
Chapter 131

Chapter 131
Xiangyang City was captured smoothly, almost without a fight.The [-] elite troops dispatched by Li Laiheng in advance mixed into Xiangyang under the leadership of Wang Si. When they were surrounded by Li Laiheng's army, they mingled inside. Breaking out, so Xiangyang City quickly opened the door and surrendered automatically.

Zuo Liangyu left at Maoshi the next day. He sent the supervisor to Xiangyang the first day, which was equivalent to pushing him into the fire pit. On the second day, Zuo Liangyu escaped with one less person in his way.

Zuo Liangyu went to Hankou, and then to Hefei.

Li Zicheng entered the city on the third day after Xiangyang fell.After entering the city, he lived in his camp.His camp had already been arranged properly, and Li Yan deliberately arranged him in the palace, because the palace had the style of the Forbidden City in Beijing.This palace is in the original Xiangwang Palace.When Li Zicheng walked into the camp, he immediately felt solemn.

Prince Xiang's Mansion is not comparable to Beijing's Forbidden City, but the tall palace and magnificent decoration, Li Zicheng, who was born in a poor family, suddenly entered it, it was like entering a holy temple. Unavoidably there is a bit of awe.

To Li Zicheng's dismay, many maids suddenly appeared beside him.In the old days, there were such a group of skirts and hairpins serving close to the clanking men, and when they were flustered, they couldn't help feeling ecstatic.One of them, a tall, fair, gentle and beautiful court lady with an oval face, attracted Li Zicheng's special attention.She is the violinist and teacher of the newly succeeded Princess Xiangyang.About 22 years old, mature and charming.She caressed Li Zicheng a song "The Autumn Moon in the Han Palace", which is sad, sad and lingering.

Li Zicheng did not expect such an arrangement.Today, he seems to be the prince, with maids and women all around him.

It is inevitable and normal for a man who lives with swords and guns to put his life on the line, and suddenly finds himself in a gentle place, confused, excited, and impulsive.

The girl playing the piano, named Fei Xu, finished playing "The Autumn Moon in the Han Palace", stood up and gave Li Zicheng a deep blessing, and whispered softly, "Your Majesty, take a bath. This servant will help you take a bath."

Although Li Zicheng is not a boy, nor is he a gentleman, he is already in his thirties, except Mrs. Gao, he also had a woman outside of the war, but it was just pure catharsis.

Now, Fei Xu, pure and clean, exuding a seductive fragrance, has approached Li Zicheng to help him undress him.Li Zicheng is like a puppet, at the mercy of Fei Xu.

Soon, Li Zicheng was stripped naked, the previous shame quickly turned into excitement, and a pole was raised high.Fei Xu blushed slightly, and helped Li Zicheng into the bathtub, and helped him to wipe himself up.

As the saying goes, heroes are saddened by beauties, and beauties are also saddened by heroes.Li Zicheng was a puppet for a while, then came back to his senses, and cut Fei Xu three times, five times and two times, and soon she was covered with silk and silk. Domineering, as soon as the two embraced, they entered the essence.

Li Zicheng's body is strong, and he succeeded once he was strong.Fei Xu is the daughter of Huanghua, and it is the first time she misses a man. A man is mighty.A brief tearing pain followed by pleasure and pleasure.

They too were a big fight, from the bath to the bed, and from the bed to the daffodil.That night, they couldn't remember how many times they had been lingering.

Li Zicheng, who came off the battlefield, was conquered by a woman for the first time.This woman named Fei Xu let him know that besides the back of a horse, a man has something to be attached to, and that is the breasts of a woman like Fei Xu.

The arrangement for Li Zicheng to enjoy the treatment of the prince is Li Yan's arrangement.However, Niu Jinxing took the lead in formally proposing the motion to become king. He contacted most of the officials and jointly proposed the motion. The next day, he collectively invited Li Zicheng to become king.

Li Laiheng and Li Yan were the designers of Li Zicheng's first plan to become king in Xiangyang, but when it came to the actual motion, it became Niu Jinxing's idea.He had private talks with Li Zicheng's cronies Li Guo, Li Shuangxi, Zhang Nai, Gao Yigong, etc., and "supported" Li Zicheng's establishment of the kingship in Xiangyang.

The next day, Li Zicheng came to the meeting hall and sat down. The civil servants and generals headed by Niu Jinxing knelt down together, "I beg you, King Chuang obeys God's will, ascends the throne in Xiangyang, calls the king and establishes the system, and uses Xinshun King to order world."

Li Zicheng was slightly startled.Although he was already mentally prepared, and before coming here, Niu Jinxing had specifically informed him, but when things came to an end, he was still surprised.

"Li has no virtue or talent, and pretends to be the king of obedience. He is sincere and fearful, and really dare not take up this position. Let's discuss this matter when a virtuous person appears in the future." Li Zicheng humbly said.

There has been such a procedure since ancient times, three humility and three concessions are essential.

Niu Jinxing, the number one civil servant, kowtowed and said, "King Chuang complies with the will of God. God has prophesied that for now, he will be king here for the time being. In the future, if he conquers Kaifeng, Xi'an, or Beijing, he will become emperor. King Chuang agrees."

Li Zicheng resigned again.

Liu Zongmin, the number one military general, said: "Brother Li, when the military adviser came to vote that day, he had already presented a picture of his back. The picture clearly stated that Brother Li, you should be the emperor. Now, the throne is still occupied by Chongzhen Zhu Youjian. Let’s talk about it when it is pulled down someday, and you will be king today, so you don’t cold everyone’s hearts, okay?” Liu Zongmin said it rudely, but it is true.

Li Zicheng resigned again, and he said: "It's not that I'm humble, and it's not fake to push back the picture, but I, Li Zicheng, came from a poor background. How can I have the blessing to sit on the throne? Besides, I am not the only one named Li in the world, so , Brothers, there is no need to say any more."

The three speeches are over, and one more persuasion is the end of the procedure.This process should be completed by everyone.

So, this time, all civil servants and generals once again knelt down and begged Li Zicheng to ascend the throne. Naturally, it was Song Xiance, the military adviser, who spoke this time.Some people understand his set of Jianghu terminology, and more people seem to understand it. Anyway, it means that Li Zicheng should bear the fortune of the new dynasty and establish a new dynasty. This is not only an honor, but also A responsibility, God needs you, Li Zicheng, to bear this responsibility, and you have to bear it.

Only then did Li Zicheng officially become the king "Xin Shun Wang".

When Li Zicheng ascended the throne, the officers and men celebrated for three days, spread the message to all provinces, crusade against the Zhu dynasty, and called on the people to be the subjects of the king of Shun.


Zhang Xianzhong broke through Chengdu on August 8, inspected Long Wenguang's mansion, Zhu Zhishu, king of Shu, and his concubines all committed suicide, and other officials became prisoners.After the capture of Chengdu, Zhang Xianzhong's army suddenly surged, claiming to have an army of 9, and he quickly controlled most of the prefectures and counties in Sichuan.

According to his details, after Li Zicheng ascended the throne in Xiangyang, he was in Chengdu, and all the literature and force persuaded Zhang Xianzhong and others to take the throne. It was also after the procedural resignation that he ascended the throne in Chengdu, known as "King of Qin".

Beijing Forbidden City.

Emperor Chongzhen's face was livid.

He received secret security one after another. Li Zicheng ascended the throne in Xiangyang, known as "Xinshun King"; Zhang Xianzhong ascended the throne in Chengdu, known as "Qin King".He had a premonition that the time for these two people to become emperors was not far off.

"Where is Sun Chuanting now?" Emperor Chongzhen asked.

"Near Kaifeng. The flood was raging there, and Sun Chuanting organized soldiers and civilians to help the victims." The Chief Minister replied.

"Damn it! Li Zicheng actually exploded the Yellow River and flooded our millions of people in Kaifeng. It is really abominable. According to Sun Chuanting, I have other arrangements for disaster relief in Kaifeng. He led the officers and soldiers of the seven provinces to attack Li Zicheng! If you don't kill Li Zicheng, he will not kill him." I want to come to see me alive. It is also said that Qin Liangyu from Sichuan, I named her General Zhenxi and ordered her to destroy Zhang Xianzhong's troops. Hmph, this old woman is said to be quite capable. If she can't destroy Zhang Xianzhong, she will not mess around in Sichuan from now on. gone."

Chongzhen's tone was almost extremely angry. He would never allow others to become king, and he was even more worried about others becoming emperor. Therefore, he ordered to kill Li Zicheng.

Sun Chuanting received the emperor's letter, he bit the bullet and led the seven generals to go south. When he arrived in Ruzhou, he never dared to go south, west or north again.

To the south is Li Zicheng's main force, and Xiangyang has more than 30 troops.To the west, Funiu Mountain, Desheng Village, Li Zicheng's old den, is guarded by [-] recruits.Although he is a recruit, he is full of vigor, and avoiding his vigor is basic military knowledge.Therefore, he dared not attack westward.To the north was Luoyang, but the defense there was impenetrable, and Sun Chuanting did not dare to confront it head-on.


Sun Chuanting had no choice but to build a defensive line around Ruzhou, ready to find Li Zicheng's weaknesses and wait for an opportunity to attack.

However, Sun Chuanting's plan to fight a protracted war failed.

After Li Laiheng got the information that Sun Chuanting came to Ruzhou, he felt that the opportunity to defeat Sun Chuanting's main force had come.

He challenged Li Zicheng to fight back against Ruzhou with his army.

Li Zicheng pondered for a long time, and asked Song Xiance, Sun Chuanting's 20 troops, is it possible for Li Laiheng's [-] troops to defeat him?

Song Xiance knew that Sun Chuanting's 20 troops were improvised, and their combat power was uneven. With the combat power of Li Laiheng's army, it was very likely that Sun Chuanting would be defeated.He also knew that Li Zicheng attached great importance to Li Laiheng, and he also needed to win over some people, so he wanted to let Li Laiheng make great contributions to the beauty of adulthood. He urged Li Zicheng to say: "If you use the main force of the army to fight back against Sun Chuanting, he will flee in panic and we will be hard to catch." His main force. General Li Laiheng's suggestion is very good. If he uses a small number of troops to attack Sun Chuanting, he will not escape. However, General Li's tactics and military quality make it very possible to defeat Sun Chuanting. Therefore, I agree with this proposal."

"Can you really defeat Sun Chuanting?" Li Zicheng asked.

"It's not a defeat, but annihilation!" Li Laiheng said.

"Total annihilation"

"Yes! I have one condition, give Hao Yaoqi to me, and I will use [-] troops to guarantee that Sun Chuanting's main force will be wiped out within half a month."

What a big breath.

However, Li Laiheng's arrogance has been fulfilled, and there is no promise that cannot be fulfilled.Well, let him attack!
Li Laiheng's army of 4 horses flocked to Ruzhou in overwhelming momentum!
A world-shattering battle is about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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