I extracted the BOSS from my own book

Chapter 172 Goodbye 5 Colored Flowers

Chapter 172 Goodbye Five Color Flower

After Ye Muchen finished reading, Xuan Ji said: "The Huaxia stratum made a wrong decision at the beginning, rashly attacked the underground world, and wanted to establish a country in this world, but the counterattack of this world was beyond their imagination, and now it has become a dilemma.

At the beginning, I proposed to cooperate with the Yaozu and occupy a territory in the underground world together, but they didn’t want to share it, and they didn’t believe in the Yaozu. As a result, after a few years, they got deeper and deeper, and Huaxia City was already in a deep quagmire. cannot.

It's just a pity for the military department, the price they paid for this is too painful. "

Ye Muchen asked immediately: "You know that this is a death-defying battle, why do you still want to participate?"

"This is an agreement between Heicheng and Huaxia City. If I don't fulfill it, Heicheng will be shut down, and the monster race in this area will have no place to live."

As Xuanji was speaking, she suddenly stretched out her hand to Ye Muchen and asked, "Mr. Ye is willing to join Heicheng, and together we will find the way for humans and demons to coexist."

"Thank you for your kindness. I'm in a mess right now and I don't want to join any team." After Ye Muchen declined, he got up and prepared to leave.

"It's okay, I believe Mr. Ye will join us one day." Xuan Ji smiled, and then Zhao Ya sent him off.

Zhao Ya went out and said, "Sir, I have prepared a room for you. You can stay here for the time being. Now that the Hundred Clans Alliance has stopped attacking, this place should be safe."

"Thank you." Ye Muchen nodded, and followed Zhao Ya into a building next to him. The area of ​​this suite is quite large, nearly [-] square meters.It is the top floor here, with a very good view, almost half of the second-floor city can be seen.

"Mister just came back, he should be tired, Zhao Ya won't bother you, come to me anytime if you need anything." Zhao Ya smiled slightly, then closed the door and left.

Ye Muchen sighed, pushed open the balcony door, and looked at the second floor full of gunpowder smoke, and there were fires burning in many places. Fortunately, the exhaust system on the second floor was still in operation, otherwise the thick smoke would seriously pollute the air on the second floor.

At the same time, he also saw the elevator entrance leading to the third floor in the distance, and it appeared again in the fierce battle. The Hundred Clans Alliance had put down everything and charged desperately. Zhou Xian's troops also tried their best to resist, and both sides were fighting for their lives. battle.

One side is to find a way to live, and the other side is for their own beliefs.

Countless people around this battle watched with binoculars. Everyone had mixed feelings. At the same time, everyone understood that the Hundred Clans Alliance could not attack the people on the second floor because of the existence of the Lord of the Underworld.

Also because the Hundred Clans Alliance announced that it would no longer attack ordinary people, the resistance on the second floor stopped, allowing the Hundred Clans Alliance to concentrate its forces to attack in disguise.

Judging from the current situation, this battle will end in half a day at most.

While Ye Muchen was staring at the flames of war in the distance, he suddenly sensed a wave of soul power erupting nearby, possessing the level of a soul emperor.

He turned his head and looked over, and sparks erupted in the 17th-floor building next door, and then a figure jumped out of the broken window, landed on the outer wall of the opposite building, and then jumped to the distant building with his strength, and soon disappeared.

His eyesight is very good now, although this person is very fast, he can still see clearly that it is Luo Hu from the Royal Dynasty Guild.

He had a very bad image of this person, and there must be nothing good. He immediately jumped out of the balcony and flew to the window of the room where the explosion occurred. He saw a group of people inside. There was a big battle in the room, and many people were killed or injured.

As soon as he arrived at the window, the fat chef slashed at him with a kitchen knife. The speed and angle of the knife were really tricky. Ye Muchen's Youquan Flying Sword flew in front of him and spun, but it could only block the shadow of the knife in front of him.

The sword shadows on both sides and above fell, Ye Muchen moved his mind, and the Nine Yin Flying Sword under his feet flew away with him, and the sword shadows instantly disintegrated the window sill.

Immediately afterwards, Youquan Feijian counterattacked, chasing after the fat chef to attack, because it was just a flying sword, without the drag of the human body, and the flying sword was not afraid of attacking.

Although he is currently only the soul power of the peak of the soul sect, he still drives the fat chef into a hurry.

At this time, lightning burst out again, Youquan was blown away, and stopped beside Ye Muchen.

The fat chef and the security uncle came out, and they both froze when they saw Ye Muchen.

"I'm going! This can't be a sword fairy!" The fat chef was surprised. This was only seen on TV, but not in reality. Although many people have sword-shaped martial souls, none of them can fly swords Effect.

"Are you from Rahu too?" The fat chef asked again.

"He shouldn't be, otherwise there is no need to wait for Luo Hu to escape after being injured by us. He should be a soul warrior who came to check on the movement here." Uncle Security said, taking back his martial soul.

"Ye Muchen!" At the door of the balcony, Thorn looked at him in surprise.

"So it was you." Ye Muchen Yujian flew into the balcony, where the fence and windows had been disassembled by the fat chef.

After taking back the two flying swords, the fat chef laughed and said: "It turns out that we are acquaintances, and we don't know each other if we don't fight. Hey, boy, you are so powerful with flying swords. I feel that your soul power fluctuates at the peak of the Soul Sect. Bear my attack, it's incredible."

"It's okay." Ye Muchen responded flatly, seeing a lot of corpses here, and looking at the clothes, they are all members of the Imperial Dynasty Guild, and they should be elites.

Seeing Thorn approaching, he asked, "Dynasty really treats you endlessly."

"Hmph, he is only afraid of the teacher's recovery. One day I will definitely kill him." Thorn's eyes were full of resentment, and it could be seen that they had formed a greater hatred with the dynasty during this time.

But what surprised him was that the two soul emperors, the fat chef and Uncle Security, had an unusual relationship with the five-color flower. No wonder Luo Hu was so afraid of his rise. The background of the five-color flower must be extraordinary.

At this time, Shan Cha came out from the inner room, saw Ye Muchen forced a smile and said: "Every time we meet, it's not a good time, I can't treat you well, sorry."

"Is there anything I can help with?" Ye Muchen walked to the door and saw Fusang lying on the bed with bloodstains on his body and sheets, and Jiexiang was using his martial soul to heal him.

"This bastard, Luo Hu, hurt the heart of the teacher. Now we have no place to buy wound medicine. Medical supplies have become scarce because of this war. The black market and the passages on the third floor are closed, so we can't get wound medicine."

Shancha's eyes are red. Although Jiexiang can control the loss of blood at this moment, once Jiexiang's soul power is exhausted, Fusang can no longer stop the bleeding.

"I have the wound medicine here." Ye Muchen took out the wound filler and handed it to Shan Cha.

Seeing this camellia surprise, he took it with a bow and immediately ran to Fusang's side, untied the gauze that had already been dyed red, and sprayed the wound on his chest that was more than [-] centimeters long.

The milky white foam medicine covered the wound, and quickly solidified to stick the wound, stopping the bleeding.

In this way, Yuxiang can concentrate his soul power to repair Fusang's heart veins.

Soon Fusang's pale face turned a little bloody, Mandala bowed to Ye Muchen and said, "Thank you for saving the teacher again."

Uncle Security walked in and frowned tightly and said: "Although the bleeding has stopped, the old man is too old. In addition to the continuous fighting these days, the old wounds have not healed.

At this time, Fusang opened his eyes and said weakly: "I have lived long enough, Fang Xu, Zhou Yang, please take care of Wusehua in the future."

"Teacher! We will find a way to make you recover." The fat chef's name was Fang Xu, with a sad expression on his face.

Uncle Security is Zhou Yang, he frowned and said: "Old man, the five-color flower is in the past, why do you insist so much, they have all given up, why you..."

Fusang held on and said excitedly, "They didn't give up, it's just that we don't know it. I absolutely believe in them."

As soon as he finished speaking, he coughed violently, and a lot of blood spewed out of his mouth.

Jie Xiang hurriedly shouted: "Teacher, don't get excited, lie down quickly."

The fat chef immediately grabbed the security uncle and whispered: "You are still angry at the teacher at this time, if you really pissed me off at the teacher, I will chop you up."

The security uncle snorted and walked out of the room.

(End of this chapter)

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