
Chapter 111

Chapter 111
This day's fighting is the worst day in these days.

Li Laiheng's attackers became city defenders. Their shovels and shovels slammed at the enemy who was about to go up the city wall. Once they smashed, the enemy's head turned into a smashed watermelon, bloody and out of shape. .

This has a great shocking effect on the follow-up troops. Everyone knows that when they go up and down by themselves, their heads will turn into rotten watermelons. Even if they turn into ghosts, their ancestors will not recognize them.However, today's military officers seem to have gone crazy. They are fierce in the rear, and those who retreat will be shot to death.To advance is to die, to retreat is to die, it is better to go forward desperately.

This battle was fought in darkness.

There is a group of people who did not participate in the battle, and they waited for the arrival of Shenshi.In the sky, the sun was covered by a layer of white clouds, and it moved slowly to the west.

Li Yan's organizational ability is top-notch, and he calmly commands the soldiers to defend the city on the city wall.In the past, they would let the enemy go to the city, and then prevent the follow-up troops from following up, and wait until they have killed a group of people on the city before sending another group up.Today, they don't let them climb the walls at all.

He Renlong supervised the battle two hundred paces away, and Sun Chuanting was farther away.They didn't dare to get too close. If they were too close, the power of the machine crossbow could be displayed.

Li Yan's quick stabbing ability also has a certain foundation, and a guerrilla general was stabbed to death by his sword.Perhaps, this is the first time Mr. Li has killed someone.Killing is scary for the first time, but after the first time, it will not be so scary in the future. Later, if you kill a lot, you may become addicted to killing. For some people, killing is very difficult. Exciting thing.

The sun is setting in the west, Wei Shi has passed, Shen Shi has arrived.

Suddenly, the sound of killing from behind Sun Chuanting shook the sky!
What, where did the army come from?

He Renlong and Sun Chuanting turned their heads to watch, and two sturdy cavalry rushed towards them like a storm.The number of the two cavalry is about [-], and the momentum is huge.

Several city gates were opened wide, and all the soldiers and horses rolled out from inside.

He Renlong and Sun Chuanting had no choice but to panic. They desperately gathered their troops and resisted desperately. Finally, seeing that there were fewer enemies on the northeast side, they fought desperately to the northeast.

Chasing and killing rout soldiers is refreshing, rout remnants have no fighting power at all, they only have the concept of running for their lives in their minds.Wang Si and Luo Hu's [-] cavalry rushed to kill and dispersed the enemy; Li Yan's troops were like people collecting trash, picking up the fleeing soldiers everywhere; Groups of officers and soldiers were circled, captured and captured without any difficulty.

"Whoever is willing to join the rebel army, do not kill!"

It's being yelled everywhere.This is Li Yan's strategy.In this way, most officers and soldiers gave up resistance.

Wang Si and Luo Hu are chasing and killing He Renlong's elite cavalry.

Li Laiheng's [-] cavalry were chasing and killing Sun Chuanting.This cunning supervisor changed into somebody's clothes at some point, and Li Laiheng lost his trace not long after he chased him out.However, his battalion was inseparable. Li Laiheng's troops chased after Sun Chuanting's battalion and slashed fiercely, causing the officers and soldiers to cry like ghosts and howl like wolves.

Sun Chuanting was surrounded by ten tough dead fighters, who he recruited with a lot of money. This group of manpower was highly skilled in martial arts, and they were never afraid on the battlefield. They loved the battlefield and killed people.They fled eastward among the defeated soldiers.

He Renlong is also looking for Master Sun Chuanting.His personal soldiers and generals did not kill him, and defended him tightly.

Due to the large number of He Renlong's troops, Wang Si and Luo Hu's [-] cavalry drove tens of thousands of officers and soldiers. For a while, it was difficult for anyone to find He Renlong and Sun Chuanting himself.Li Laiheng was also submerged in the scattered army.

After running for more than 20 miles, two hours passed. Seeing that the sky was starting to darken, He Renlong looked around and saw that there were still more than 3 remnants of soldiers following him. He thought, as long as the weather was later, the pursuers should ring the gong and retreat. , When the troops are gathered tomorrow, there may be [-] or [-] people left.

Sure enough, the pursuers did not continue to chase.They intercepted He Renlong's tail, and cleaning up this tail was not an easy task, it required a lot of hard work.

"Master He, the supervisor is here." A dozen cavalrymen in soldier uniforms called out.It was easy for them to find He Renlong, because He Renlong was still dressed as a general.He Renlong saw that there was indeed an old cavalryman, haggard and frightened, and he was Sun Chuanting.

"Master Sun, I have been looking for you everywhere, so you are here. Well, let's go forward for a while, and we will be safe." He Renlong said.

"Ai! The danger is gone, but, alas, there may not be ten thousand troops left?" Sun Chuanting said.

"Tomorrow there will be some scattered players returning to the team. 2 people should be fine." He Renlong has experienced many large formations and knows the general rules on the battlefield.He estimated in his heart that 3 people should be close enough.

"Okay, then let's hurry up and walk a short distance. This is a mountain road, and the enemy's cavalry will not be easy to chase. Let's hurry through this forest. We are not far from Mi County."

Sun Chuanting had just finished speaking when suddenly there were shouts in the woods. It turned out that there was still a large group ambushing here.

"Kill it!"

"Kill it!"

Soldiers all over the mountains and plains suddenly appeared in the woods.

The more than 1 soldiers of He Renlong, who had just been shocked, were shocked, and their souls went out, and they looked around for bush drills.However, they should have been even more unlucky, because what they met was Li Laiheng's 1 mountain fighters who were specially used for mountain warfare.In this terrain, these 1 people are worth [-] ordinary soldiers.

The following results are self-explanatory, the ending is doomed, the troops of He Renlong and Sun Chuanting were almost wiped out.

Sun Chuanting, who was still in shock, finally escaped the pursuit, and now only two of his dead soldiers survived.

After entering Mi County, Sun Chuanting was so embarrassed that there were only the three of them left. Even the county magistrate Wang couldn't believe that he was the famous important official Sun Chuanting.Fortunately, Sun Chuanting had the superintendent's seal on his chest, otherwise he would be beaten out of the county government by the county magistrate Wang.

He Renlong didn't arrive until the evening of the second day. He still had about fifty people left, and as soon as he entered the city, he seized the military power of Mi County.

The two people in distress looked at me and I looked at you. After a long while, He Renlong said, "Master Supervisor, what should we do next?"

What's next?The two main forces were completely wiped out. Now, Sun Chuanting has only 10 soldiers in total. Compared with Li Zicheng, the strength has reversed.How to do?There is no way, to guard a few important cities, to guard a few important passes, to give half of Henan to Li Zicheng, and don't let him run around, the rest can only be considered in the long run.

East, keep Kaifeng.South, keep Xiangyang.West, hold Tongguan.North, just to prevent Li Zicheng from crossing the Yellow River.

Sun Chuanting can only do this now.

The great victory spread to Deshengzhai.

Li Zicheng laughed happily.Song Xiance was also somewhat proud of predicting the result, so he was also very happy.

However, Liu Zongmin's face was livid, and he said: "Victory is certainly a good thing. I should be happy to win such a battle. However, taking such a major military action without authorization violates military discipline. Brother Li, you should uphold justice. That's right. Military discipline must not be violated by an accidental victory."

Li Zicheng restrained his smile and said to Niu Jinxing: "Master Liu is right. We can't break the rules because of an accidental victory. Look, what punishment should be given to Li Laiheng and Li Yan? Of course, their credit is another matter." .”

Niu Jinxing pondered for a moment, and said: "Dengfeng is presided over by Li Yan, so Li Yan should be punished. I suggest that he no longer serve as a military officer, no longer lead the army, and specialize in local affairs. As for General Li Laiheng , he reinforced Li Yan, he should be praised both emotionally and rationally."

Niu Jinxing understood that no one wanted to punish Li Laiheng. He grew up in the camp, and Li Yan was a newcomer, so punishing him was the goal.

He thought that there would be no objection to this statement, but unexpectedly, Liu Zongmin disagreed. He said, Li Yan is a newcomer, and he does not have the guts to violate the military order. The person who violated the military order should be Li Laiheng, so the person who will be punished , it should be Li Laiheng.

Li Zicheng asked: "What does the chief whistle mean?"

"Revoke Li Laiheng's regiment number!" Liu Zongmin said firmly.

"Revoke Li Laiheng's legion number?"

Everyone was shocked.

"Revoke Li Laiheng's regiment number?" Li Zicheng asked after a while, he was very surprised.

"Yes. Although Li Laiheng has made great achievements, it is more suitable for him to lead his [-] elite as a maneuver, and it is unfair to other generals to let him lead an independent army. His army has just been established, and he is now If he dares to act like this, in the future, his legion will become stronger, so how can he control it? Therefore, I suggest canceling Li Laiheng's legion number."

What Liu Zongmin said is not unreasonable. Recently, some generals have indeed had opinions on Li Laiheng owning an army alone.In fact, it is also caused by the narrow jealousy of farmers.Among them, Liu Zongmin himself was also included.

After he finished speaking, Li Laiheng spoke.

"Li Laiheng's army can't withdraw! General sentinel, I, Li Laiheng, can't revoke my army number just because I won the battle. Last time, I opposed the attack on Kaifeng, and I was right. We lost troops and lost generals, and no one was held accountable. This time, we won, On the contrary, it is unreasonable to pursue responsibility. Therefore, I oppose the revoking of my Li Laiheng's legion number. I just say that from now on, my legion can really come in handy. Withdrawal is not good for King Chuang and our cause , which is beneficial to Sun Chuanting." Li Laiheng did not speak violently.

For a long time, no one spoke.

Li Zicheng was also silent.

Liu Zongmin wanted to speak several times, but he hesitated. In the end, he chose to remain silent, because he knew that Yuan Zongdi supported him.

Yuan Zongdi originally wanted to speak, but he also wisely kept silent, because Li Laiheng's main contribution to destroying Sun Chuanting was too great.

Seeing that no one spoke, Li Laiheng continued: "King Chuang, in order to prove that Li Laiheng's army is valuable, let me lead my army to fight against Sun Chuanting alone. If you don't bring Sun Chuanting's head, I will bring mine to you! "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

Having said that, who would mention the revoking of Li Laiheng's regiment number?
(End of this chapter)

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