
Chapter 173 Li Yan's Six Major Crimes

Chapter 173 Li Yan's Sixteen Major Crimes

In the Chang'an Palace, Li Zicheng received a report from Ma Shiyao that Li Yan had been beheaded.

There was a hint of bitterness in Li Zicheng's smile.What a pity for a good general!he sighed.

"Why is there no head of Li Yan?" Li Zicheng asked.

The envoy said: "General Ma is worried that Li Yan's subordinates will find out that after secretly executing him, he did not cut off his head."

"Is the army in Henan stable now?" Li Zicheng asked.

"Your Majesty is wise. After General Ma killed Li Yan, General Liu Fangliang quickly entered Funiu Mountain. Therefore, the army in Henan is stable, and they will soon return to Xiangyang with General Liu Fangliang."

"Have Li Yan's brothers been killed?"

"They were all killed. It's just that the red lady ran away."

"The red lady ran away?" Li Zicheng asked in surprise.

Hong Niangzi is Li Yan's wife, she is also from Jianghu, she is very beautiful, and her martial arts are also extraordinary.She ran away, after all, it was the root of the disaster.

Since then, although Li is happy to get rid of a serious problem in his heart, he has a vague and unspeakable strange feeling.Is it because the red lady ran away?No, a woman can't cause any harm after all; because Li Yan was killed unjustly?It doesn't seem to be the case. There is a reason to kill him. Although it is not certain that he will rebel, Li Zicheng subconsciously feels that becoming the king of a country seems to be getting farther and farther away. On someone else, so he shouldn't regret killing Li Yan.Could it be because of Li Laiheng?Li Laiheng had already rescued Li Yan once last time, this time, he would definitely be unhappy.But what does it matter if he is unhappy?It's impossible for him to feel sorry for his uncle because of an outsider.Or, was it because he didn't see Li Yan's head?
For Ma Shiyao, Li Zicheng was at ease. He was Li Zicheng's old subordinate, and now he had become a general, a senior general. He was loyal to Li Zicheng through life and death.

However, in the era when the head is used as evidence, there may be variables if the head is not seen.Li Zicheng was still unhappy that Ma Shiyao came to see him without Li Yan's head.

Eunuch Yao, who went to preach the imperial decree with Ma Shiyao, did not come back.Eunuch Yao is Li Zicheng's confidant, and he was ordered to supervise Ma Shiyao's killing of Li Yan.Ma Shiyao's special envoy said that when he came back from Henan, he met Qing soldiers. During the battle, Eunuch Yao was killed by Duoduo's soldiers.

Within a few days, the news of Li Yan's murder was known by others, and there were a lot of discussions, saying what happened?Why was Li Yan beheaded by the emperor?Therefore, Li Yan's death hurt Li Zicheng very seriously.

It was almost the last time that the discussion reached Li Zicheng's ears. He only knew about it when Song Xiance came to report.Song Xiance said: "Your Majesty, there are rumors that Li Yan was killed. I wonder if Your Majesty has heard of it?"

Li Zicheng was surprised, this matter is still not covered by paper after all.Now that everyone knew about it, he had no choice but to make the matter public. He said, "It's not a rumor, Li Yan has indeed been killed."

Song Xiance didn't say anything, he could only be surprised, so surprised that he couldn't say a word.Now, the situation in the customs is in a mess, there are endless incidents of assassination of Dashun officials in various prefectures and counties in Shaanxi, and most of the wealthy people are secretly fighting against the Dashun Dynasty.Externally, the Manchu Qing offensive became more and more fierce, and the Yellow River defense line and Tongguan were both in jeopardy.In addition to the Qing Dynasty, Zhang Xianzhong harassed Li Zicheng's tribe from time to time in eastern Sichuan; the Nanming regime gradually became a climate, and if this continued, another Southern Song Dynasty loomed, so it became more and more difficult to unite with the Nanming armed forces.Now, when Li Zicheng was in the midst of internal and external troubles, Li Zicheng suddenly suffered from a mental illness and killed Li Yan, making a big mistake. If this continues, Da Shun Dynasty will die quickly.

Song Xiance scolded Li Zicheng for being a fool in his heart. He hated him. He has ten thousand reasons to prove that Li Zicheng is a stupid ass, and there are also ten thousand reasons to prove that Li Zicheng is no longer a wise lord. up.

Seeing that Song Xiance didn't say a word, Li Zicheng knew what he was thinking, so he had to explain. He said: "Military adviser, I know you may have some ideas about killing Li Yan, but Li Yan must be killed. My So I didn't discuss it with you, because I was afraid that you were concerned about your feelings. You have always had a deep relationship in the past, and Li Yan is indeed a good person. However, he rebelled and established another court. It really shouldn't be, so I had to kill he."

"He set up another court?" Song Xiance never imagined that Li Zicheng would use such a stupid excuse to kill Li Yan.

"Yes, he secretly appointed officials to spread rumors, saying that the prophecy of the 'Eighteen Sons Lord's Artifact' refers to him, and many people were bewitched by him. You see, the people in Henan praised Mr. Li of Qi County as their great savior , This is the evidence. I have discussed this matter with the prime minister for a long time, and I have repeatedly sent people to check, the evidence is conclusive, and Li Yan has not been wronged at all."

Song Xiance couldn't say anything more. Li Yan is dead and cannot be resurrected. Since he cannot be resurrected, then unity is the most important thing, and Li Yan will be charged with a crime so that everyone will not discuss it.

So Song Xiance said: "Your Majesty, Li Yan's rebellion is a fact, so let's quickly announce his crimes. However, how can Li Laiheng appease him?"

What he meant was that you can fool other people, and it is not a big problem to blame Li Yan, but can you hide it from Li Laiheng?Although Li Guo is your nephew and Li Laiheng is Li Guo's son, but this Li Laiheng doesn't seem to take family affection seriously, he is afraid that he will have to deal with business!
Li Zicheng didn't take it seriously, Li Laiheng was still a brat and his junior, could he still reverse the case for Li Yan?

Therefore, he ignored Song Xiance's reminder.

The next day, Li Zicheng held an imperial meeting and officially announced Li Yan's sixteen major crimes.Ma Shiyao was promoted to earl for his meritorious service in killing Li Yan.

Li Yan's 6 major crimes are indeed too reluctant. These are all written by Niu Jinxing. He spent a lot of energy in fabricating Li Yan's crimes. Thanks to his reading a lot of sage books, he finally survived. For two whole nights, he fabricated the sixteen major crimes for Li Yan.The 6 major crimes are mainly: plotting against the law, conspiracy to rebel; privately setting up officials and setting up a separate court; corrupting the law and perverting the law for personal gain; Forming a faction, colluding with the Qing soldiers, plotting treason, etc., are a total of 6 major crimes.Even Li Zicheng himself felt blush when he saw the 6 crimes.

There are more discussions.However, now the discussion has become a bit more hidden, and it is not my close relatives and confidantes, who dare not make it public for a round.

Gradually, everyone's discussion began to point at Niu Jinxing, saying that the prime minister was too narrow-minded and a little ruthless. Killing the enemy may not be so ruthless, but killing one's own people is just like killing one's own people.Song Xiance's view of Niu Jinxing has also undergone major changes. This referrer is not the Niu Jinxing he knew at the beginning.

Indeed, this Niu Jinxing is no longer the original Niu Jinxing, especially after the fall of Beijing, he became very bad, with the twelve-point style embodied in him, greedy for money, and lustful, outside In front of people, he is hypocritical, acting like a gentleman.Everyone around him knows that Niu Jinxing has a hobby. He must be accompanied by two women when he sleeps at night, with one on the left and one sandwiching him in the middle.Then there is the greed for money.These may not be considered major, they belong to small ones, harmless, but after he arrived in Xi'an, he suddenly became easy to kill, which cannot but be called a pervert.Of course, he is not alone in this kind of abnormality. Many surrendered ministers of the Ming Dynasty also became very bloodthirsty. They called on the people in the urban and rural areas of Shaanxi to report and expose those who were not loyal to Dashun. Can be hacked.And in some places, there have been rewards based on how many heads of rebels were beheaded.

Tian Jianxiu is very disgusted with Niu Jinxing's behavior, but recently Tian Jianxiu basically has no chance to be taken seriously in front of Li Zicheng, and Li Zicheng is even a little dissatisfied with him.

At night, Tian Jianxiu and Niu Jinxing met face to face.Niu Jinxing snorted a few times, Tian Jianxiu turned his head and asked, Master Niu "huh" what "huh"?

Niu Jinxing let out a loud "hum" again, and said coldly: "I like to hum recently, does General Tian sound uncomfortable?"

Tian Jianxiu said: "It doesn't matter to me, but I'm afraid some ghosts matter. Master Niu likes killing very much recently, isn't he afraid of retribution?"

Niu Jinxing was furious, his face flushed, and he shouted: "What do you mean? Are you saying that I killed the wrong person? Could it be that you are Li Yan's accomplice?"

Tian Jianxiu was not afraid of Niu Jinxing, and said with a sneer, "You want to punish the last general? You just make up some crimes. Unfortunately, my friendship with Li Yan is not as deep as yours. Master Niu, you can make it up, I want to see it." See what crime I have for you to kill." After finishing speaking, Tian Jianxiu walked away, ignoring Niu Jinxing's staring eyes.

It is extremely difficult for Niu Jinxing to punish Tian Jianxiu, because in fact Tian Jianxiu is the third person in Li Zicheng's army, second only to Liu Zongmin.He was also named the general of the total power, one of the ranks of the princes.

However, Niu Jinxing will not let Tian Jianxiu go, he is a scholar and has many schemes.Therefore, Niu Jinxing looked at Tian Jianxiu's back and said coldly, just wait.

When Tian Jianxiu and Niu Jinxing had an unpleasant incident, Gao Guiying was also very upset, and she was left speechless by a question.

Regarding Queen Gao Guiying, there is a story that I have to mention.Gao Guiying, a native of Hulushan (commonly known as Huludan) in the west of Mizhi City, Gao Ligong's sister, Mrs. Li Zicheng, her uncle is Gao Yingxiang, the leader of the famous uprising army in the late Ming Dynasty. In 1627 (the first year of Chongzhen), Li Zicheng was recruited as a postman at Yinchuan Station because of his agility and strength in walking, and delivered official documents to and from Yulin, Mizhi, and Yan'an.Li Zicheng worked very hard to deliver official documents, but he didn't want to die or lose his horses, which caused dissatisfaction among the county magistrates. That year, the court ordered layoffs, and he was the first to be laid off.Later, Li Zicheng went to Yan'an to learn art from a teacher.During this period, because he was fond of fighting against injustice, restraining the strong and supporting the weak, and hated evil, he killed Shi Youren, a local ruffian in Yan'an, and ran back to Mizhi.At that time, Gao Ligong, the jailer in the prison, and Li Zicheng used to be good friends at the inn, and he was very considerate in bringing him tea and meals.One morning, Gao Ligong made some food and wine to entertain Li Zicheng.As soon as he entered the prison room, he suddenly saw a thick and strong boa constrictor coiled around Li Zicheng's body, with bright scales and horns.Gao Ligong was shocked, he missed and broke the cup and plate, and ran away.Li Zicheng woke up from the dream, turned over and saw the cups and plates all over the floor and Gao Ligong who had just run out, so he called him quickly, Gao Ligong turned back just now, but the boa constrictor was missing, he was really surprised, guessing that Li Zicheng was not an idler.So taking advantage of the night, he opened Li Zicheng's iron shackles, and the two of them fled across the prison to Hululu Mountain, which is more than 60 miles away from the county seat, which is relatively remote, where Gao Ligong's family lives.The three sisters Gao Guiying are all martial arts fighters, and they are extremely loyal.The younger brother Gao Yigong and the widowed older sister Gao Guiying saw Li Zicheng, who is a hero and a master of martial arts, they all admired him and were very excited.Guiying was even more busy cooking and cooking, taking care of Li Zicheng's diet and daily life, and silently praying for the speedy recovery of Zicheng's injured body.Li Zicheng's caring and caring for Guiying is kept in his heart, and he is even more attracted by her talent and appearance. The heroic man who has never been moved by money and sex can't help but have admiration for Guiying.All of this was seen by Gao Ligong, and he also felt that the two of them were talented and beautiful, so Li Zicheng and Gao Guiying got married in a flower pot.After Zicheng and Guiying got married, they gathered a group of country brothers at Gao Ligong's home and Guiying to practice martial arts in the yard every day.Under Li Zicheng's guidance, Guiying has made great progress in martial arts.Sometimes it is difficult for Li Zicheng to beat her in martial arts competitions. Li Zicheng can't help but praise Guiying as a hero among women.In this way, the news that the beauty in Hulushan was matched with a hero quickly spread, and the government also caught up with the news.Li Zicheng, Gao Guiying, Gao Ligong, and Gao Yigong packed their bags and left overnight.Later, after several twists and turns, he defected to the team of his uncle Gao Yingxiang in Yan'an.From then on, Gao Guiying and Li Zicheng became husband and wife, loving each other, working together, sharing weal and woe, and personally leading a group of female generals with Aunt Mi Zhi as the backbone to form a women's army, following Li Zicheng, the king of Chuang, galloping on the battlefield, fighting bloody for decades, and helping Li Zicheng overthrow the Ming dynasty. North Korea, the establishment of the Dashun regime.

Therefore, Gao Guiying's status as a queen in Li Zicheng's mind, or in the Dashun Dynasty, was not just that of a queen. At this time, she was speechless when asked by Li Yan's wife Hong Niangzi.

"Empress, do you believe Li Yan's sixteen major crimes?" asked the red lady.

Gao Guiying said, I am a woman, what do I believe or not?The red lady sneered and said, on the day when Dashun will perish in the future, can your empress still be so calm?

How outrageous these words are!But Gao Guiying endured it, and she didn't say a word, because she knew what it was like for a woman to die a man.

The red lady said again: "Ma'am, empress, Niu Jinxing is the biggest scourge of Dashun. I'm afraid this person has defected to the enemy a long time ago. Just watch."

Of course Gao Guiying didn't believe this, she knew that this was just a slander for a woman to avenge her husband.However, Hong Niangzi had to ask about the killings in Shaanxi that Hong Niangzi mentioned.

Of course, for a woman, can the current Emperor Dashun still listen to women's opinions?
This is how Niu Jinxing answered Li Zicheng that the harem does not interfere in politics.

Hong Niangzi disappeared suddenly after meeting Gao Guiying.

(End of this chapter)

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