I extracted the BOSS from my own book

Chapter 190 Fist is the truth

Chapter 190 Fist is the truth
The group of demon clansmen with wings behind them surrounded Ye Muchen and blocked his way. One of them, who was almost the same as Lei Zhenzi, flew up to him and pointed at him and shouted: "Tie me up, and bury me with the white bird."

Others will rush up immediately, but these people are not strong, and they are basically within the scope of the demon sect. Only the male bird man who seems to be the leader in front has the demon power fluctuations of the demon king.

As soon as these people approached, Youquan Feijian flew out again, circling Ye Muchen in a circle, and the first four people who rushed up were cut off their arms in the blink of an eye.

Now these people immediately woke up from their anger. The Baigu was a beast at the level of a demon emperor. The person in front of him could kill it, and his strength was definitely not something they could fight against.

This group of people immediately scattered and flew away, all of them let out a long howl, the sound was sharp and loud, and it spread very far, it felt like a bird warning its companions.

Knowing that there are as many races in the outside world as crucian carp crossing the river, he really didn't want to cause too much trouble, so instead of chasing him, Yu Jian flew towards the ancient city of Chang'an.

If they really wanted to fight, he and Jiu'er would naturally not be afraid, but it might be endless.

It is difficult for him to kill all of them in the opponent's territory, so he can only leave.

Follow the map navigation to the ancient city of Chang'an. This is an ancient city with a history of thousands of years. From the air, it has become an ancient forest city.

The big trees and the buildings of the ancient city are perfectly combined, giving people the feeling of an ancient forest city only found in books. It really has a different charm. This is a scenery that Huaxia City absolutely does not have.

However, it can be seen from the air that there are poisonous insects and beasts everywhere around the ancient city of Chang'an, many of which are hunting their prey.

The strange beasts and poisonous insects here are much more ferocious than those around Huaxia City. Looking at the predation scene, most warriors in Huaxia City will definitely become prey.

In the center of the ancient city of Chang'an, surrounded by ancient city walls, there are many figures inside, but most of them are not human, and there are even some monsters and humans coexisting.

Ye Muchen flew towards the city, when three winged figures flew over his head, they seemed to be in charge of patrolling.

Seeing that Ye Muchen was about to fly in, he immediately stopped him and shouted loudly: "Flying is prohibited in the sky above Yaoshi, and everyone who wants to enter the city must enter through the city gate."

Ye Muchen didn't want to cause trouble here, Yu Jian flew to the gate of the city, and these patrolling monsters flew to the top of the city to look at him.

There are Yaozu soldiers guarding the city wall, and the number is about a hundred.There were also ten people guarding the city gate. Seeing Ye Muchen approaching, the person on the outermost stretched out his hand.

"Do you need a pass here?" Ye Muchen asked.

"Pass pass? Haha, it turned out to be the first time I came here. The entrance fee is 1 silver coin for the monster tribe and 2 silver coins for other tribes."

"Hey, he seems to be from China!"

"Really, isn't Huaxia City very far from here? How could he come here?"

"Are you from Huaxia?" asked the soldier who had just reached out for money.

"Yes, what's the problem?" Ye Muchen frowned.

"Haha, a Huaxia person enters the city for 1 gold coin." The man smirked.

"If you can't pay the money, I'll take you as a slave to mortgage, haha." Four monster soldiers surrounded him with a smile.

They know that the currency used by people in Huaxia City is not gold, and the purpose is to catch it and sell it for money. As long as it grows well, ten gold coins are still fine.

The other came over with a rope, and he frowned, thinking that in the world in the book, Long Xuanbing said that the monster race respects strength, and to reason with them is to play the piano against the cow.

He no longer hesitated to attack suddenly, using only the most basic martial arts in Huaxia City, and he had already seen how skillful it was in his hands. The four monster soldiers were hit on the bridge of the nose and flew upside down before they could see their fists clearly.

The monster soldier with the rope stopped immediately in surprise, and when he saw Ye Muchen seriously injured four of his companions with his bare hand, he quickly turned around and ran away.

He deliberately observed the surroundings, and found that the soldiers he saw on the city wall did not intend to attack at all, but instead laughed.

Now he was absolutely sure that fists were talking here.

At this time, there was a person above who was not a monster, and he didn't know what race he was, shouting loudly: "Hey, Huaxia people, the rule here is that people above the king level are free to enter the city, and all strong people are welcome here. As long as you can prove your strength, the monster The gates of the city are always open for you."

Surprised, Ye Muchen clasped his fists at the person above, released the fluctuation of soul power, and the energy fluctuation of the soul emperor appeared, and the monster clansman guarding the gate immediately gave way and became respectful.

Walking into the gate of the city, I saw a Chinese soldier who was in charge of moving the equipment here. He also saw the scene just now and waved at him.

Ye Muchen went over and asked, "Are you from Huaxia?"

"Isn't this nonsense, a standard Chinese person. Hey, are you really from Huaxia City?" the man asked.

"What's the matter? Are there any taboos?" Ye Muchen asked back. After all, he is not familiar with the place here, and if he doesn't understand the rules, he will cause a lot of trouble.

"There are no taboos here, but the status of the Chinese people here is very low, and those who see collars around their necks here are slaves, and the names of their masters are engraved on the plaques on them.

These are generally slaves, and a few were caught outside.Here you just remember one thing, don't talk nonsense about things that fists can solve, everyone here only knows fists.

And the king level is just a threshold here, it can't be considered too strong, don't offend others, it's still not a big problem.

But if you offend someone and get caught, you will become a slave, which is very miserable.One last reminder, the Lord of the Demon City must not offend people, no, you must be respectful when you see them, otherwise it is good to die quickly.

Did you see that badge? That's the mark of the Lord of the Demon City. Those who wear this mark avoid it if they can. If they can't, they pretend to be grandsons. "

"Understood, thank you for reminding me, next to Ye Muchen, I don't know the name of my eldest brother." Ye Muchen showed a grateful expression, this information can save him a lot of trouble.

"Zhao Yuan, it's rare to meet people from Huaxia City here. Let's have a meal together when I change shifts. Tell me about Huaxia City. My children like to hear news from Huaxia City." Zhao Yuan said with a smile.

"You want to go to Huaxia City?" Ye Muchen asked.

Zhao Yuan sighed: "As long as you are a Chinese person, who doesn't want to go, that's where we belong. Here, hum, to put it bluntly, is it different from a dog.

We have heard some people who have been to Huaxia City say that it is a place that all Huaxia people yearn for. Unfortunately, even if they can leave the city, who can go so far away, they will either be eaten by strange beasts halfway, or captured by other races. "

"Brother Zhao, does Huaxia City often come here?" Ye Muchen asked curiously.

"Rarely, but there will be a few in a month. I will chat with those who are easy to approach. I will tell my children about the news of Huaxia City that I know from them. My children like it there, and they are very envious. I have been working hard to become stronger, and I want to go back to Huaxia City.

It's a pity that if you don't have the strength of an emperor, it's not easy to go to such a far place.By the way, a few days ago, a group of people came here. They were all emperor-level powerhouses, and everyone on our side greeted them respectfully.

Most of these people are from Huaxia, but unfortunately there is no way to get close to them. I am just a soldier, and I dare not show any disrespect. "

Zhao Yuan also deliberately described the appearance of these people who came in advance this time. Ye Muchen thought of the people in the new world, and immediately asked: "Brother Zhao, do you know where these people went?"

"Ah, why are you inquiring about these people, these people are not to be provoked." Zhao Yuan hastily warned that the last thing to offend here is the strong.

Ye Muchen smiled and said: "Those people are my companions, otherwise you think how I got here."

"Ah! It's villains who don't know Taishan. You are those grown-ups. You said earlier, how dare they trouble you. These people are all staying at Luoying Hotel, which is the best here. The city lord personally arrange.

If you are blocked by someone this time, and you directly report the names of those adults, no one will dare to find trouble. "

"Thank you." Ye Muchen secretly rejoiced, this was a windfall.

As Zhao Yuangang was speaking, suddenly three people came down from the tower, and one of them shouted, "Zhao Gouzi, you're addicted to chatting, aren't you? Don't go to work."

"Yes, my lord." Zhao Yuan gave Ye Muchen a look, and then trotted to carry the equipment.

The officer walked past Ye Muchen, snorted and said, "It's just a dog, and you want to make connections? Haha..."

The three of them laughed and walked in front of him. Knowing that Ye Muchen was an emperor, the other party would naturally not laugh at him.

Ye Muchen frowned, the status of the Huaxia people in Chang'an City is really low.

(End of this chapter)

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