
Chapter 133 Decisive Battle

Chapter 133 Decisive Battle (2)


Li Laiheng shouted.There was a gleam of excitement in his eyes.


The left army launched.The right army launched.His central army, Li Laiheng himself was the vanguard, he shouted at his own soldiers.

A pure white war horse is particularly eye-catching on the grand battlefield.The horse takes the lead, and the white horse is not only a symbol of the defense of the enemy officers and soldiers, but also a symbol of the direction of progress of Li Laiheng's own soldiers.

Soon, the white warhorse had its first streak of red blood, and the blood spurted from the neck of a lieutenant-general dyed his white mane red.Another lieutenant rushed forward recklessly, Li Laiheng didn't take a second look, and swung his sword, "Pfft!" A head flew up.

At this moment, Li Laiheng's eyes were fixed on He Renlong.He is a hundred paces away.

He Renlong was called Crazy He, and this nickname Bode came from his life. He fought the peasant army in his early years, and he was often like a madman. I don't know how many people died in his hands.

He knew Li Laiheng's name, he had never fought against Li Laiheng himself, but he knew his own fame better, He Renlong once had the experience of beheading ten generals in a row in a big battle.

"It's just that he hasn't met a real opponent." He Renlong also looked down on Li Laiheng.

Li Laiheng hesitated for a second. He originally planned to shoot He Renlong to death, but he dismissed the idea because He Renlong led his generals and soldiers towards him.

There are many general-level people on He Renlong's side. A commander-in-chief leads more than 20 deputy commander-in-chief soldiers and deputy generals to fight, which is too luxurious.Not counting partial generals, chief executives, and guerrillas, He Renlong has more than 20 lieutenant generals and above. This is his capital and reason for rushing to Li Laiheng.

By Li Laiheng's side, only his own soldiers and generals, Wang Si and Luo Hu have already led the army independently.But the reason for deciding victory or defeat on the battlefield is never based on the level, but combat power and courage.

Li Laiheng's formation is still a triangle, or a sharp knife shape, and he is still the tip of the knife in this formation.

The tip of the knife pointed at He Renlong.

The generals around He Renlong rushed to fight Li Laiheng, but what made them angry was that Li Laiheng's personal soldiers and generals didn't give them a chance at all, and they quickly became headless ghosts.

Li Laiheng went straight to He Renlong without too much disturbance.

"Come on, kid!" He Renlong found out Li Laiheng's plan, clamped his legs and urged the horse forward.

The white horse seems to have spirituality, it knows the owner's goal, it bursts into the air and soars into the air.

He Renlong looked up, and the white horse flew past.

However, this was the last time He Renlong saw the world. The last thing he saw was a scene he would never imagine. He never fought against Li Laiheng, but died under Li Laiheng's sword.

There is no suspense in the battle of losing the general.

Cleaning the battlefield of 10,000+ people, Gu Ying, Gu Kecheng, Hao Yaoqi, and of course Wang Si and Luo Hu, the wind swept through the clouds, those who surrendered squatted on the spot, and those who fled did not recognize their swords or guns.

Two hours later, Hao Yaoqi received more than 5000 surrendered soldiers.Others, walk away, kill those who kill, how can other people's troops be gathered?
Li Laiheng's 12 elite did not stop, he continued to rush north quickly.Everyone knows that He Renlong's 3 troops were defeated, and Sun Chuanting's [-] troops on the eastern front were completely annihilated. At this point, Sun Chuanting's entire army can be said to have been wiped out.

Li Laiheng wanted to grab Sun Chuanting by the tail, he was not going to let him catch his breath, the complete annihilation of Sun Chuanting was the main goal of this battle.

Sun Chuanting's mood is extremely panic, the disastrous defeat on the Eastern Front has left him no way out.The south, west, and north sides are Li Zicheng's heavy troops, especially the southern front. Once Li Zicheng's main force of hundreds of thousands goes north, whether He Renlong's 10,000+ men can resist will determine the final outcome of the entire battle.

He was still rejoicing that after the disastrous defeat on the Eastern Front, Li Zicheng underestimated the enemy and did not send a large force to attack He Renlong, but only dispatched Li Laiheng's [-] troops.

12 versus [-] made Sun Chuanting feel a little better. He thought that even if He Renlong was dead, he should not lose the battle.

He was eager to know the outcome of the battle, and his premonition was bad, because there were three words that were still lingering in his mind.

Li Laiheng.

Li Laiheng's name, including his figure, appeared in his nightmares countless times.He has experienced too many Lee Hyung-style fears.He has escaped from Li Laiheng's sword many times, and this time, he may have to repeat the horror of the past.

"Does He Renlong have any military information to report?" Sun Chuanting asked.

"Superintendent, Mr. He is very calm there." The sergeant replied.

It was very calm, that was just before the storm.Sun Chuanting's mood was even more inexplicable fear.The current goal of several staff members is to relieve Sun Chuanting's worries.

"The enemy underestimates the enemy, so we can take advantage of it. I heard that Li Zicheng was called the 'King of Xinshun' in Xiangyang. He hasn't had enough time to enjoy beauties these days, so how can he prepare for battle? It is said that Li Zicheng is lustful by nature, and he is in the prime of life, full of energy Very good. The spies came back and reported that Li Zicheng was in the so-called royal palace in Xiangyang this time. There was a woman named Fei Xu who made Li Zicheng so fascinated that he wished he could embrace the beauty every day and stop fighting. So, ten For half a month, it was difficult for Li Zicheng to wake up from his gentleness. Now, he is fighting against our 12 army with [-] so-called elites. In the past two days, He Renlong has received good news."

A staff member surnamed Gu had just finished speaking when He Renlong's army reported for duty.

"Li Laiheng's army is attacking from three directions."

Haha, looking for death, Li Laiheng actually attacked in three directions, violating basic military common sense. That's God's will.

A staff member surnamed Fan laughed, mocking Li Laiheng's mistake in using troops.

Indeed, Li Laiheng used 12 elites to attack He Renlong's [-] horses. Of course, he could only concentrate his troops to defeat them one by one. How could he disperse his troops and attack in an all-round way?

Sun Chuanting couldn't help laughing too.

He was waiting for He Renlong's good news.

Soon, He Renlong's military report came again.

"Report! Li Zicheng's troops are aggressively attacking, and our army is fighting fiercely with the enemy!"

Sun Chuanting's heart trembled.Rush is the best!After a long delay, Li Zicheng's massive attack could not be resisted.

"Report!" The third phase of the army reported, "He Zongbing was killed, and our army fell into chaos!"

"Report! Our army has collapsed!"


"Okay!" Sun Chuanting yelled, "Report the funeral?"

Of course it was a funeral report. 10,000+ people collapsed across the board, followed by annihilation. If this is not a funeral report, what else is a funeral report?

There was silence, and no one dared to vent their anger.


"Looking for death!"

Another sergeant rushed in to report in a daze, but was stopped by Sun Chuanting's Chinese army.

"Report, Li Laiheng has gone straight to Ruzhou." The sergeant still devoted himself to his duty and finished the extremely important information.

"What? Why didn't you say it earlier!" Sun Chuanting yelled angrily, "Push it out and cut it!"

It's messed up, really messed up.In times of war, human life was really worthless, but this person who didn't deserve to die died inexplicably, and no one complained about him.

There was a long silence again, "Withdraw!" Suddenly Sun Chuanting yelled.

However, when he yelled "withdraw", Li Laiheng's troops had already started to attack.The defending troops were preparing to defend the city, and received an order to retreat, and the troops suddenly disintegrated.The army is afraid of receiving an order to retreat in a hurry. It is absolutely impossible to attack in a panic, and it is even more troublesome to retreat in a panic.

Tens of thousands of defeated soldiers in Ruzhou gave way to Li Laiheng for a road leading to Sun Chuanting's bid camp.

In the past few years, Sun Chuanting has learned to save his life from fighting.This time, the standard battalion he led was all cavalry, one in a hundred soldiers and one in a hundred good horses, so the movement speed of this standard battalion was no less than that of Li Laiheng's troops.

Sun Chuanting's mounts are three BMWs, commonly known as Maxima.Today, he took his standard battalion, took hundreds of dead soldiers, and rode his thousand-mile horse, broke away from the brigade, and his 4000 people went straight to Kaifeng.

When I arrived in Zhengzhou, I thought, no, why go to Kaifeng?Hurrying to cross the Yellow River, he thought of Tongguan.Over there, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. He is a person from Shaanxi. When he returns to Shaanxi, he will gather troops in the name of a supervisor, and there may be a chance of survival.

Going north from Zhengzhou, there are Li Zicheng's defenders everywhere. There is no way to rush over. His standard battalion is still capable of fighting. Moreover, Li Zicheng's defenders are relatively weak, so there is no big problem in rushing over.

In this way, Sun Chuanting was worthy of a generation of military strategists in the Ming Dynasty. He finally broke through Li Zicheng's first line of defense and entered Shaanxi.

Sun Chuanting was guarding Tongguan.

However, Li Laiheng's sword is pointing at Tongguan, and he wants to completely wipe out Sun Chuanting!

(End of this chapter)

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