards came over with murderous looks on their faces. Ye Muchen smiled and said, "Lord Zhao, you are fifty today. Let me do the math for you. It will take five years. This is still a smooth situation. If something unexpected happens, ten years is not a long time.

You were 60 years old at that time, how many years do you think you can be emperor?If you know the method of using the soul-changing orb, and you have the ability to live forever, how does it compare to the emperor's dream in those years? "

When the guards walked up to Ye Muchen and just raised their knives, Prince Zhao shouted, "Wait."

A few knives landed on Ye Muchen's head, making Ye Muchen secretly heave a sigh of relief. Xiao Qi had already taken out the Soul Beating Whip in her hand. If she was a second slower just now, she would have done it.

"Do you know how?"

Lord Zhao looked into his eyes and asked, if Ye Muchen's eyes show some lying micro-expressions such as dodging, he will definitely kill this person immediately.

"He said that the purpose of coming here is to transfer the Soul Orb." Luo Jing said.

This sentence made Prince Zhao more convinced. If he didn't know the soul-changing orb, how could he risk his life to enter here and seek this kind of thing in the hands of the Wangfu and Tianluo.

He couldn't wait to ask again: "Do you know how to use the soul-changing orb?"

"I have encountered things that make people immortal in other places, but these things will have great side effects, and this soul-changing orb must be the same. I need to do some research to get a clear answer." Ye Muchen said.

"Why should I believe you?" Lord Zhao stared at him, with a little struggle in his expression.

Ye Muchen smiled and said: "Compared to immortality, giving me some trust is nothing at all, not to mention that the prince knows the effect of the soul-changing pearl in his heart, otherwise everything here will not happen.

Although your ancestors didn't leave a single word about the soul-changing orb, you should be able to guess some based on the clues, so you can naturally judge how credible my words are. "

The struggle in Prince Zhao's eyes became more and more severe, and his breathing also became slightly rapid. From this point of view, Ye Muchen concluded that Prince Zhao must know something else, and was struggling to make a choice.

He is not young anymore, and there is no way to wait for many things. Maybe if he misses this time, then this life will be over.

Suddenly the prince seemed to have made up his mind, pointed to the bronze coffin in the middle and said: "There is a mechanism in the bronze coffin, which can open the treasure box of the dragon head above the head."

A doorman in charge of the mechanism immediately stepped forward, groped inside the bronze coffin, and quickly found the mechanism. After turning it vigorously, the faucet above the head opened its mouth, revealing a rectangular box inside.

The prince jumped up to a height of five meters, put his hand into the dragon's mouth, took out the box and handed it to Luo Jing, and said, "Help me get the soul-changing pearl and the method of refining the copper corpse, this king promises to help you avenge your mother. All the ministers who participated will be executed. Afterwards, I will marry you and Zhao Cheng, and I will never interfere with what you want to do."

Zhao Cheng showed joy, looked at Luo Jing and nodded.

Luo Jing took a deep breath, nodded and took the box, opened it to find a golden scroll, and on the front there were three large characters of Jiulong Jue in ancient style.

Prince Zhao pointed to the bronze coffin and said, "Zhao Cheng, the Coiling Dragon Sword and Nine Dragon Armor inside are yours. Anyone who is present here can take one of the treasures here, and after leaving, this king will reward everyone with ten thousand taels of gold." .”

"Thank you, my lord."

Everyone in the palace was overjoyed, and immediately ran to the side halls on the left and right, where a large amount of gold was piled up, and most importantly, there were many rare treasures, high-quality weapons and armor.

Prince Zhao walked up to Ye Muchen and said, "Help me find out the secret of the soul-changing pearl. Whatever you want, as long as I can do it, you can tell me."

"Okay." Ye Muchen readily agreed, this is what he wanted.

Prince Zhao took out a jade porcelain bottle, poured out a white pill and handed it to him, saying, "Eating it will make you recover from your internal injuries quickly."

Ye Muchen took it, and the system immediately displayed the effect of this pill, Baicao Pill, which can repair internal injuries within a quarter of an hour.He swallowed it immediately, and felt the scent of herbs mixed between his mouth and mouth, and there was no such bitter and unpleasant smell.

Seeing that Ye Muchen ate it without hesitation, Prince Zhao was quite satisfied. Zhao Cheng had already brought the Panlong Sword and Nine Dragon Armor from the bronze coffin, and what was put there was not a corpse at all, but a wooden man.

Zhao Cheng handed the two armors of magical weapons to Luo Jing, and said joyfully, "Put them on. With this, your strength can be greatly improved."

"I'm good at claw skills, but I'm not good at swords. Moreover, this Nine Dragon Armor looks like it should be worn by men. I don't want it. You can wear it."

There was a little joy in Luo Jing's tone. Zhao Chengneng didn't want to give him such a treasure, which showed that his heart for her was true.

As the prince's younger brother, he gave up his glory and wealth, and has been by his side all these years. If it weren't for him, she would have been killed by Tianluo's people after her mother died, and she would play the role of Boss Luo.

Luo Jing has always been surprised that there are a few core managers in Tianluo who are impatient with her and have the strength to overthrow her, but these people just don't do anything. Now that I think about it, it's Zhao Cheng who suppressed these people.

Luo Jing didn't want it, and Zhao Cheng didn't force it. She said she would give it to herself, and she would use it herself. She threw away the original saber, put on the Nine Dragon Armor, and hung the Coiling Dragon Sword on her waist.Luo Jing fastened the buckle inside the armor for him.

Prince Zhao looked at this scene without any expression. He just stood there looking at the bronze coffin in the middle. His hands behind his back clenched and loosened his fists many times, and he could see that he was still hesitating.

After waiting for a moment or so, those who chose the treasures all returned, all smiling, some took priceless treasures, and some took weapons.

After a quarter of an hour of exercise and breath adjustment, coupled with the effect of Baicao Pill, Ye Muchen's internal injuries have almost recovered.

Prince Zhao didn't say any more, pointed to the bronze coffin and said: "You guys, look around the bronze coffin, there is a mechanism that can make the bronze coffin move."


This time Tianluo and Wangfu's agency experts went to search, the boss has already followed him, the two top killers and several stewards are from the Wangfu, and other people will naturally not be stupid to talk about loyalty at this time, naturally Take the treasure, help others with work, and go back to collect gold. No one has trouble with their own lives and money.

In just 2 minutes, the mechanism was discovered. Under the nearby lamp building, after pressing the mechanism, the heavy bronze coffin began to move sideways, making a rumbling sound.

There was a square hole under the bronze coffin. All the blood flowed into this hole just now, but now the blood has almost flowed out, leaving only some bloodstains remaining in the water channel under the floor tiles.

"Something is coming up." An engineer called out nervously when he heard the movement below.

Soon a vertical golden coffin rose up. This golden coffin was strange in shape, octagonal, with many holes on the top like a funnel. A large number of spells were engraved on the lid and the coffin board. These spells were covered with a layer of blood. Light.

Seeing this, Lord Zhao's nervous hands trembled slightly, and after taking a deep breath, he drew out a pair of swords. The blades and blades had dragon scale patterns, but the material looked like red rock, not metal.

"Attention everyone, this is a silver corpse, which is more powerful than a copper corpse. In addition to being invulnerable to swords, invulnerable to poison, and impervious to fire and water, it can also control copper corpses, so we must not let him rush out, otherwise once the copper corpses outside are controlled , everyone will be killed." Lord Zhao cried out nervously.

"Since the sword is hard to hurt, how can I kill it?" Luo Jing also became nervous. They had seen the power of the copper corpse before, and now that there was a more powerful one, they all sweated secretly.

"The sharp weapon of the magic weapon is enough, the Panlong Sword and the red scale sword and red scale knife in the king's hand are fine. As long as the hands, feet and head are cut off, and they are burned for a few days, they can still be killed. Others find a way Containment, remember, you must not be rushed out by him."

After Zhao Wangye took a deep breath, he raised his true energy, and the sword in his hand glowed red.

Suddenly the golden coffin lid burst out, and a mechanism engineer who was close was directly knocked into the air, and hit the front floor together with the coffin lid, and the person was directly crushed into meat paste.

A person wearing a dragon robe came out, but this person's skin color was gray with silver in it, and his breath was light blue.

As soon as he came out, everyone felt the temperature drop in the hall, and they all shivered.

The silver corpse glanced at the people here, and when he saw Lord Zhao, he just took a step and arrived in front of Lord Zhao: "Are you a descendant of the Zhao family? You still don't kneel down when you see the emperor!"

Prince Zhao's body trembled slightly, Ye Muchen knew why Prince Zhao was so nervous.

Lord Zhao knew about the existence of the silver corpses, that is to say, he deliberately brought everyone here, and his purpose was to use the blood of these masters to make Zhao Huanyu a real silver corpse.

The ideological battle just now was completely the temptation of immortality. Fortunately, Ye Muchen's words successfully instigated him. After all, the temptation of immortality was too great, and his ancestor was a successful example.

In fact, it wasn't Ye Muchen who instigated rebellion, Prince Zhao had already had this idea in his heart, it was just because the strength of his ancestor made him afraid.

Now everyone here understands, but no one said it at this time. Everyone was affected by Zhao Huanyu's aura, and their fighting spirit was instantly reduced by half, and they even trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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