I extracted the BOSS from my own book

Chapter 8 The Dangerous Mission

Chapter 8 The Dangerous Mission

He got up at six o'clock the next morning to go out, but just as he walked out of the alley downstairs, two young men were leaning against the wall at the entrance of the alley.

When he came over, both of them looked at him, and one of them deliberately glanced at the holographic image projected by the smart bracelet. Ye Muchen saw a photo of himself from a distance.

He stopped immediately, saw two people approaching, turned and ran.

But just as he turned around and took two steps, he found that there was also a person behind him who pulled out a machete and walked towards him with the corner of his mouth raised.

Looking behind him, these two people also took out similar machetes at some point, and walked over with a blank expression.

"Killer! Ding Xiaojian's person?"

Ye Muchen frowned, thinking about whether to release Jiu'er's martial soul. Although it was his first time fighting, he had been scavenging waste all year round. He had seen so many battles that he was numb. Even more ferocious beasts could keep him calm, not to mention these people .

At this time, the man in front ran over, raised his machete and slashed at his neck.

Ye Muchen decided to give up releasing the Jiu'er God Martial Soul, there is a lot of room for transformation.

I quickly dodged, and suddenly found that the opponent's attack was not so fast, and I could see it clearly, and even felt that I could do something while dodging.

As a result, as soon as this idea appeared, he saw the person in front of him slashing and slashing in vain, his body rushed in front of him, and his face was facing him.

He casually slapped the other person's face, and as a result, the person's face was deformed, and he rushed to the wall opposite the alley. The other side of his face was printed on the wall, and he fell to the ground, unconscious.

There are bright red palm prints on one side of the face, and lines on the wall on the other side, and they are all congested and swollen.

The two people in the back were surprised and struck at the back of his shoulder and the back of his head at the same time.Ye Muchen turned around and saw two knives falling, but the speed was not very fast either.

Immediately lowered his head and rushed over, before the two of them could react, both fists hit the stomach of the two of them.

The eyeballs of these two people were protruding, and the contents of their stomachs spurted out, and the blood was still entrained.His hands lost strength, the machete dropped from his hand, and then the person flew upside down and fell to the ground, his body twitching. It turned out that just one punch made these desperadoes lose their ability to resist.

Ye Muchen was amazed, this was the first fight in his life, but fortunately he had no mercy for these people, these people had several lives at hand.

As for why these people attacked him, he could only investigate after returning, but he probably guessed that it had something to do with Ding Xiaojian.

He left in a hurry, the five-color flower guild was on the fourth basement floor, it used to take two hours, if you wait any longer, you will be late, and finally found an opportunity to get money, so you can't miss it.

After Ye Muchen left, a thin and small person came, looked at the three people who had passed out, contacted them with a smart bracelet, and said: "Bingge, they were solved by Ye Muchen with one move. Yes, I understand. They come."

The thin man looked at the three of them helplessly, and it took a long time to move the three of them to the car outside one by one.

When they came to a warehouse on the second basement floor, the thin man stopped the car, asked the younger brother inside to carry him out of the car, and ran in by himself.

It looked like a group of desperadoes inside, either chatting or playing cards. In the innermost part, Bingo was sitting in a chair with his feet on the table, smoking a cigarette, and there were two beautiful women serving him beside him.

Ding Xiaojian and several others stood by.

The skinny man came in and said hastily: "Bingge, Ding Xiaojian is talking nonsense, this Ye Muchen is very powerful, A Ding and the three of them were dealt with in one go."

As soon as he finished speaking, the three people were carried in by his subordinates.

A man wearing glasses next to Brother Bing walked over, checked the injuries of the three, stood up with a slight frown and said, "These three are hopeless, let's deal with them."

Everyone was surprised when they heard this sentence, and those subordinates dared not say anything, and carried the three of them out again.

Brother Bing spit out his eyes, rolled his eyes at Ding Xiaojian, and asked, "Are you really a master?"

"Bingge, he didn't use soul power. He shattered his skull with a single slap. His brain suffered severe hemorrhage. He was already in a severe coma. He could live for a day at most. The other two had their waist and spine broken by fists, their stomachs ruptured, and their gastric juices had already flowed into their abdomens. , if you are rescued, you will live for ten days and a half months at most, and it will be very painful, it is better to die."

The man pushed down the frame of the mirror, and said these as if two dogs were dead, not talking about people at all.

Brother Bing looked at Ding Xiaojian with an unfriendly look.

"Bingge, I have absolutely nothing to hide. This kid has been with me for five years. He has always been an ordinary person. He has been bullied by us for five years and has never resisted. This time... this time, I really don't know Why did this happen? Could it be a mistake?" Ding Xiaojian panicked, fearing that Brother Bing wouldn't believe him, so he would do him.

"You don't dare to lie to me, hum, it's interesting, this kid has been hiding under your hands for five years, and he has this ability to be bullied by you, why do you say?" Bingo looked at him, with the corners of his mouth raised.

Ding Xiaojian frowned and said: "He was assigned to me by the previous supervisor. I heard that his father was an old man in the department and failed to come back when he completed the task of the superior. Later, the superior allowed Ye Muchen to enter the department, but the file said that he was just an ordinary man. I learned the skills of scavengers from my father. I have good knowledge in this area and know a lot of knowledge that ordinary scavengers don't know.

If he had this strength, why would he stay here and let others bully him? Does he have any powerful enemies? "

The man wearing glasses said: "Without using the martial soul, the body can have this power, at least it is the late stage of the great soul master."

Ding Xiaojian was surprised and showed a nervous expression, and Brother Bing in front of him was also a peak soul master.

"You can check your affairs yourself. Keep an eye on this kid secretly. I want all the information about him." Bingo took a breath of his cigarette, leaned on the woman's chest, and slowly let out the circles under his eyes.

"Yes, I'll go right away." Ding Xiaojian left quickly.

Around 08:30, Ye Muchen took the floor and the elevator all the way to the five-color flower guild on the fourth basement floor, and unexpectedly discovered that the guild actually had an entire building. Apart from the fact that it looked old, the decoration was very good. How could ordinary guilds Such a venue.

This made him curious why such a large guild would invite ordinary scavengers. They should have high-level scavengers in their guild.

When he walked in, a girl with two bun hairstyles smiled and said, "Excuse me, who are you looking for?"

"Hi, my name is Ye Muchen, and it was Shan Cha who asked me to come here."

"Well, come with me." The girl led Ye Muchen inside and entered a conference hall, where there were already more than 30 people sitting and waiting.

These people were also surprised by the momentum of the buildings here, and they all looked very nervous.

Ye Muchen sat down at random, and then several people came one after another.

At nine o'clock, two girls walked in, and one of them was Shan Cha whom I had seen in the holographic communication.

The person walking in front was wearing a fiery red animal skin battle suit. He glanced at these people showing helplessness and disappointment, and then said flatly: "I am Mandala, the captain of the five-color flower team. You all have more than three years of experience. Scavengers work experience.

Let me directly say that for this mission, before you leave, we will pay each person 3 rewards, and when the mission is completed, we will distribute the remaining 7 rewards.

Our five-color flower team will personally protect you to go to the mission point to collect things. Let me tell you first, the place I went this time is very dangerous, about 30 kilometers away from Huaxia City. "

"30 kilometers! That's not something that ordinary people can survive. I can't go there."

There are a few people who are helpless. Although they are tempted to pay a hundred thousand yuan, it is useless to spend more money.

Mandala stretched out his hand and said, "Those who don't dare can leave."

All of a sudden, most of the people got up and left, leaving only five people.

Shancha wanted to persuade, but Mandala stopped him and said, "Their choice is right."

"But teacher..."

Mandala stopped her from talking, looked at the remaining five people and said: "The high price we offered this time means high risk. I want people who don't want to die. If you are, please tell me your account number." , I can give you a deposit now and leave at noon."

"So urgent!" Someone below was surprised.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter when he is, anyway, the ones left now are those who want money but not life." Someone shouted.

Mandala glanced at everyone and warned: "If someone takes our deposit and sneaks away, we have so many colorful flowers, it's a way to make people regret living in this world."

Seeing that no one quit this time, Mandala nodded and said, "Give them money and take them to the equipment room. I'll wait for you at the door."

Shan Cha sighed, and then said: "Come with me, I will equip you for a while, at least it will increase your safety factor. We have prepared scavenger tools for you here."

"The benefits are good. We give money and equipment. But we are all ordinary scavengers and have nothing to gain. Your guild will not fail to recruit high-level scavengers. Why?" question.

Shan Cha didn't answer, and led them to the equipment room. Someone had already prepared five sets of scavengers' equipment, and a set of clothes made of exotic animal skins, which could resist ordinary physical attacks.

(End of this chapter)

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