I extracted the BOSS from my own book

Chapter 185 The last resort

Chapter 185 The last resort
Seeing the overwhelming demon clan rushing up like crazy, in just a few minutes, the corpses covered the square around the demon palace, and the height almost surpassed the wall.

These monsters are not ordinary people. They run or fly very fast. If they don't kill them fast enough, the four of them will be submerged within a few seconds.

Looking at the Yaozu people crushed by jade stones in front of her, Jade Lady yelled worriedly: "Such a high-intensity attack won't last long. Let's attack the mask above."

"Okay, let's attack together with the three holy realms, Mu Chen, your red mist should last for a while." Long Xuanbing saw that the red mist released by Huang Quanhua was very effective, so he thought of a way to attack.

In case Jiang Yuan couldn't break the formation, they just sat and waited for death.

"No problem." Ye Muchen yelled, jumped onto the roof of the main hall, controlled the red mist of Huangquanhua to cover the main hall, narrowed the defensive circle, and increased the height of the mist coverage, but the middle position was empty.

The three of Long Xuanbing immediately stopped attacking, flew into the sky in the passageway between the red mist, and at the same time used their strongest blow to attack the light curtain.

Jiu'er released the Nine Yin Dragon Ball, flew out and turned into a black dragon and charged straight up.

Long Xuanbing released a piece of ice crystal jade, which turned into an awl shape and flew up. This is the treasure of Tianyishui Pavilion. Although there is no powerful energy fluctuation, its power is definitely at the top level in the world.

Jade Lady released 24 jade stones in one breath, all of which were stacked together and rushed into the sky in a line.

The three attacks arrived at the same time, concentrated in the same area, and the astonishing energy fluctuations caused the entire large light curtain to vibrate and continuous ripples appeared.

The attack lasted for three seconds, Long Xuanbing found that his strength was being absorbed, and quickly shouted: "Stop, it is absorbing our strength, it cannot attack by force."

The three of them immediately stopped, looking at the light curtain above their heads that had returned to calm, they all frowned and couldn't think of a way for a while.

"Let's defend alternately in teams of two to buy more time for Yuan." Long Xuanbing could only place his hope on Jiang Yuan.

Among all the people here, Jiang Yuan has the deepest understanding of formations, and he is also a master of formations.

Yu Niangzi glanced at the Yaozu people around, and felt that the palace under their feet was a small island in a storm, which might be swallowed by the Yaozu people like a huge wave at any time.

Fei Luo stood beside Ye Muchen and said, "I cooperate with you."

Eighteen jade stones flew out, killing those powerful Yaozu people in the red mist.

Fortunately, almost all the masters in the Demon League were taken away, only seven Demon Venerables and dozens of Demon Emperors were left to guard the city, and the rest were below some Demon Kings. It was the same for them all. wipe out.

The Lord of the Demon League floating above the city looked calm when he saw the battle below. He had expected these developments a long time ago. He knew that they would search the entire Demon Palace as soon as they came here, and usually they would not check the entire Demon League. After all, the area is so large , it would take too long to profile them all.

So he set up this formation, and began to cast a curse on the whole city very early on. At the beginning of persuasion, he just didn't want to really kill so many people. After all, most of these monster clans were members of his apprentices.

Now if he doesn't deal with these five people, the war will be lost, which means that he will not be able to get the fragments of the Heavenly Book, which he absolutely does not allow.

For the sake of the heavenly scriptures, not to mention the clan members of the disciples, he can kill all the disciples, even people in the world.

After half an hour, Ye Muchen felt that his soul power was starting to run out, Long Xuanbing immediately stepped forward to replace him, and together with Yu Niangzi were responsible for half of the defense.

Ye Muchen immediately took the pill to restore his soul power, and sat cross-legged on the roof to practice his kung fu to speed up his recovery.

With the four of them taking over from each other, the battle lasted all night. By the next morning, the faces of the four were pale and their soul power had been exhausted. However, there were still as many people in the city as rivers and rivers, and there must have been more than 50 people killed.

The corpses were burned countless times by Jiu'er's Jiuyin God Fire, otherwise the corpses alone would have drowned them.

Several people were a little anxious, hovering over the city, the leader of the demon alliance outside the formation was surprised to see the performance of the four of them, he knew the ability of Jade Lady, she was pretty good in the early stages of the holy realm.

The woman wearing the mask is very capable, but her cultivation base has not reached the holy realm. If she did reach the holy realm, even he would feel threatened by this woman.

Long Xuanbing's talent and blood are very strong, this is what he is afraid of, the difference in combat power between humans and dragons is not even a star and a half, in fact, Long Xuanbing is the most afraid of Long Xuanbing when the Lord of the Demon League sets up such a formation.

It's just that he didn't expect that there was another Jiu'er, whose bloodline was stronger than Long Xuanbing's. He knew about Zhulong's bloodline, but the Zhulong he knew was not as powerful as the Zhulong in front of him, and was not even at the same level at all.

Even if it was a one-on-one battle with the master of the Demon League, he was not sure of taking Jiu'er. He was secretly glad that he prepared this formation this time and did not let his apprentice rush back.

What's more, the strength of Jiang Yuan also surprised him. He had just broken through to the holy realm, but the power displayed by the attack formation just now was definitely not inferior to the combat power in the later stage of the holy realm.

You must know that after reaching the Holy Realm, it is very difficult to upgrade a small level, and it is very lucky to be able to upgrade to a level within 500 years.

There is no doubt about the talent of those who can reach the holy realm, it is not that geniuses cannot reach this realm.

Moreover, these people all have spiritual weapons, which are very rare in this world, that is, he himself only has one, and among all the disciples, only one has a chance to inherit one, and no one else has one.

Seeing that the four people below were almost consumed, the corner of the Demon League Lord's mouth rose, showing joy, and the stone hanging in his heart was finally let go.

At this time Jiang Yuan flew back and landed on the roof, Long Xuanbing immediately asked: "How is it?"

"No, I have tried all possible methods. This formation can only be broken through by breaking it from the outside, or gathering ten holy warriors to attack at the same time."

Jiang Yuan was also in a hurry. The other party was obviously better than himself in the formation. This formation combined the advantages of the righteous way and the magic way.

Hearing this, everyone looked desperate. Facing the number of 500 million, even the powerhouses in the Holy Realm couldn't do what they wanted. They joined forces to kill 200 million at most. At that time, their strength would definitely be exhausted, although it would not be impossible for them to fight strength, but to face the 300 million monsters behind, it is sure to die.

At this time, Ye Muchen asked: "Jiang Yuan, is it possible to break the formation barrier as long as the strength is strong enough?"

"Of course, as long as the strength is strong enough, no formation can stop it. I calculated just now that at least ten warriors in the early stage of the holy realm should join forces to strike the power." Jiang Yuan sighed, where are they going to find so many holy realms now? strong.

"I have a way to try, and you will attack with me later." Ye Muchen looked at Jiu'er, revealing the white ring on his hand, Jiu'er immediately understood and nodded to him.

"Okay, now you have to try whatever method you can, and you can't give up." Jiang Yuan couldn't think of any other way, and everyone else nodded.

Ye Muchen stretched out his left hand, and interlocked the five fingers of Jiu'er's right hand. The two of them looked at each other and smiled slightly, and the Yin and Yang Liangyi ring on their hands emitted white and black light.

"Hey, are you guys the last snuggle, how does this give me the feeling of the last episode."

Jiang Yuan couldn't help complaining, only when he faced Ye Muchen did he feel that he had changed back to his former self.

Lady Yu's cheeks trembled because of his words, if it wasn't for the wrong timing, she would definitely laugh.

Long Xuanbing stared, when did he say such a thing, Jiang Yuan smiled awkwardly, and he was quick to speak for a while, it's no wonder that Long Xuanbing said that Jiang Yuan and Ye Muchen would immediately change from aloof to funny when they were together.

The joke was a joke, and when he really started to act, he also became serious.

Ye Muchen and Jiu'er were suddenly enveloped by yin and yang energy and rushed into the sky. The two energies merged in mid-air and transformed into a round of blazing sun, like a large meteor recoiling high into the sky.

Jiang Yuan, Long Xuanbing, and Yu Niangzi released their strongest attacks almost at the same time, driving the spirit weapon and keeping up with them side by side.

The frenzied Yaozu people around were unstopped, and within a few seconds, the palace was submerged. The Yaozu people who could not fly roared at the sky, and those who had the ability to fly followed them closely.

(End of this chapter)

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