
Chapter 141 Prince Rui's Determination

Chapter 141 Prince Rui's Determination

After reading the secret report, Prince Rui Dorgon was shocked.

He remembered that there was such an army a few years ago, and it wiped out the troops he had infiltrated into Shandong.The strength of that army was beyond his imagination.Now, this army reappeared, and ended the five records of his direct line army with an ironic ratio of death in battle.

He has to get to know this man.

Hong Chengchou was invited into Prince Rui's mansion, and he was asked about it.

Hong Chengchou said: "There is indeed such a person. The minister was almost killed under his hands. This person is called Li Laiheng. He will kill the enemy's general in battle. He is known as the God of War. You know the Jinyiwei and Dongchang in the Southern Dynasty. You know that there are many capable people. However, both Jin Yiwei and Dongchang sent strong men to rob and kill him, but they were all beheaded by him. Therefore, I think the evaluation of this person is not exaggerated."

Dorgon pondered for a while, and then asked, are there many capable people under Li Zicheng?
Hong Chengchou said, yes, there are so many.For example, Liu Zongmin, Li Guo, Yuan Zongdi, and Liu Fangliang are all first-class generals.However, it is incomparable with Li Laiheng.

Dorgon fell into deep thought again.

The Ming army, since the Wanli period, has gradually become weak, and after the Songjin battle, it can basically be said to be vulnerable.However, this Li Zicheng represents the strength of a new generation. They have millions of troops and their morale is booming.Dorgon thought, he fought against them twice, and the entire army was wiped out both times, and not only the entire army was wiped out, but they were defeated with an insulting battle loss rate.

Killing the elite soldiers of the Qing Dynasty with almost zero loss, isn't this an insult to the Qing soldiers?

Dorgon couldn't help feeling frustrated.

Hong Chengchou saw Dorgon's mood, and comforted him: "Your Majesty, you don't have to worry too much. Li Laiheng is not that scary. It is said that his elite is less than 1000 people. Although he has a strong combat effectiveness, his manpower is limited after all. , Li Laiheng is young and has little experience. Among Li Zicheng's core members, he is not particularly important. Therefore, he can play the role of a surprise soldier, but he cannot change the entire battle situation. According to my observation, no matter how powerful Li Zicheng is, he is definitely not enough to fight us The Eight Banners of Manchuria confronted."

This burst of comfort is worthwhile.

He asked about Li Zicheng's ambitions.

Hong Chengchou smiled contemptuously, saying that this person is a commoner, his eyes will be dazzled when he sees a few flowers and money, and he will be confused when he sees a few beauties. If they don't occupy the world, it's fine. There was a lot of dissatisfaction among the people.

Dorgon didn't believe that Li Zicheng would be so incompetent?
Hong Chengchou said firmly and affirmatively that since Li Zicheng became a bandit, he never really cared for the people, so most of the time they can only wander around, which is not a sign of great wisdom.

Makes sense.

Dorgon is such a politically minded person!As soon as he heard it, he immediately understood Li Zicheng's depth.

it is good!The opportunity to relive the past glory of the Dajin Kingdom is approaching.

Dorgon strengthened his determination to go south to dominate the Central Plains.He will not be decadent because of two defeats, nor will he give up his dream because of one Li Laiheng.

In Juyongguan, a small-scale banquet is going on.

Tang Tong was completely shocked by Li Laiheng's bravery. Du Xun, the former emperor's personal eunuch, became more determined to serve Dashun.

Beheading [-] Qing soldiers, the battle loss rate is close to zero, this is a heavenly soldier!

In addition to expressing their support for the new emperor Li Zicheng once again, Tang Tong and Du Xun also did a good job of how to welcome Li Zicheng's main force to enter the customs in half a month.

More than half a month later, Beijing will become the political center of the Dashun Empire, and the new emperor's formal enthronement will also be held there. At that time, there will be a group of princes, county kings, dukes, marquises, and uncles who will be canonized.Both Tang Tong and Du Xun will become knights, so they are naturally very happy.

Of course, all of this was carried out under the utmost secrecy.

Li Zicheng got the news that Li Laiheng had recovered Juyongguan.

For this news, Li Zicheng was very happy. Now, entering Beijing, he can almost drive straight in, and he can come to the city of Beijing without any war.

So much to celebrate.

Niu Jinxing, Song Xiance, and Li Yan, as Li Zicheng's advisors, carefully studied the specific plan for attacking Beijing.

"As long as Wu Sangui and Zuo Liangyu can't get to Beijing in time, Beijing can win without a fight," Song Xiance said.

"I heard that Chongzhen organized the slaves, children, nurses, servants, etc. of various officials and eunuchs in Beijing to prepare to fight. This should be a big force, right?" Li Zicheng asked.

"It's nothing to worry about, you dude, you'll run away if you don't see the army." Niu Jinxing smiled.

"If Wu Sangui, or Zuo Liangyu is king, then we will be in trouble. How many troops do we have left in Beijing?" Li Zicheng asked Song Xiance.

"Add Li Laiheng Legion and Hao Yaoqi 20, close to [-]."

"So little?" Li Zicheng asked.

"Yes, along the way, basically no large army was left to guard the city. The important pass needs to be guarded by troops. Entering Shanxi, we cut off contact with Chang'an (Xi'an was changed to Chang'an) in the east. Therefore, Datong deployed 15 troops to guard it. When we arrived in Beijing, a large number of troops were needed along the Great Wall. To the city of Beijing, [-] troops would be enough Not bad."

"I thought a million troops was a huge number, but I didn't expect it to be far from enough. In the future, the South will use troops and Zhang Xianzhong will be wiped out, so the payment and rations of the troops are really still a problem." Li Zicheng said.

Niu Jinxing comforted, "In the south, we only need to spread the message to the provinces. I think they will come to vote one after another. Zhang Xianzhong, we only need to send a partial teacher, which is enough to calm down. Therefore, we only need to take Beijing smoothly now, and the country is yours, the emperor." Now, don't worry."

Li Yan remained silent.He didn't like Niu Jinxing's cover-up of the facts to curry favor, nor did he like Song Xiance's blind optimism and short-sightedness. What he worried about was not whether Beijing could be captured, but what to do after it was captured.Also, Manchu intelligence has not been paid enough attention to, once the Manchu Eight Banners face off, it is hard to say that they can be undefeated.

"Deputy military division, you don't talk much all the time, but do you have any disagreements?"

Li Zicheng asked Li Yan.Li Yan was recently appointed as the deputy military adviser. It stands to reason that it would be most appropriate to appoint him as the Minister of the Ministry of War, but Li Zicheng gave this position to a surrender.

Seeing the question, Li Yan hurriedly said: "I am considering two issues, one is the military discipline after entering Beijing, and the other is the Qing soldiers."

Li Zicheng laughed loudly and said, "The deputy military commander is right. When entering Beijing, military discipline is naturally strict. Except for arresting officials of the sixth rank and above and confiscating their property, other people are not allowed to harass. As for the Qing soldiers, the Ming Dynasty It is dilapidated and has not been invaded too much by the Manchus, so there is no need to worry too much. After arriving in Beijing, I sent a document to the Emperor of the Manchus. If they are willing to cooperate, I will leave them a piece of land to thrive. If they don’t cooperate, hehe, they want to Asking for trouble, then we will follow the trend of the Northern Expedition and clean them up."

Li Zicheng spoke so easily.

After listening to Li Zicheng's words, Li Yan's worry turned into sadness.It was Liu Zongmin who came up with the idea of ​​arresting officials of rank six and above and confiscating their property. It was definitely the worst idea.Six-rank official, how much?A capital city, there will be a big China in the future, how big is the number of sixth-rank officials?Pushing them all to the opposite, this force is invisible, but it is very powerful and strong.Fighting against invisible forces, who can count the number of winners and losers?Besides, once the sixth-rank officials are purged, fishing in troubled waters will inevitably be prohibited, and anything can happen.Therefore, if Li Zicheng has any failures, then this is the biggest failure.

Li Yan didn't make a sound anymore, if he said more, Li Zicheng would be unhappy, and if he was unhappy, Li Yan would have no chance to speak in the future.

Li Zicheng and the others were chatting when Liu Zongmin came.

"Brother Li, I'm sorry, I can't change my words for a while. I have ordered Li Laiheng to lead some Qingqi to hide near Beijing, and he brought some elites to sneak into Beijing. Your Majesty, we should speed up our march. We can enter Juyongguan on March [-]th. The siege of Beijing will be completed on March [-]th. Li Laiheng will take over in the city, and maybe the city of Beijing will be broken in two or three days.”

Li Zicheng was overjoyed. He seemed to have seen the Forbidden City in Beijing before his eyes. Although he had never seen the Forbidden City before, the Forbidden City in front of him was very majestic and majestic.

"Okay! The whole army is advancing quickly. The main force will pass Juyongguan on March [-]."

Li Zicheng's eyes were shining with excitement, and he was holding a horsewhip in his hand, pointing to the northeast.

(End of this chapter)

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