I extracted the BOSS from my own book

Chapter 158 The parties are in place

Chapter 158 The parties are in place
In the ghost city, Ye Muchen brought Xiao Fei and Jiang Ziling to Ah Si's house.

As soon as Xiao Fei came in, he observed the house and the outside, and placed security equipment around.

Jiang Ziling asked: "Will they come?"

Ye Muchen spread his hands and said: "I've already mentioned the great relationship. I'm only [-]% sure about Tianluo and Zhao Wangfu. As for the reincarnated people, I don't think there will be many. After all, the gap is so big that no one wants to die."

Xiao Fei came down from upstairs and said: "They dare not attack the mission target, but they dare to attack us after we complete the mission."

"I can conclude that, except for a small part of the cooperation, the rest will definitely come to ambush us, that's why I'm looking for you, kill those people, and your ranking will rise, which is much faster than finding them one by one." Ye Muchen He smiled and looked at the two of them.

Jiang Ziling reached out to him and said, "Hire us to help you clean your tail, tell me how much commission you will give."

Ye Muchen smiled, took out a large box of gold and looked at the two: "Is it enough?"

Xiao Fei turned around to look at him lazily, Jiang Ziling kicked a large box of gold away and shouted: "This thing is no different from a stone to us, anyway, I won't do it for nothing."

Ye Muchen said with a smile: "Those reincarnated people are mobile treasures for you, and you didn't even thank me for bringing them here. Instead, they asked me for benefits, and your brains are so funny!"

"You're just out of your mind. The remaining reincarnations this time have their own strengths. Even if we are one-on-one, it's hard to say that we can win." Jiang Ziling frowned. What they arrived at was completely different, and almost put them all in danger.

Xiao Fei also said: "Weak scumbags have already been eliminated in the Yinhuang City. Those who can enter here are of the same level as us. If there are many people, and it is after the battle, it is not very sure to face those people."

"No, you don't need to participate in the battle of the ghost emperor. It's the battle of the holy realm. We are not qualified to participate. You must be in full condition and ambush those reincarnations." Ye Muchen said.

Jiang Ziling nodded and said: "Well, in this case, we should be sure."

Xiao Fei frowned and said, "In this way, we won't get rewards for this hidden mission."

Ye Muchen said: "This can only be chosen by you. Even the aftermath of the battle in the holy realm can kill us. I intend to let Xiaoqi be the main force, and I will try my best to persuade the four imperial concubines. It is the key to victory, and we are not qualified to fight at all."

Both Jiang Ziling and Xiao Fei pondered, and after a while, Jiang Ziling said: "Let's do what we can, the gap in the holy realm is too big, so let's do this, we are going to attack those reincarnated people who are ambushing us."

Xiao Fei asked: "Then what is your purpose in notifying these reincarnations?"

"The ghost king in the ghost city is the queen's own son. He has single-handedly cultivated the ghost envoys, and his strength is not weak. I need reincarnations to deal with the ghost king. This must be a task, and the rewards will not be too bad.

There are also palace maids and female officials around the queen. These combat powers are all at the Zun level. I need the experts from Tianluo and Zhao Wangfu to help me deal with them, so that we can deal with the queen and the ghost emperor with all our strength, otherwise we will fight all the way in without the queen , we are disabled. " Ye Muchen said.

"So, if people from Tianluo and Prince Zhao's Mansion don't come, you can only give up." Jiang Ziling asked.

"No way, no matter how many benefits there are, you must have the strength to get them. If you don't have enough strength, you have to give up. It's hard to give away your head."

Ye Muchen spread his hands. In fact, he has a second plan. In case Luo Jing and Zhao Cheng don't come, he can only find a way to get the four concubines to call out all the people he secretly cultivated.

Of course, he doesn't need to tell Xiao Fei and them all about this, just keep it a little bit, after all, Xiao Fei's character is somewhat dangerous.

In the evening, Ye Muchen drank the third-grade spiritual liquid to refine his soul power, and Xiao Qi was also practicing Xuanyou Bingxin beside him. Although this exercise is not complete yet, it doesn't matter if you practice it first.

Xiao Qi sat on the ground, surrounded by a white mist, and could feel a faint chill from the mist.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Fei came back from the outside and saw that Ye Muchen and the two were still practicing, so he didn't bother. Jiang Ziling immediately asked, "How is it?"

"The reincarnated people have entered to fight the ghost envoys. People from Tianluo and Zhao Wangfu have also come. They should fight the ghost king tonight. It should be a reward. Let's go and see."

Xiao Fei came here to inform Jiang Ziling that neither of them wanted to miss the task of Ghost King, so they both jumped out of the window and left.

Ye Muchen smiled, and said to Xiao Qi who had also finished his work beside him: "Come on, finally here, with Xiao Fei and Jiang Ziling, we don't have to worry too much about being attacked by reincarnators, and go to find Luo Jing, a couple. "

Xiao Qi released the ghost mist, rolled up Ye Muchen and flew out of the window to disappear.

He found the reincarnation because he needed the reincarnation to deal with the ghost king, but the disadvantage was that some reincarnation would definitely ambush him.

An abandoned thousand-year-old manor near the ghost city. Because it is underground, there is no wind and rain erosion, and the manor is still very well preserved.

Luo Jing and Zhao Cheng brought the elites here and sent out people to investigate this ghost market. At the same time, they also discovered the battle between the reincarnators and the ghost messengers.

The two were sitting in the living room discussing, when a killer came in and shouted, "Boss Luo, Ye Muchen and Xiao Qi are asking to see you outside."

Luo Jing nodded and said, "Let them in."

Soon the two walked in under the leadership of Tu Jin. The tables and chairs here had long been rotten, and everyone was standing.

Zhao Cheng said: "We are here, can you tell us your specific plan?"

"Okay, the queen and the ghost emperor have already stepped into the holy realm. It is definitely not something you can fight against. I don't need you to face them. I just need to help us deal with the female officials and maids under the queen. These are corpses, and their strength is just right You are about the same.

As long as we don't let them consume our combat power, we can handle it completely later. " Ye Muchen said.

"What if you fail?" Luo Jing asked immediately.

"If we fail, we will definitely die inside, so you should find a way to escape and live a wandering life. How about it, we did the most dangerous thing." Ye Muchen said.

"I admit that Xiao Qi is very powerful, but to put it bluntly, you are not as good as us. You are going to die if you go in. With Xiao Qi alone, you are betting all of our lives?"

Luo Jing frowned. If it was just Xiao Qi and Ye Muchen, she wasn't sure at all, and would definitely choose to evacuate immediately. The world is so big, it would not be easy for them to hide even if they were to be found by Ghost Country.

"The empress and concubine have been enemies for a long time. It can be said that fire and water are incompatible. This is my breakthrough, otherwise how would I dare to take such a big risk." Ye Muchen said.

Luo Jing and Zhao Cheng glanced at each other, and after Zhao Cheng nodded, Luo Jing responded: "Okay, then it's settled, if we find out that you are doomed, we will leave immediately and will not wait for you."

"Of course." Ye Muchen clasped his fists at the two of them, and then Xiao Qi took him away again and turned into ghost fog.

Luo Jing exclaimed: "This ability is really very human, I hope they can win."

Zhao Cheng nodded, then sighed again, he never thought that the ancestor would provoke such a big crisis back then, this immortality was really so tempting, the ancestor would not hesitate to pay such a big price.

For him, he would rather grow old with Luo Jing slowly than pay such a high price like his ancestors.

(End of this chapter)

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