
Chapter 129 The disaster of extinction

Chapter 129 The disaster of extinction
It is understandable that Li Zicheng was eager to become king or emperor, and he seemed to be in a hurry.

It has been 12 years since Li Zicheng revolted in the second year of Chongzhen.In the past 12 years, I have lived on the tip of the knife every day. Which day did I not dream of overthrowing the Ming Dynasty regime?One day, don't you want to ascend to the Tai Chi Hall, become the emperor, and command the world?
Now, Niu Jinxing, as the head of civil servants, had little civil governance in the war years, and his role was hardly noticed by others.Therefore, the only thing he can think of is to talk loudly in front of the leaders and win the favor of the leaders.Especially later, a very talented Li Yan came. Niu Jinxing knew that someone who was a real threat to him had arrived, so the fight began unconsciously.Li Yan, far-sighted, strongly opposed Li Zicheng's premature claiming of the king. Although Niu Jinxing felt the same way, he carefully studied Li Zicheng's heart and knew Li Zicheng's desire. be king.He said that Kaifeng has the air of a king, and it is time to claim the title of king by conquering Kaifeng.

Unable to open the seal twice, Li Zicheng not only did not feel discouraged, but secretly rejoiced, because Niu Jinxing said that all good things take time. Humility three times, that is to say, three times humility, saying that you have no virtue and incompetence, how can you be the master of the world?Therefore, the three attacks on Kaifeng coincided with the three humility when he ascended the throne.Therefore, Li Zicheng has three theories about opening the seal.

Li Laiheng begged to see Li Zicheng.

Li Zicheng hurriedly said to come in, saying that he was looking for Li Laiheng.

"This is the third time we have attacked Kaifeng. This time, we must win. To win Kaifeng, it seems that you, a genius, have to play. I think you must use your elite troops this time." Li Zicheng said .

Li Laiheng did not hesitate, and said to Li Zicheng: "King Chuang, I came to ask you to see you for this matter. Now, the flood season of the Yellow River has come, and I am worried that the officers and soldiers will dig the dams of the Yellow River and flood Kaifeng."

"Just kidding! Flooding Kaifeng doesn't mean flooding themselves? No, no, Kaifeng has millions of officials and people, so they are not afraid of flooding their own people?" Li Zicheng absolutely disagreed.

"King Chuang, I have to guard against it! I'm in a hurry, what can't be done?"

"Hahahaha, Laiheng, Li Yan told you again, right? Don't worry, literati, hehe, it's a bit sour. Come on, let me ask you, if Luo Rucai is not killed this time, will he support Luo Rucai wholeheartedly? I?"

Li Laiheng had nothing to say.First, in the first half of the sentence, Li Zicheng thinks that the battle for opening the seal is a rivalry between Niu Jinxing and Li Yan, so there is no need to pay too much attention to it.Sometimes, for a leader, it is not a good thing to have a good relationship with subordinates, and some conflicts among subordinates are beneficial to his rule. Besides, there is competition among them, which is a kind of vitality.For this sentence, Li Laiheng had nothing to say.In the second half of the sentence, if Luo Rucai does not kill this time, he will be killed sooner or later. Loyalty is not a problem, the problem is that the hero must disappear when it is time to disappear.

Therefore, Li Laiheng followed Li Zicheng's wishes and said, "Luo Rucai should have been killed!"

Failed to convince Li Zicheng, Li Laiheng had no choice but to discuss a perfect plan with Li Yan.

In fact, there is no surefire way to attack Kaifeng.However, even if there is no one-size-fits-all solution, basic emergency measures must be prepared.Li Laiheng and Li Yan discussed a basic plan.

Their plan is that Li Yan will send a large number of rangers to patrol the south bank of the Yellow River, and if officers and soldiers are found to cross and blow up embankments, they will immediately call the police.this one.Second, Li Laiheng's elite troops were as close to the north as possible, and once the officers and soldiers from the north of the Yellow River forcibly crossed the Yellow River, they would immediately reinforce them.Third, the main force of Li Laiheng's corps will attack Zhuxian Town at any time, to ensure that after the Yellow River breaches, the road for the large troops to go south is unimpeded.Fourth, the troops went south, not fleeing, but marching towards Xiangyang, and captured Xiangyang. Li Yan and Li Laiheng proposed a motion to support Li Zi as king.

After the plan was completed, they invited Song Xiance again, and put forward some countermeasures in case of a Yellow River breach.

When Song Xiance heard this, his face turned pale with shock.

He said: "Song watched the sky at night, and there must be heavy rain recently. Your concerns are right. The possibility of officers and soldiers digging up the flooded army of the Yellow River is very high. I come to respect King Chuang, and attack Kaifeng after the flood season. However, it is unlikely to give up this plan now. What do you think should be done?"

Li Laiheng said: "Persuasion, it is impossible. I have tried it. He is determined to attack Kaifeng. Besides, he treats the heart of a villain with the heart of a gentleman. He said that there is no such thing as officers and soldiers digging rivers and flooding Kaifeng. All living beings are his Ming subjects, so how could it be possible to flood them with water?"

"It's not flooding Kaifeng, it's flooding our three armies. In Kaifeng City, the six gates have flood control functions. The gates are tightly closed, and the water will not flood the whole city in ten and a half months. The iron tower and other places are located on a high terrain. There is no harm in the big flood.”

Song Xiance knew the situation in Kaifeng well.When Li Yan and Li Laiheng heard of this situation, they were shocked. The officers and soldiers would flood the city with water.

It was night, but Song Xiance still told Li Zicheng his worries.

Li Zicheng had to pay more attention to the words of the military adviser. Song Xiance was proficient in Qimen Dunjia and figure prophecy, and Li Zicheng believed in gods.He said that it is possible for the enemy to dig the river, so it must be possible.

"Tomorrow, you plan and plan and defend the south bank of the Yellow River. They will not be able to dig the embankment if they want to be flooded." Although Li Zicheng was worried, he felt that as long as heavy troops guarded the south bank of the Yellow River, the enemy would not be able to dig the embankment.

It rains as soon as it rains.A few days ago, it had been raining cats and dogs upstream for several days, but the information was not good, and now it was raining heavily in Kaifeng, and the river really swelled.

Because of the preparations, an additional [-] troops were stationed on the embankment, and everyone was relieved even though they saw heavy rain.

The siege troops could only rest in the barracks. In this rainy day, the soldiers on both sides breathed a sigh of relief, and had nothing else to do except eat and sleep.

Li Zicheng and several generals discussed the siege of the city in the conference hall.The last time Niu Jinxing was in Luoyang, he was his "Xiao He". Now it is the third time to attack Kaifeng, and he led five thousand soldiers, because he was going to propose to support Li Zicheng to become king after the capture of Kaifeng. It is his life's "great cause", so today he braved the rain to Li Zicheng's old camp.

As soon as he arrived, it seemed that the prime minister of the new dynasty had arrived, and he predicted with certainty that there would be no suspense in breaking the city when he attacked Kaifeng this time. The key point was how to appease the people, including the officers and soldiers who were willing to surrender.

He was about to say that he should use Chuang Wang to become the king at this time, but unfortunately, before he could say anything, he suddenly reported: "A thousand large ships of officers and soldiers forcibly cross the Yellow River!"

Where did the thousand ships come from?After repeated investigations, the enemy only had a hundred ordinary fishing boats, and there could only be more than 1000 people in one forced crossing.Where are the thousand ships coming from now?

What is the concept of a thousand ships?That is, 2 people can be forced to escape at a time. Once more than [-] people land on the shore, it will be a flock of ducks, and there is nothing you can do.

"Decree, all Li Laiheng's troops are dispatched!" Li Zicheng was in a hurry, and immediately thought of Li Laiheng's elite troops. As long as Li Laiheng's troops were dispatched, let alone [-] officers and soldiers, no matter how many there were, there would be no return.

"Chuang Wang!"

Li Laiheng suddenly thought of a problem. It was completely unreasonable for so many ships to cross the river during the flood season. Crossing the river in this weather made a low-level military mistake.He thought of two words, "Gunpowder!"

"King Chuang, the officers and soldiers didn't cross the river by force, they blasted the embankment!" Li Laiheng said loudly.

"Explode the embankment?" Everyone exclaimed.

The enemy bombed the embankment, a brilliant move.It turned out that the officers and soldiers were not in a hurry, they were just waiting for this day to come.

The consequences of blowing up the embankment are very serious. The withdrawal of hundreds of thousands of troops is not easy. In addition, there are enemies in front and on both sides. Once the troops withdraw, they will basically retreat and flee. fighting power.

The south of Zhuxian Town is heavily guarded, the west is blocked by He Renlong, and the east is even more in the opposite direction. What should we do?
Li Zicheng's hundreds of thousands of troops are facing annihilation.

(End of this chapter)

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