
Chapter 108 The Pine brocade battle

Chapter 108 The Pine brocade battle
Li Laiheng lived in Deshengzhai, and he discussed with Gu Ying, Gu Kecheng, Wang Si, and Luo Hu about military training.The mountain division was useless in attacking Kaifeng this time; the fortified division was almost used, but because Li Zicheng was shot by an arrow suddenly, he withdrew before he had time to go into battle; as for the cavalry, Li Laiheng did not lead them at all and gave them to Li Yan.

Therefore, Li Laiheng's army has not yet been formally formed.Now, his army is about to be formally formed, and there will be a period of time to intensify training. It is very likely that next time, Li Laiheng's army will be the main force.

Gu Ying, Gu Kecheng, Wang Si and Luo Hu are full of energy, they can't wait to start training immediately.

Li Laiheng told them.

Mountain divisions should be as agile as monkeys when climbing rocks and slopes, and ten times faster than ordinary infantry when crossing mountains and ridges.

Assailants, even if it is a city wall made of iron, must be able to attack it. When digging tunnels and walls, they must regard it as tofu.This refers to siege; when facing heavy infantry and heavy cavalry, the attacking division rushes over to be unstoppable. Your shovel is both a shield and a weapon. Remember, you must have a clear requirement for all soldiers. It is a ruthless word, without hesitation, for example, if a shovel smashes down, even if it is a huge rock, this shovel will break it, so no heavy infantry, no matter how thick their armor is, will be smashed.Heavy cavalry, although they can't hit the generals above, but with a shovel, they can smash the horse's head to pieces, and the soldiers above will fall off, why don't you let them kill you?

Cavalry, we mainly use light cavalry, fast, brave and fierce.I require my [-] cavalry to be equal to the ordinary [-] cavalry, so you must be very proficient in chopping, stabbing, and crossbow.

Li Laiheng finally said, don't believe the nonsense that he is proficient in all eighteen martial arts, a person can only have one or two special skills, and if he is proficient, he can be invincible even with a kitchen knife.

Several people listened intently.

Li Zicheng heard it too, he looked at Li Laiheng in surprise, and thought, who taught this kid?

Just as he was talking, Lao Jiu came in. He said that there was an urgent military report.

Gu Ying and others quickly withdrew.They cannot listen to secret reports.

Military newspapers come from outside the customs.He introduced that the famous army outside the pass was defeated and Hong Chengchou was captured.

"Ah!" Li Laiheng exclaimed.

Li Zicheng looked happy.

Li Laiheng said: "Lao Jiu, tell me the whole story in detail." He seemed very anxious and worried.Li Zicheng didn't understand. Wouldn't it be better to wipe out the entire army of the Ming army outside the pass?From now on, it will be much easier to seize the Ming Dynasty.

Lao Jiu also had a serious face, and he briefly introduced the process of the Songjin battle.

He said that Hong Chengchou, Minister of the Ministry of War and Governor of Jiliao Military Affairs, was stationed in the Songshan area. He originally wanted to open up the Jinzhou seaside channel, so that Jinzhou's grain and grass problems would be solved.Man Qing was most worried about Hong Chengchou's step-by-step tactics. When winter came, Man Qing's food would not be able to supply, especially this year's poor grain harvest in North Korea. Therefore, Man Qing was eager to fight quickly.However, Emperor Chongzhen was also eager to succeed, and issued secret orders one after another, asking Hong Chengchou to attack.Hong Chengchou had no choice but to urge eight general soldiers to enter the attack position. Starting from the third day of August, for three consecutive days, he sent 13 cavalry to test the attack every day.However, the result of the test made Hong Chengchou's chief soldiers extremely discouraged. The defense of the Qing soldiers was too tenacious, and there was no way to attack their camp for half a step.Dorgon and Hauge are now leading the troops in the Manchu and Qing Dynasties. Hauge is the eldest son of Huang Taiji and the nephew of Dorgon.Originally, Dorgon was going to attack, and the [-]-man Eight Banners Army in his hand was extremely powerful. He was confident that he would defeat Hong Chengchou's [-] cavalry infantry near Jinzhou. However, he suddenly received a secret order from Huang Taiji asking him to stick to it. not out.Lao Jiu said that the spies he sent also felt strange, thinking, why did Huang Taiji strictly order Dorgon to stand still?They sneaked into Shenyang Dating. It turned out that Huang Taiji led [-] Manchurian elites to go south in person to fight Hong Chengchou.

Hearing this, Li Laiheng said "Ah", and Huang Taiji went out in person. Their intention was obvious. They had a decisive battle in Jinzhou, and then waited for an opportunity to cross the Great Wall and enter the Central Plains, reliving the dream of the Kingdom of Jin ruling the Central Plains.

Huang Taiji is another genius leader after defeating Nurhachi. It has been nearly 20 years since he stepped on the battlefield at the age of 30. He has conquered east and west, fought south and north, and can be said to have experienced hundreds of battles.He is not only rich in war experience, but more importantly, his political ambitions. He is by no means only satisfied with the bitter cold places in the Northeast. What he covets is the entire Daming country, at least, the Yellow River Basin.

As soon as Huang Taiji arrived at Songshan, he scanned the terrain and was overjoyed when he saw that Hong Chengchou's rear was so empty. He immediately called the kings Baylor to hold a military meeting and decided on the following countermeasures: First, encircle the main force.The Ming army set up seven battalions with infantry between the north of Songshan City and Rufeng Mountain, and stationed cavalry on the east, west, and north sides of Songshan. There were 13 cavalry in a well-organized deployment.Therefore, Huang Taiji deployed the main force between Songshan Mountain and Xingshan Mountain, Wuxin River South Mountain to the sea.And between Jinzhou and the sea, three large trenches were dug, each eight feet deep and more than ten feet wide, to surround the Ming army in Songshan and cut off the connection between Songshan and Xingshan.

Second, strikers play aid.Huang Taiji's combat deployment is: to encircle the brocade and fight for aid, transfer the original focus on besieging Jinzhou's troops to the focus on attacking and aiding the Jinming army.This changed from the encirclement of the Qing army by the Ming army in Songshan and Jinzhou to the anti-encirclement of the Ming army by the Qing army. The 13 troops led by Hong Chengchou encircled the Songshan area, making Jinzhou, Songshan, and Ningyuan isolated from each other and unable to communicate with each other. aid.The Qing army turned from passive to active.

Third, cut off the enemy's food supply.The grain road of Hong Chengchou's 13 troops was cut off by the Qing army.This caused extreme panic in the Ming army.

Fourth, set up an ambush in retreat.Send elite soldiers to lie down on Xingshan, Lianshan, Tashan and the main roads along the coast.Especially at Gaoqiao, the only way for the Ming army to retreat to Ningyuan, the ambush was preset, waiting for the enemy to retreat.

Hong Chengchou immediately convened a military meeting in response to Huang Taiji's combat deployment.Hong Chengchou did not adopt Ma Shaoyu's suggestion of using troops to "take advantage of his sharpness to attack him by surprise" and Zhang Dou's "prevent him from copying my queen".

On August [-], the Ming and Qing armies lined up for a battle.After fighting for a long time, the arrows flew and the cannons fired, the kills were equal, and the outcome was not decided.Huang Taiji first sent Azig to lead an army to attack Tashan, and seized twelve piles of grain stored in Bijiashan by the Ming army.At that time, the Ming army's food was robbed and its retreat was cut off. Because there was no food and fodder, they were depressed and poor.Hong Chengchou was worried that the infantry and cavalry of the Ming army would be divided, so he shrank tens of thousands of infantry and cavalry into Songshan City.

On the 21st, seeing the serious situation, Hong Chengchou held a meeting to discuss countermeasures.He said to the eight generals and other generals: "Everyone should force their own departments and fight with them. The rest of the body will hold the drums to do it, and we will win the victory in one fell swoop!" However, the generals have different opinions.Hong Chengchou also said to the generals: "If you defend, you will die. If you don't fight, you will die. If you fight, you may be lucky. I am determined to go all-in. Tomorrow, I hope you will work hard." Facing a strong enemy and lack of food, the Ming army advocated more "Go back to Ningyuan to eat", in order to fight again.Therefore, Hong Chengchou gave up his plan to solve the siege of Jinzhou, and decided to divide his troops into two groups and break through in the middle of the night.

Ming history records: That night, Wang Pu, the commander-in-chief of the Ming Dynasty, was "extremely timid". Before the agreed breakout time, he led his troops and fled first, causing the Ming army to be in chaos.Tang Tong, Ma Ke, Wu Sangui, Bai Guangen, Li Fuming, etc., galloped on horseback, trampled on each other, strewn with bows and armor, and strewn across the ground with corpses.Hong Chengchou and others failed to break through and retreated to Songshan City.The Ming army that rushed out was intercepted and suffered heavy casualties.General soldiers Wu Sangui and Wang Pu fled to Xingshan; general soldiers Ma Ke and Li Fuming rushed to Tashan.When Wu Sangui, Wang Pu and others fled along the coast, the Qing army intercepted them head-on.Tens of thousands of Ming troops, with the sea in the east and pursuers behind them, were scattered all over the field with armor, and were defeated.Later, only Bai Guangen, Cao Bianjiao, and Wang Tingchen were defeated in Songshan, and together with Hong Chengchou and his remaining soldiers, they guarded Songshan City.

On the 24th, Huang Taiji ordered to set up an ambush on Gaoqiao Road.Wu Sangui, Wang Pu and others who had fled into Xingshan City led their remnants to escape and fled to Ningyuan. They were chased by the Qing army and fled to Gaoqiao in defeat.Wu Sangui, Wang Puqia, Zhonghuang Taiji's budget, Qing army Duoduo and others ambushed everywhere, blocking the way ahead and chasing after them.Wu Sangui, Wang Pu and all the soldiers were at a loss what to do, and the ambushes joined forces to attack, fleeing from all directions.Wu Sangui and Wang Pu fled back to Ningyuan only to save themselves.

The fierce battle in Songshan lasted ten days. The Ming army was defeated and the Qing army won. The Ming army was killed by 6 people and lost 13 horses.In addition, tens of thousands of people died in the sea. So far, the [-] army has been wiped out.

Then, Huang Taiji marched into Songshan on a large scale, and captured Governor Hong, Governor Qiu Minyang, Chief Soldier Wang Tingxiang, Cao Bianjiao, Zu Dale, etc.Then a large-scale search and killing was carried out throughout the city, and more than a hundred officials such as Qiu Minyang, governor of the Ming Dynasty, Cao Bianjiao, Wang Tingchen and other officials were executed. Finally, Huang Taiji ordered Hong Chengchou and Zu Dale to be sent to Shenyang, and Songshan City was razed to the ground.Jinzhou Zu Dashou surrendered to the Qing Dynasty for the second time.

So far, the power of the Qing court has reached the vicinity of Shanhaiguan.

Li Laiheng let out a long sigh, even if we stop attacking the Great Ming Dynasty, it will be captured by the Qing Dynasty.

Li Zicheng found it interesting at first, but the more he listened to it later, the more frightened he became. He didn't expect the Manchus to have such a strong combat power, let alone the Manchus' strategies and tactics to be so subtle.But I also thought that the Ming army was corrupt, greedy for life and afraid of death, so there was such a big defeat.

(End of this chapter)

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