Chapter 211

Back to reality, the system prompts that Xiaoqi's soul can be completely extracted.

Like Jiu'er, Xiaoqi's soul separated from his body and reunited in front of him.

Ye Muchen still couldn't help being happy when he saw the real Xiao Qi appear in front of him, but Xiao Qi was surprised when he knew that he was a character in the husband's book, and at the same time became sad, which means she lost her parents.

Ye Muchen knew that Xiaoqi was sentimental for a long time, so he comforted him immediately: "Don't worry, we can go back every three days. If I miss my parents in the future, I will take you back."

"Really!" Xiaoqi's eyes lit up, and she smiled at him through tears.

"Of course it's true, how could I lie to you." Ye Muchen gently pinched Xiao Qi's nose.

Xiao Qi happily kissed him, and then looked at the place curiously, running around the room, visiting the new environment.

Looking at Xiao Qi's figure, Ye Muchen was really happy. Although Xiao Qi is his own martial spirit, she is also his real wife.

Because the yin and yang Huangquan Mingyi was destroyed, Xiao Qi is currently wearing a white dress, which is very similar to her mother's clothes.

Originally, he planned to refine a piece of clothing for her, but because of the existence of the Tianyuan bracelet, the defense of the clothes he refined was not comparable to the Tianyuan bracelet, so he simply wore ordinary clothes, and he could change them anytime he wanted.

At this time, Jiu'er flew out of Ye Muchen's body by himself, and landed beside him, pulling Ye Muchen to get some food. There were no more snacks here.

Although Xiaoqi's cooking skills are very good, but in the underworld, the ingredients are too scarce, and it is impossible to get a few kinds of food.

Ye Muchen called Xiaoqi, and the three of them went to the demon market to buy a lot of food for spares, since he had plenty of gold anyway.

After taking Xiao Qi to play in the demon market for three days, Jiu'er has already been conquered by Xiao Qi's cooking skills, and he regards Xiao Qi as a treasure.

This was an unexpected change. Three days passed quickly, and Ye Muchen chose to enter the Martial Dao Supreme World to collect the materials of the eighth-rank Purple Extreme Demon Pill.

It's a pity that the materials of the eighth grade are too rare. It took ten years to collect them, and Jiang Yuan entrusted his relationship to find them. They are still short of the last four herbs, which have not appeared in this world for hundreds of years.

As a result, Ye Muchen, Xiaoqi, and Jiu'er traveled around the world and collected a lot of materials, including alchemy and weapon refining.

In ten years, Jiu'er also comprehended the Heavenly Dao Disk and successfully broke through to the early stage of the fairyland.

Ye Muchen just opened up the Twelve Heavenly Star Meridians to the eighth Zuyang Star Meridian, and improved his cultivation base by one bar, which is far from the same improvement as the original rocket.

Now the further to the back, the more difficult it is to improve, and the soul power is still in the middle stage of the soul sage.

After arriving ten years later, the teleportation will become a reality, Xiao Qi is still unfinished, it is really fun to travel through different worlds.

As soon as they came back this time, Xiaoqi and Jiu'er went to study new recipes. The two of them collected a huge amount of ingredients in the Martial Arts Supreme World, and they couldn't finish them even after ten years of eating.

Fortunately, the space in Ye Muchen's Qiankun Ring is large enough, and Ye Muchen gave Jiu'er the Jiuxiao storage kit that was knocked down before, so she can store what she needs.

Xiao Qi also has a Yaoyue belt, and the storage space is no less than that of Jiuxiao's storage mirror bag. The storage space of both of them is full of things they bought.

Watching the two girls go to the kitchen, Ye Muchen lay comfortably on the sofa, thinking about where there are good medicinal materials in his novels.

Upgrading now still requires upgrading the Twelve Heavenly Star Meridians and the Purple Extreme Dao Body.

The Twelve Metropolis Heavenly Star Meridians need to slowly absorb the accumulated energy of the stars, there is no shortcut, it all depends on time.

Only the Ziji Dao body can be achieved quickly, and now the last four herbs are missing, which cannot be found in the Martial Dao Supreme World, and maybe other worlds will have them.

Now he has been able to enter the new book world, and more than one.He didn't immediately go to a different world just to better cultivate his martial soul.

While he was thinking, a maid outside came in and bowed and said, "Master, Mr. Xuanyou and Mr. Phantom Eye are asking to see you outside."

"Let them in." Ye Muchen sat up and called another maid to make tea and receive the guests.

Soon Xuanyou and Huanyan walked in. After seeing Ye Muchen, Xuanyou suddenly stopped at the door of the living room like a cat whose tail had been trampled on, and looked at Ye Muchen in shock, feeling as if his whole body was blown.

"what happened to you?"

Phantom Eye had a strange and mysterious reaction, but he went straight to the sofa and sat down without any restraint.

Ye Muchen smiled without saying a word, Xuanyou couldn't believe it, and at the same time walked up to Ye Muchen with a little nervousness and asked cautiously: "You are actually a soul sage?"

"Xuanyou, are you kidding me? Ye Muchen is a physical cultivator. I haven't seen you for more than ten days. I will still believe you when you say that he has broken through to Wu Zun. Soul Saint, do you think it is possible?"

Huanyan said he didn't believe it, but he already knew Xuanyou's ability and could see the target's soul power, so he still looked at Ye Muchen and waited for his answer.

"Sit down and have a cup of tea." When Ye Muchen said this, the maid just happened to put the teacup with the fragrance of tea in front of the two of them.

Xuanyou suddenly became cautious, and after sitting down, he respectfully took a sip of tea with both hands, but his phantom eyes were casual, he took a sip and asked: "Are you really a soul saint?"

Ye Muchen nodded and said: "Xuanyou, you have a good ability to see through other people's soul power."

Hearing this, Xuanyou immediately became respectful. He is only at the level of Soul Emperor, two levels behind Soul Sage, and he can easily be crushed to death. No matter the Protoss, Demons or Hades, power is everything.

Huanyan widened his eyes in disbelief, and then said excitedly: "Ye Muchen, then with your Dragon Goddess Wuhun, you can completely crush the world of death."

After taking a sip of tea, Ye Muchen put down the cup, glanced at Xuanyou and asked instead: "Is the dead realm really as powerful as it says?"

Xuanyou said seriously: "It depends on who it is for, if it is the underworld, the death world is just a low-level creature, life and death can be controlled at will.

For gods and demons, they can be forcibly destroyed with powerful force, but it is not enough to threaten them at all.

The same is true for the stellar civilization, their super technological weapons can also destroy the dead world.

But for the monster race and earthlings who are in a mess, it will definitely bring about a disaster of genocide. "

Ye Muchen nodded and said: "So, at the entrance of the dead world, there are demon clans led by the empress, and people from various clans brought by Xuanji and Taiyi. It is not difficult to guard an exit. The real question is whether the two clans of gods and demons will intervene? "

"It will definitely." Huanyan suddenly picked up his words, and said helplessly: "Now the new world has gathered a lot of high-level powerhouses, and started to intercept and kill people from the two races of gods and demons.

But if there is a holy level, none of us can stop it, and the empress must guard the entrance, so now the holy level powerhouse has become our biggest threat.

Once the strong in the holy realm attack from behind, break through the defense circle of the coalition forces, and the dead creatures spread, the number will increase exponentially, and by then it will not be able to control our current number of people. "

"So the root cause of the death world lies in the two races of gods and demons. Taiyi should know this better than me, so you are looking for me this time for the Lord of the Underworld."

While talking, Ye Muchen picked up the teapot and poured tea soup for the two of them.

Xuanyou immediately said: "That's right, the Hades have always been neutral. To defeat the gradual invasion of the gods and demons, the power of the underworld is needed. My status in the underworld can only be regarded as moderate. If the Lord of the Underworld can join the underworld and become The right envoy of the underworld is in charge of all the envoys on the earth, so he has the right to let the envoys participate in the war."

Ye Muchen was surprised, and asked curiously: "What rights and demands does the right envoy of the underworld have?"

"Earth intelligent life with the strength of the holy realm, and pass the test of the underworld. The right envoy of the underworld is in charge of all the underworld envoys on the earth, and the left envoy of the underworld is responsible for managing the underworld people."

"The last time I fought against the Lord of the Underworld, I saw that her soul level was very high, but at that time I was at the peak of the Soul Emperor, so I couldn't see it clearly.

Later, the Lord of the Underworld was able to summon the underworld snake of the Holy Realm. I thought that the Lord of the Underworld was probably a strong man in the Holy Realm, but he suppressed his strength because he didn't want to cause trouble.

Judging from the first battle in Huaxia City, the Lord of the Underworld must be from Huaxia. If you tell her the truth about the death world and the future crisis in Huaxia City, she may agree, so I came to you this time to ask for your introduction. "

Xuanyou looked sincere, and it could be seen that he also hoped that Huaxia City could be preserved.

Instead, Ye Muchen asked curiously: "Are you from Huaxia?"

Xuanyou nodded and said: "Yes, I was originally a slave captured by the gods and collected ore for them. When I was young, I was lucky enough to meet the right envoy of the underworld and become his entourage. Later, by chance, the Lord Qinggui Wang took a fancy to me and became my entourage. His martial arts spirit, he was accepted as a disciple by the Right Envoy, and he has the status he has today."

"Since the right envoy of the underworld is your master, why do you want the Lord of the Underworld to be the right envoy of the underworld?" Ye Muchen frowned, feeling that there must be a story in it.

Speaking of this topic, Xuanyou showed hatred, clenched his fists tightly to restrain his emotions, and then gritted his teeth and said: "The energy of the underworld comes from the dead energy. The more people die in each world, the more dead energy the underworld absorbs." , so the underworld has always been eager for wars between the various world races.

The gods and demons are afraid of the underworld, so they approached their master to cooperate and each took what they needed, but the master didn't want to join forces with the gods and demons, so he was killed by the left envoy of the underworld and the two tribes of the underworld. They are all empty, and all are under the control of Ming Zuo Shi. "

(End of this chapter)

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