
Chapter 147 Li Zicheng Meets with Chongzhen

Chapter 147 Li Zicheng Meets with Chongzhen
The ceremony for Li Zicheng to enter the city was very grand. The ten-mile-long procession was carried out in accordance with the emperor's guard of honor. The people burned incense and lit candles, and the word "Shun" was pasted on the door, and they knelt down by the street.

After a series of ostentatious ceremonies, Li Zicheng entered Beijing from Desheng Gate, then entered Daming Gate, crossed Jinshui Bridge, entered the Forbidden City from Chengtian Gate, and then turned left to enter Wuying Hall.

The matter of the Zen position is selected to be held on the seventh day of April after half a month.

Calls to all places have been issued in advance, to the effect that the Ming Dynasty has no way, and its strength is exhausted. Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty voluntarily handed over the throne to Emperor Yongchang of Dashun, and held a Zen ceremony on an auspicious day. Heart.

Wu Sangui also received the document, which was the imperial decree of Emperor Dashun, asking him to perform his duties faithfully, guard Shanhaiguan, and return to Beijing to attend the new emperor's enthronement ceremony on the day of Chongzhen's Zen enthronement.And said that his current official title will continue to be retained.

Three days passed and everything went well.Li Zicheng was both excited and tired. Tonight, he saw several women, and two of them made his heart flutter.

One is Dou Meiyi and the other is Fei Zhen'e.

Dou Meiyi is a court lady next to the Empress Dowager Ci'an. She is proficient in playing piano, chess, calligraphy, and painting. She is extremely beautiful. Chongzhen once intended to accept her as a concubine, but he was concerned that she would be needed by the Empress Dowager's side, so he didn't dare to mention it.Li Zicheng sent his adopted son to Qing Palace in the Forbidden City, that is because the Forbidden City is too important, not to mention the safety of the emperor, just how many women and treasures there are!Royal things are national treasures.There are thousands of women in the palace, and these people are not scattered casually.The retained and rewarded maids must be arranged by Li Shuangxi.

Li Zicheng looked at Dou Meiyi and Fei Zhen'e, his heart was pounding, his blood was throbbing, and the words below were straight and extremely hard.

Oh, yes, there are still a few young generals who need to find a beautiful woman.Shuangxi, Zhang Nai, Laiheng, Luohu, alas, it is a pity that Wang Si died.These few are all young generals who grew up in the military camp, and they have already accumulated a lot of military exploits. It's time to find them beautiful women.

Shuangxi is his adopted son, and this time he and Li Guo are going to be crowned princes, so Shuangxi wants to find an official concubine, and can't just choose from among the maids of honor.Zhang Nai has already made friends with Miss Huiying, Huiying is Madam Gao's personal soldier, they are childhood sweethearts, and they probably have already tasted the forbidden fruit by stealing meat, so Zhang Nai's matter has also become a clue.The rest are Lai Heng and Luo Hu.Laiheng is 23 years old, and Luo Hu is also 21 years old, both of whom are married.

Li Zicheng thought, Dou Meiyi wanted it for himself, this woman's natural beauty, one of a thousand women, is really reluctant to give it to others. When he saw her, he had an irresistible urge, so he couldn't give this woman to others.The other woman is Fei Zhen'e, who is peerless and beautiful. Li Zicheng also wants to hug her, but he feels that he doesn't like her glamorousness very much.Indeed, this woman who once had a deep love for Emperor Chongzhen had a kind of coolness to her bones.However, this coldness is also part of her beauty.

These two are the most outstanding women in the palace.Of course, there are many beauties, but Dou Meiyi and Fei Zhen'e are the most beautiful.

Give this Fei Zhen'e to Li Laiheng.However, where else can I find someone for Luo Hu?Li Zicheng told Li Shuangxi to search among the maids, is there any outstanding ones?Li Shuangxi thought, two, you are not enough?He didn't want to hand over the one he had hidden.Besides, it can't be handed over, because father and son can't share a woman's.

Li Zicheng ordered that Dou Meiyi and Fei Zhen'e no longer called themselves slaves, they were all served by other slaves, and their identities suddenly rose to the level of masters.

Dou Meiyi and Fei Zhen'e thought that they would be concubines from now on.

Li Laiheng disliked the practice of rewarding court ladies to meritorious soldiers. He thought that conquering Beijing was only the first step in establishing Dashun, and there were still many things to be done and many battles to be fought in the future.

Li Zicheng asked him, don't you want one or two maids to wait on you?He originally meant to reward Fei Zhen'e to him, but he replied very arrogantly, "Why is the Hun home if it is not destroyed?"Actually, this is just his excuse, because there are two women that he has never forgotten, Lu Qin and Miss Zuo, these two are his favorite beauties.Before he married them, he didn't dare to touch the third woman first. Lu Qin and Miss Zuo are both very violent women, so it's better to be cautious.

Li Zicheng and Chongzhen arranged a meeting.There was no witness arranged for their meeting, so there is no such record in history.In other words, as the loser, the historians of the Ming Dynasty naturally would not record this humiliating meeting, and as the Dashun Dynasty, Li Zicheng's demeanor when he met Emperor Chongzhen was really not flattering, so the history of Dashun did not want to record it .

Li Zicheng went to see Chongzhen. At first, he was in such a good mood. It was okay, but unexpectedly, when he saw Chongzhen, an incredible scene appeared.Li Zicheng's feet were weak, his throat was tight, his heart was pounding, and he knelt down with a plop.

No, Li Zicheng immediately remembered, how could I bow down to Chongzhen Zhu Youjian?He should bow down to me, I am the emperor and he is the uncle.He came to his senses and got up in a hurry.

"Kneel down." Li Zicheng got up, and in order to save face, he said to Chongzhen, "From now on, you are a courtier, so you have to kneel and worship me."

"You are a thief!" Chongzhen said coldly, "At least, today you are still a thief. When you see the emperor, of course you have to kneel!"

"Presumptuous! What kind of emperor are you? I, Li Zicheng, am the emperor." Only now did Li Zicheng really calm down.

"Hey, people in the village are at this level after all. Don't you want a Zen position? Before the Zen position ceremony is completed, I will naturally be the emperor, and you will naturally be a thief." Chongzhen has already put life and death beyond his control, so, speaking of The words are very organized.

"No, I have already proclaimed myself the emperor in Chang'an, so I am the emperor." Li Zicheng said forcefully, he was the strong side.

"Okay, whatever you want. I'll call you Li Zicheng, you can call me Zhu Youjian. Tell me what you have to say." Chongzhen still had a majesty.

Why did Li Zicheng come here?It turned out that he wanted to see the face of the loser on a whim.In his imagination, the loser must be decadent and discouraged, bowing down to the winner and begging for mercy.However, unexpectedly, he almost turned ashamed and made a fool of himself instead.

The winner is always the strong.

"I ask you, Zhu Youjian, you don't care about your people, the people are in dire straits, are you guilty?" Li Zicheng suddenly questioned Zhu Youjian.He cannot be defeated by a loser, he is a winner, and the winner has the right to question and punish the loser.

Zhu Youjian talked and smiled, and said to Li Zicheng: "After you take the big position, you will know that this seat is not easy to sit in! I sat in that chair at the age of 17 and sat for 17 years. Do you think I Are you happy? Do you think I am majestic as the emperor? You have seen that the Forbidden City is indeed majestic and majestic. In the world, no country has such a grand and majestic palace. However, as soon as you sit on this chair, you will feel that the air around you is not full of happiness, but a responsibility, and this responsibility is as heavy as Mount Tai. Don’t think that someone will help you, Don't think that your officials will try their best to protect your country, they will only add weight to your burden, and they will only fight for power and profit for their own interests. Do you think I don't want to care about the people? Do you think I don't want to have a great Ming Dynasty? Years? Do you think I don't want to gain a good reputation like Tang Taizong? Li Zicheng, you are wrong! Okay, let me tell you something again. The Ming Dynasty has been corrupted for a long time, and I, Zhu Youjian, cannot recover from it. But, that The emerging regime, the Manchus, have you figured out how to deal with them? If they break into the customs and occupy the Central Plains, then you will be the sinners of our Han people."

What Chongzhen said was like a teacher teaching a student, leaving Li Zicheng speechless.

Unexpectedly, I came here to play Zhu Youjian, but I didn't expect Li Zicheng himself to be played.What Zhu Youjian said is right. In the past 17 years, he has been suffering on the fire. From now on, the person who will suffer is Li Zicheng.

(End of this chapter)

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