I extracted the BOSS from my own book

Chapter 160 Phoenix Robe Ice Hairpin

Chapter 160 Phoenix Robe Ice Hairpin
This is a circular palace, representing the four directions of east, west, south, east, and north. There is a silver-rimmed white jade coffin in each of them, on which are carved exquisite pictures of divine birds and Teng, and various totems.

There are two sarcophagi in the middle, a white jade coffin bordered with gold, the one on the right is carved with a phoenix, and the one on the left is carved with nine dragons.

The lid of the golden and white jade coffin flew up with a bang, and a middle-aged man wearing a dragon-patterned battle robe flew out. It was no need to guess that this was the Emperor of the Ghost Country.

Although this person is middle-aged, he has a handsome face and a small beard. He has a somewhat mature masculinity, and he is still a handsome man.

However, his whole body is snow-white, his eyes are blue, and he is quite different from the silver corpse Zhao Huanyu. Moreover, this person does not have a violent blood demon, but has a pure yin aura, and a cold aura on his body.

The queen's white jade coffin next to her was slowly opened, she stood up wearing a phoenix robe, glanced at these people, and said with a cold snort: "I knew you bitches were restless, and I don't need you now, just let you try my meticulous care." The power of the ghost emperor made died in the hands of your beloved emperor, you should thank me, haha."

"Gona, today is your death date." The other two white jade coffin lids flew up, and the two imperial concubines woke up and flew out.

They had been waiting for a long time, and without further ado, they rushed towards the Ghost Emperor, You Ji and Qing'er also rushed towards them.

The queen sneered, holding a purple-black jade talisman and pinching the magic seal with her hand, the ghost emperor's eyes popped out, and his fangs bared and he flew towards it.

The golden corpse is stronger than the silver corpse, not in strength and speed, but in the purity of energy in the body.

The ghost emperor used the spirits and yin energy ingested by these court ladies and officials, and passed them to him after refining them. It took 200 years to refine them.

And Zhao Huanyu only relied on the blood of martial arts masters, so the gap was naturally large.

The four imperial concubines temporarily blocked the ghost emperor, and the queen was not in a hurry to deal with them, but wanted to see how powerful the ghost emperor she had carefully crafted was.

Suddenly, more than a dozen ghost hands stretched out from under her feet and grabbed her feet.

Xiao Qi flew up, fully released his power, and threw down the whip.

The queen was surprised, she didn't expect this woman to be a saint.She released ghost energy and rushed away from these ghost hands. After a delay, the whip fell on her shoulder.

But when he touched the phoenix robe, he rushed out of Qingluan's wings and blocked the whip.

"What is the origin of this ghost country, there is such a treasure!" Xiao Qi was surprised, this is definitely not something that only exists in the mortal world.

Ye Muchen was also surprised, he didn't mention this in the book.

In the original book, Xiao Fei has never had any contact with the ghost country, so he is not very clear about the real strength and things here, and relies on the collected information for analysis.

The queen was also surprised by the opponent's weapon, which made the Qingluan Fengpao, the treasure of the ghost country, produce a protective effect, which proved that the opponent's whip could threaten her life.

Now the empress did not dare to be negligent in the slightest, seeing that the ghost emperor was held back by the four imperial concubines, she immediately understood their plan, which was to use these two strangers to kill herself.

"Come on, take down these traitors for me." The queen shouted, but no one came in outside, which made her a little panicked.

Xiao Qi squeezed the psychic spell, and a red magic circle appeared under his feet. The Scarlet Jiao King rushed out of the magic circle, and the giant snake head rushed towards the opponent.

The Scarlet Jiao King recognized by the queen knew that this thing was already the peak of the Yao Zun, and it was only one step away from the Yao Sheng. In terms of physical strength, he was definitely not as good as this beast.

She released the secret method of the ghost country, Xuanyou Bingxin, and the snow-white ice mist ghost aura formed five-meter-long ghost claws and flew out.

The Scarlet Jiao King bumped into it, and the ghost claws paused for a moment, and then the Scarlet Jiao King's head was frozen by this palm. With the spread of the ghostly icy mist, the Scarlet Jiao King's whole body began to be frozen slowly.

Xiao Qi took the opportunity to fly down from the sky above her, and the Ghost Claw of the Netherworld flew straight towards the opponent's head.

The Queen's other palm came to meet her, with the same icy ghostly aura. Almost at the same time, Jiu'er rushed from the other side, and the Zixiao Thunder Gun combined with the power of the candle dragon stabbed at the Queen's right side.

The queen felt the threat of a high-grade spiritual weapon, which was higher than her Qingluan Phoenix Robe, so she had to block the shot with her right hand.

The palm prints formed by the icy ghost energy collided with the tip of the spear, and the cold air and thunder and fire collided with each other. After only a second of stalemate, the thunder and fire were dispersed, Jiu'er was shaken back three steps by this force, and then his body was frozen.

Jiu'er's martial spirit was scattered, and Ye Muchen turned into an ice sculpture.

But there was a delay, the queen was hit on the head by Xiao Qi's ghost claws, and the ghost energy in her body was almost collapsed by the shock.

The little seven ghost claws pierced the queen's head, releasing the secret method of hell, and the curse mark appeared on the queen's forehead.

The queen roared in pain, and erupted with a ghostly aura that knocked Xiao Qi back. She felt something appear in her body, which made her panic.

Xiao Qifei made a seal with both hands, and saw the gate of hell appearing behind the queen.

Although he didn't know what this queen was, he instinctively felt fear.

Even the ghost emperor and the four imperial concubines who were still fighting stopped fighting, with deep fear in their eyes.

"For your own selfishness, kill countless mortals, and pile up the corpses like a mountain. Prepare to never be reborn in hell forever."

After Xiaoqi finished speaking, he shouted loudly, a vortex appeared at the gate of hell, and the queen screamed in horror, trying to break free from the suction.

But Xiaoqi has already left a curse mark on her body, and the gate of hell will locate and suck her away, no matter where she goes, it will be useless.

After struggling for a few seconds, the queen saw that there was no way to leave, and hurriedly begged and shouted: "I surrender, don't kill me, I will obey you in everything."

"I won't kill you. People like you are suitable for reflection in hell."

After Xiaoqi finished speaking, the queen screamed, her soul was forcibly pulled out of her body, and sucked into the gate of hell.

With a bang, the gate of hell closed, then disappeared into the void, and the queen's body turned into dust and drifted away with the wind.

Xiaoqi immediately rushed over to suck away the cold ghost energy from Ye Muchen's body. After he thawed, Ye Muchen sat down cross-legged and used his kung fu to expel the cold ghost energy from his body. Fortunately, the real fire of the sun can dissolve it. Escape to death.

Xiao Qi then sucked away the icy ghost energy of the Chi Jiao King, and the Chi Jiao King directly froze on the ground, as if he was about to enter hibernation.

Xiao Qi took it back, and then let Ye Muchen use the real sun fire to help expel the cold and ghost energy.

Seeing this, the four imperial concubines all showed joy, and You Ji said excitedly: "She can really summon the gate of hell, she really didn't lie to us, she is really the Lord of the Underworld."

The four imperial concubines saw hope, and they worked harder. The four corpse demons at the beginning of the holy realm and the golden corpse at the peak of the holy realm continued to fight.

Xiao Qi came over and said: "You restrict the actions of the ghost king, and I will help him reunite his soul."

"Okay." Regardless of the danger, the four of them flew forward, forced the ghost emperor's claws, and hugged his hands tightly, while the other two hugged his feet.

Xiao Qi made seals with both hands, and led the soul bell to fly out. With a slow ringing sound, he felt the soul energy around him dancing with the sound of the ring.

After the bell rang seven times, the ghost emperor stopped struggling, and saw the surrounding soul fires slowly condense and float into the ghost emperor's head.

Gradually, emotion appeared in the ghost emperor's eyes, and the fierceness also receded.

"Not back yet!" Xiao Qi snorted softly, drew a spell with his fingers, and pierced the ghost emperor's eyebrows.

Ten will-o'-the-wisps followed the spell and flew into the center of Ghost Emperor's eyebrows. These are his three souls and seven souls, but the soul is damaged, and some of his memory will definitely be lost.

Xiao Qi retracted the soul-inducing bell, and the Ghost Emperor looked at the four concubines around him, and then at Xiao Qi, showing a confused expression.

"The ghost emperor's soul has returned, but it is a foregone conclusion that he will become a zombie. You can help him continue to practice. But remember, zombies naturally suck blood, but sucking blood will make him lose his mind. This is by no means the way of real zombie cultivation road.

Zombies are like ghosts, they are born by absorbing the yin energy of the earth. This underground palace is a place of extreme yin, and they can absorb pure yin energy to practice. Don't rush it. Although it is slow, it is better than being stable, with a solid foundation, and is not easy to be eroded by external forces. . "

As soon as Xiao Qi finished speaking, the four imperial concubines said to her at the same time with court gifts: "Thank you, Shangxian, for your guidance."

After Ye Muchen dispelled the cold ghost energy in his body, he took away the last two jade pieces of Qingluan Phoenix Robe and Xuanyou Bingxin, walked over and said, "The task is completed, we will not disturb your Qingxiu, farewell."

"You two, please wait. You help us remove the queen and restore the emperor. There is really nothing in return. Please accept our kindness." You Ji walked over, took out a snow-white snow phoenix hairpin and handed it to the little girl. seven.

After receiving this, Xiaoqi felt that this was one with Xuanyou Bingxin, and it emitted a cold air. This is a terrible thing for a living person, but it is definitely a great tonic for her. Wearing it on her head In fact, cultivating Xuanyou Bingxin is definitely the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.

"Thank you, I like this very much." Xiao Qi was not polite. Ye Muchen told him that the things given by the plot characters in the reincarnation world, as much as they give, are all rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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