I extracted the BOSS from my own book

Chapter 188 Forced Expropriation Order

Chapter 188 Forced Expropriation Order

Yan San led them to the staff's dining spot next to him, and asked the two to sit down. He went to bring a pot of meat, with seasoning packets floating on it, exuding a tempting aroma.

As soon as the pot was put down, Jiu'er started to eat without any politeness. Yan San thought it was Ye Muchen who wanted to eat it, but when he saw Jiu'er eating fiercely, he was surprised.

"Shenwuhun can also eat!" This is really beyond Yan San's understanding, at least he knows that Wuhun doesn't need to eat.

"You don't understand that, isn't it special, can it be called Shenwuhun?" Ye Muchen was actually the same, after all, it was the first time he saw it.

However, he could sense that the food Jiu'er ate would be broken down into energy by the body's soul power for absorption.

Seeing that Jiu'er could indeed eat, Ye Muchen asked, "Since the war has ceased, what are we going to do with the residents on the second floor?"

"Some people moved to the bottom, and now the passage is being re-opened. Those who registered first, and some people chose to stay on the second floor. The location is in the North District, where the Netherworld Guild is located. There is the Lord of the Netherworld, so stay there Everyone is at ease.

In fact, the people who stayed were basically those who were unwilling to leave their homeland. Some would rather die in their homeland than leave, and some stayed because they saw that the Lord of the Underworld was enough to deter the Hundred Clans Alliance.You would never have imagined that many of these businessmen saw business opportunities. "

Yan San talked about the policy to be dealt with by his superiors, and then immediately asked: "What plans do you have in the future? Do you want to come to our police station? If you agree, you must be the director of the second floor, and I will help you."

Ye Muchen rolled his eyes, knowing that this guy was just mentioning it casually, he filled a bowl of broth for himself and Yan San and said: "The war here is over, and I can leave with peace of mind. I know too little about Shenwuhun, so I am going to go outside to see it." Look."

"I knew it, okay, then this meal will be a farewell. Although I know you are very strong, but after all, it is the world outside Huaxia City. It is said that the streets are full of kings. Be careful yourself. Replace wine with soup. I wish you the best of luck, come and have a bowl."

Yan San picked up the broth and pointed it at him, Ye Muchen also raised the broth, laughed and complained: "You really mean it, this broth is so spicy, let me kill it."

"Haha, that's because you can't do it, watch." Yan San really drank a bowl of spicy soup, and licked the soup from the corner of his mouth with relish.

"Pervert." Ye Muchen shook his head, took a sip, the spicy taste was really refreshing, but after drinking the whole bowl, he felt like drinking hot pot soup, but seeing Yan San's provocative eyes, he closed his eyes and drank it too , anyway, Ziji's Taoist body is strong, it is impossible to be killed by a bowl of spicy soup.

Yan San saw him blushing and laughing, then suddenly became serious and said: "Since you decided to leave, hurry up, Chief Lei told me that the higher-ups want to force you to take the lead and occupy the underground world."

Ye Muchen was still drooling over the greasy and spicy food in his mouth, and immediately stopped frowning when he heard this sentence and asked: "This is not in line with the policy. Hasn't it always been voluntary for warriors?"

"Perhaps the higher-ups have taken a fancy to your martial arts spirit. Although it is strange to make such a sudden request this time, if you have no such plan and don't want to conflict with the authorities, then leave early. If they can't find you, you can't be blamed." Your head is on, remember to pull out your ID card."

Although Yan San hoped that Ye Muchen could fight for Huaxia City, Chief Lei's tone and expression felt tricky, so he reminded Ye Muchen.

Ye Muchen frowned and asked, "Will there be traitors on the upper floors?"

"Hush! There are a lot of people here, anyway, hurry up, there are only two people who can go out on the second floor now, one is the Black City, and the other is the exit controlled by the Hundred Clans Alliance. Okay, I still have to work, let's go .”

Yan San glanced around and found that someone was indeed looking at him, so he stopped talking and got up to leave.

Jiu'er finished eating quickly, Ye Muchen got up and said, "Let's go."

Although Jiu'er didn't enjoy the meal, the food here is prepared for people on the second floor, so it's impossible for her to be satisfied. She wiped her mouth and got up to follow her and asked, "Is someone following you? Are you strong?"

"Not strong. There are many things here that cannot be resolved by force. Let's go. The first goal is to solve the problem of Shen Wuhun." Ye Muchen didn't want to get involved with these things, so as not to get away.

As soon as the two walked out of the gymnasium, they found several people in black uniforms walking towards them, staring at them, frowning and saying: "You have been targeted."


Jiu'er nodded, understanding what Ye Muchen meant, and the two disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The four people who came over were startled, but Ye Muchen had disappeared before they could yell out.

They understood that the gap with the other party was too big, and the other party couldn't even look at him if he wanted to leave, let alone chase, which made them secretly angry.

"What to do? If he really leaves, there is nothing we can do."

"Use the official system to issue a summoning order to him. If he does not come, he will violate the law. We have a way to deal with it."

They notified the higher-ups to send a message to Ye Muchen, but the reply was an empty number.

Several people were stunned when they received the reply. If they didn't receive the official information, then he didn't violate the regulations. Even if Ye Muchen came back at that time, they didn't have any excuses.

As for why it is an empty number, there are many reasons.

"Immediately ask everyone to scatter to search, and if they find Ye Muchen, immediately notify them verbally. If he refuses, they will report to their superiors as an order of resistance." One of them said, and the others left immediately to announce the order.

And the person in charge dialed Yan San's number with his smart wrist, and said after the other party connected, "Officer Yan San, I am Yao Jiandi from the Intelligence Bureau, let's talk."

Ye Muchen let Jiu'er return to the sea of ​​consciousness, came to the door of Zhao Linger's room by himself, knocked on her door, and soon Zhao Linger came out in red home clothes with a surprised face: "Sir, what's the matter?"

This was the first time Ye Muchen knocked on Zhao Linger's door, so she was surprised.

"Take me to Mrs. Zhao, I have something important to discuss with her." Ye Muchen said.

"Okay, come with me." Zhao Ling'er didn't need any preparations, and immediately took him to Xuan Ji's residence. Although she wondered why Ye Muchen didn't contact his mother directly, she still contacted her without hesitation.

The two came to the gate of Xuan Ji's villa, Zhao Ya was already waiting here, seeing them coming, Zhao Ya smiled and said: "Sir, please come in."

Entering the living room, Xuan Ji asked him to sit down, then smiled and asked: "Please sit down, what can Mr. Ye do with us?"

"I'm going to go to the God's Tomb now, and I want to use the Black City exit." Ye Muchen went straight to the point, surprising Xuan Ji, Zhao Ya and others.

Sitting next to him, Zhao Ya asked puzzledly: "Why are you in such a hurry, sir? We still need to prepare to gather people, and we will leave early tomorrow morning, and it will not be short of one night."

Xuan Ji suddenly thought of something and frowned and said: "Someone above used forceful signs again."

Ye Muchen nodded, Zhao Ya and Zhao Linger were both surprised, Xuan Ji sighed and said: "This method has been used in the past, the target is the five-color flower, now I can confirm that there are spies in the upper echelons of Huaxia City, but I don't know which side.

They are doing everything possible to prevent Huaxia City from appearing stronger than the Soul Emperor. I am afraid they will use the same method against Huang Quanzhi's initiative. "

Ye Muchen asked puzzledly: "Don't the upper echelons of Huaxia don't care?"

"I don't know, the information I can get is limited, did they send you any information?" Xuan Ji asked.

"I pulled the card out."

Ye Muchen pointed to the card slot on the smart wrist. The identity chip of the smart bracelet was pulled out, and most of the functions could not be used, nor could it access the Internet and communicate.

"Then it's fine. As long as you don't receive any information from them, they won't be able to convict you when you come back. In this way, you go first, and I will gather people and leave tomorrow morning. We will meet up at Luo Ying Restaurant in Chang'an Demon City."

Xuan Ji said, and ordered the people around her to prepare a new identity card. This card is used by people in Heicheng and is not controlled by Huaxia City.

"it is good."

Ye Muchen nodded, and took the identity card from the maid, with the Black City mark on it, this kind of card has few restrictions, it can be said to be a black card, and there is no detailed identity information, only simple information, and these identity information can be modified by yourself .

After reinserting the ID card, he enters his name, and the smart bracelet can continue to be used, and it is also convenient for them to communicate with each other.

However, there is a fee to use the card of Heicheng, and the price is ten times higher than that of Huaxia City.

"The Black City is not open to the outside world now, I will have someone take you into the Black City, and my people will explain the specific situation to you."

After Xuan Ji finished speaking, a woman in blue clothes walked up to Ye Muchen and bowed slightly.

"Then I'll go ahead."

Ye Muchen bid farewell to everyone and left with the woman in blue.

(End of this chapter)

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