
Chapter 106 Defeat Zuo Liangyu

Chapter 106 Defeat Zuo Liangyu

Li Laiheng disrupted the formation of the heavy cavalry, and the rest was the matter of Li Guo's three thousand elite soldiers.Li Laiheng continued to move forward.Last time, he suffered from Zuo Liangyu's heavy infantry, and this time, he came to take revenge.Each of the four hundred cavalrymen beside him has an exquisite hook rope, which can be used for climbing the city or killing people. Clinging to their armor, or skin.

Under the momentum of the cavalry, the hooked heavy infantry dragged them to the ground quickly, and even the thickest armor would fall off, followed by flying flesh.

Zuo Liangyu's heavy infantry suffered bad luck, the so-called invulnerable unit, now being dragged to pieces by Li Laiheng's cavalry, it was a horrible sight.

The first layer of heavy infantry was opened, and next, Li Guo's cavalry was heavy, and all the heavy infantry fell apart.

On the frontal battlefield, Zuo Liangyu never dreamed that there would be such a scene of collapse.

Wang Si rushed into the enemy line from the east.

Luo Hu rushed into the enemy line from the west.

They are very easy.Zuo Liangyu focused his attack on the frontal battlefield in the north, and these two sides became his weakness.

Entering the enemy's formation from the weak point, the speed of insertion was unexpectedly fast.Soon, both Wang Si and Luo Hu began to attack Zuo Liangyu's central army.

In front of Wang Si was a sturdy lieutenant general.He had the experience of playing against Li Laiheng last time, and that time, he was glad that he was not favored by Li Laiheng.However, today when he saw a younger man rushing towards him, he was furious and thought, it's fine for Li Laiheng to bully me, you have no hair at all, what ability do you have to come and kill me?He shouted: "Go to hell!"

He raised his big knife and slashed at Wang Si's head.

The knife in Wang Si's hand was so fast that there was only a flash of white light, and the lieutenant general's head flew more than a foot away, just hitting his own general's face, knocking him off the horse as well.

Wang Si wasn't proud of beheading a general at all, his troops continued to charge, and now he was not far from Zuo Liangyu's standard battalion of the Chinese army.

"There are ghosts, right? You, Li Zicheng, have specially trained a group of little ghosts who are not afraid of death. Come on, I will send you to heaven!" Zhao Kun, the deputy commander, was extremely angry. The deputy general who died just now was his confidant subordinate. He charged towards Wang Si with his spear straightened out.

As soon as Wang Si saw this man's attire, he and the soldiers and generals around him knew that this man's position should be the deputy commander in chief.

Alright, today I'm going to kill you group of people, send it up, so I don't have to look for it.The soldiers around Wang Si knew what Wang Si was thinking, and they kept their formation tightly.

Wang Si clamped his feet hard, and the horse soared into the air, his body seemed to leave the saddle, a red and white mixed arc was drawn towards the deputy chief soldier, and another head rolled down.The biggest feature of Li Laiheng's troops is that they are deadly with one blow, they are not muddled, and they are clean and neat.Wang Si completely inherited Li Laiheng's style.

Wang Si continued to move forward, his personal soldiers not only cleared the obstacles for the general, but also helped to open a bloody road.Since their formation is almost always in the shape of a triangle, or a formation of geese, this formation is extremely efficient, and everyone does not rest, they are all forwards, and they all meet the enemy. The wider the back, there are only two extremely terrifying things left behind, blood, stumps and corpses.

Luo Hu's 200 men had already entered Zuo Liangyu's central army formation, and the resistance he encountered was not too great.He thought, let's overfulfill the task today. In the future, there will not be many opportunities to kill the enemy with his own hands so happily, so he must have a good time today.

Of course, this kind of addiction is dangerous.There is never an invincible person on the battlefield, and no matter how powerful a warrior is, he will inevitably be injured or killed in battle.It is an old saying that if the earthen pot is not broken away from the well, the general will inevitably die in battle.

This sentence came true soon.

However, the person who fulfilled this statement was not Luo Hu, but Zuo Liangyu's own nephew, who was known as the number one general in Zuoying, and his name was Zuo Aishan.Zuo Aishan went to war with his uncle Zuo Liangyu at the age of 16. During his 14-year military career, he killed countless enemies.

Speaking of Zuo Aishan, he is also a legend.The most enviable thing about this person is that he has fought no fewer than a hundred battles, and almost every time he has won, but there is not a single scar on his body.Even Zuo Liangyu has to say that his nephew is a genius warrior.

Today, he originally wanted to play against Li Laiheng. He had only heard of Li Laiheng's name, but he never believed that Li Laiheng was as magical as the legend said. head.However, before he saw Li Laiheng, a doll came over first, "Hmph, you want to rush up to seek death, right? Okay, let's get rid of you first." He thought, this person should be Li Laiheng's confidant general.

The two war horses rushed forward and crossed, and then the two war horses turned back.Turning back to the left camp, there was no one on the back of the yellow horse.Where is Zuo Aishan?
Zuo Aishan has been decapitated.

Luo Hu's scalp was shaved off, and a pool of blood flowed out.But it doesn't matter, he pointed his blade and continued to rush towards the core of the left army.

In an instant, Zuo Liangyu lost two deputy commanders.Zuo Liangyu was shocked.The battle, which was thought to be one-sided, suddenly had this kind of change: the frontal battlefield, the heavy cavalry was destroyed, and the heavy infantry was hooked out of formation by a strange weapon, and now they were being hacked and killed by Li Guo's cavalry.On the other side, the two miniature troops, as if they were in no one's land, slashed at his generals. In particular, even his two deputy commanders, without even taking a move in front of them, were already dead. Decapitated.

shame!This is not just a matter of combat power, but a shame.Sun Chuanting supervised the formation on the hillside not far behind, and the prestige of Zuo Liangyu I will disappear in smoke.

However, the situation on the battlefield was chaotic, and it was impossible to organize an effective attack for a while.

"Sing the gong!"

Zuo Liangyu issued the wisest and most shameful order.With an absolute advantage, he called for gold and withdrew his troops.

Zuo Liangyu was not in a hurry to organize the hunt.

Sun Chuanting was also speechless, he had seen it all, the battle was brutal, Zuo Liangyu's troops suffered heavy losses, at least 30 generals above the guerrilla level died, and he had only two deputy generals, one of them was not left. Even his own nephew died.

It cannot be blamed on him.He has done his best.

Today, Zhang Shiqi had no chance to attack Li Laiheng, but they would definitely not attack Luo Hu and Wang Si, because it was not their duty to deal with other people.Although they didn't have a chance to do anything, they rode fast horses to detour to Li Laiheng's only way, and they were going to kill him on the way.

Zhang Shiqi became anxious, and after two years of hunting, Li Laiheng hasn't damaged a single hair.Recently, there was a piece of news that made him very worried. He heard that Dongchang had also taken action, and it was said that he was appointed by the emperor.The leader of Dongchang is the famous Hai Gonggong, who has never missed a hand so far.

Li Laiheng must be killed before Dongchang.

Jinyiwei has a competitive relationship with Dongchang.Infighting openly and secretly is an open secret.

Li Guo crossed Mi County without encountering any pursuers.Going forward is Dengfeng, and when you arrive in Dengfeng, you will enter your own territory.However, after a disastrous defeat, only 3 of the [-] horses remained. Although they had killed nearly [-] enemies, their own side could no longer form a fighting force, and it was impossible not to admit the fiasco.

He remembered the military meeting that night when Li Laiheng came to Kaifeng, there were only two people who raised different opinions, Li Yan and Li Laiheng.

It can be seen that their opinions are correct.

Chuang Wang's injury is still unknown.Last night, Chuang Wang came with a secret order, asking him to rush to Desheng village as soon as possible. What happened is still unclear.

His son Li Laiheng died for him.Li Laiheng was thirty miles away from Li Guo, and he had not received the order from King Chuang, so he did not rush to block the enemy from behind.

Because the enemy knew that Li Laiheng was in the rear, almost all the pursuers suddenly became wise. They always kept a distance of about ten miles from Li Laiheng's troops. The only way to be prepared is to run away at any time. They sent people to keep a close eye on Li Laiheng, the purpose of which was to prevent Li Laiheng from attacking suddenly, and they had no warning time to escape.

Li Laiheng has no interest in chasing soldiers.He walked slowly, buying time for Chuangwang to organize the defense line.

In this battle, Li Zicheng was seriously injured.Although the loss of 30 combat troops is only about [-], the loss of confidence is not small.

Before this battle, except for a few people such as Li Laiheng and Li Yan who were not blindly optimistic, everyone else thought that everything would be smooth sailing in the future.

Li Laiheng thought, if he adopted Li Yan's strategy at the beginning, with Luoyang as the center, strictly guarding all the passes, blocking the main roads around Luoyang, and then rushing out of the periphery with [-] elite soldiers to sweep across the Central Plains, why would the world not be settled sooner?
Now the troops are only enough for defense. Although Luo Ru only has 13 troops, after Chuang Wangxin is defeated, will Luo Ru be able to control it?
"Old Jiu, how is the situation outside the pass?" Li Laiheng thought of the Manchu side again.His main opponent in the future is still there, so he has to care about that side.

(End of this chapter)

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