Chapter 151 Psychic Beast

Seeing these people leave, Ye Muchen heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, after a few adventures, it finally developed according to the result he expected.

The Jiulong Jue obtained this time belongs to the peerless martial art, which is nothing to him. What he is learning now is a higher level of extraordinary level.

The Red Scale Knife and the Red Scale Sword are a pair, which belong to seven-star weapons, and the Panlong Sword and Nine Dragon Armor are suit parts, which belong to eight-star equipment.

Standing beside the Scarlet Jiao King, Xiao Qi saw him dying, his body had already begun to fester, the poison of this copper corpse was really severe, if it was a human being, he would have died long ago.

The Scarlet Jiao King liked Xiao Qi very much, he was hurt so badly, and he showed soft eyes to Xiao Qi, and gently rubbed her hand.

Ye Muchen found a special detoxification pill in the Qiankun Ring. He didn't know if it would be effective against the corpse poison. This was his only way. He handed this pill to Xiaoqi and asked her to feed it.

Xiao Qi took the white jade pill and fed it himself.

The elixir was too small for the huge head of the Scarlet Flood Dragon King, and it didn't feel like throwing it into his mouth, but after 1 minute, the medicinal power spread, and the Scarlet Flood Dragon King obviously felt much more refreshed.

After a while, it suddenly raised its head and screamed, and then writhed its body on the battlefield. It seemed to be in great pain, but every time it shook its head, it could spit out a large mouthful of dark mucus.

This elixir was taken from the storage items of the holy warriors in the Tomb of the Torch Dragon. It can be stored by the holy warriors, and the effect must be good.

It's just that I didn't expect it to be too good, not only let it detoxify, but also let it improve a lot.

About ten minutes later, the Scarlet Jiao King stopped struggling, lying on the ground with a prostrated face, slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep, but his breath had stabilized.

Seeing that it should be fine, Ye Muchen and Xiao Qi walked back to the main tomb palace.

When those people were fighting here just now, he lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead. He saw something in the golden blood coffin, but the situation was too urgent and he didn't have time to look at it.

Walking to the vertical coffin, at the foot, I saw a dark and blood-stained wooden box, which was not very big, about the same as a dictionary.Because of the black color, in this catacomb, under the condition of being illuminated by torches, it is really not easy to find things at the feet without looking carefully.

I don't know what kind of wood this wooden box is made of, the color is black, but there is faint blood.After opening it, there is a booklet bound with the skin of some kind of creature, with corpse refining notes written in ancient characters.

The two sat down next to a lamp post, and looked through the contents by the light.

After reading it slowly, there is a detailed description of the soul-changing orb.

It turns out that this soul-changing orb is the carrier of the soul. No wonder this will stay in the silver corpse. Zhao Huanyu lodged his soul in it, and then put it in the silver corpse, so as to control the silver corpse and shield the silver corpse. The dead air of the soul will not be affected by the influence of the soul and go crazy.

But the only disadvantage is that soul transfer will damage the soul, and staying in the soul-changing orb for a long time will also consume soul power. If you can't find rare treasures to replenish your soul power, you will eventually lose your soul.

It is hard to find something to restore the soul in this world, even if Prince Zhao is powerful and powerful, this kind of thing is also hard to find.

But if you can travel through the world in your own book, this thing is not difficult, and you can find a lot of it at the Huangquan Inn.

I have some understanding of the refining of copper corpses. The refining of copper corpses and silver corpses is actually very cruel. Zhao Huanyu refined himself into silver corpses, which shows how cruel he is.

After reading this book, Xiao Qi said: "This method of refining corpses is too cruel. If you really want to refine zombies, you can ask Dad. He has seen many in the world, and there are sects that specialize in raising corpses. Listen Said it was great."

"These two things don't do much for us, but they are dream things for the people here. They are rare things to live in." Ye Muchen smiled.

Xiao Qi said: "I see that those peerless masters use at most peerless martial arts. According to your description, this world is at most the world of Chinese martial arts. What is there worth pursuing?"

"This place is only on the edge of the Imperial City. The real good things are in the palace, but there are more masters over there, and there are many corpse monsters who have cultivated for thousands of years. It is definitely useless to fight recklessly.

This soul-changing orb actually came from the palace, we can use these things to find some helpers. "

Ye Muchen put away the book on refining the copper corpse, then took out the magic tent and put it on the outside platform, and the two discussed the future plan in the tent.

The next morning, before [-] o'clock, the two were hugging each other and falling asleep, when they felt the huge snake shadow outside the tent, Xiao Qi woke up first and said curiously: "Xiao Chi is awake, let's go and have a look."

Xiao Qi stood up while still wearing her bellyband, a red light flashed on her body, and the Yin-Yang Huangquan Mingyi was on her body, walked out of the living room to close the magic barrier of the tent, opened the door curtain and walked out, and then heard her pleasantly surprised laughter.

Ye Muchen put on the Heiyun battle suit, went out and found that the Chijiao King was bigger than before, and this guy had shed his skin last night.

He put away the magic tent, and found that this guy was still a dragon species, with horns growing on the top of his head, and four protruding things on his abdomen, which should be dragon claws, but it is still evolving.

He didn't write this in his book, secretly thinking about how to seize this opportunity, a dragon can become a super thug when it grows up.

It’s just that he couldn’t take the living things away, so he suddenly thought of a possibility, and immediately asked, “Xiao Qi, you like the Scarlet Jiao King so much, does your mother teach you a spell similar to that of a psychic beast, so that the Red Jiao King can be yours?” Psychic beast, so you can take it away."

"Spiritualism! Well, there are quite a few methods of spiritualism and ghost control, but there seems to be no spiritism. Hey! Yes, there is a witchcraft similar to a contract in the snake mystery method. I don't know if it will work."

Xiao Qi thought of it and immediately asked: "Xiao Chi, are you willing to be my contract beast?"

The Scarlet Jiao King was very happy, nodded in front of her like a little pet, and gently rubbed her palm with the snake's head.

Seeing that it agreed, Xiaoqi happily touched the bridge of the red dragon's nose with his hand, which made the red dragon king happy, and his tail brushed back and forth on the ground like a wiper.

She scratched her fingers, drew a spell on the forehead of the Scarlet Jiao King, and then released the yin and yang divine power, formed seals with both hands, and the red and blue divine power shot into the spell, transforming into the mark of the snake god.

At this time, the Scarlet Flood Dragon King roared up to the sky, and the red and blue curse marks appeared on its head, and one of the red dragon eyes of the Red Flood Dragon King turned blue.

"Successful!" Xiao Qi jumped up happily, this was the first time she performed it, and she did not expect it to be a success.

The Scarlet Jiao King bowed his head to Xiao Qi, and the sound he made turned into a dragon-like roar instead of a hiss.

Xiao Qi jumped on the head of the Scarlet Jiao King and said: "Husband, Xiao Qi wants to take us to its lair, and it says there are delicious food there."

Ye Muchen jumped onto the head of the Scarlet Jiao King, and the two grabbed the horns on its head, and it happily led Roland towards the snake's lair.

The snake's lairs are intricate and intricate, and if outsiders want to come in, they will get lost even if there is no attack from the red jiao.

The Scarlet Jiao King was speeding through the snake's lair, feeling like riding a roller coaster. The two of them held on to the single horn on its head tightly to stabilize their bodies, otherwise they would definitely be thrown off.

With the same speed as the flying car of the Scarlet Jiao King, it took more than ten minutes to reach the deepest part of the ground, which turned out to be a blue underground forest.

The Scarlet Jiao King proudly showed off the beauty of this place, and kept making strange noises. Xiao Qi showed a surprised expression when he heard it.

The Red Flood Dragon King was born here, and it has been more than 500 years now, but this forest has existed for a long time, and the Red Flood Dragon King's family has multiplied here for many generations, and it does not know how many generations.

However, it is very familiar with this forest. The Red Flood Dragon King is the king of this forest. In addition to the red dragonfly, there are many other insects living here.

Sitting on the head of the Red Jiao King all the way down, most of the plants and insects I saw can emit light, basically green, blue and purple.

It is also rare to see such a beautiful scenery, which is absolutely not available on earth and in the world of Huangquan.

(End of this chapter)

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