
Chapter 175 Independence

Chapter 175 Independence
In just over ten days, such drastic changes took place in Chang'an, Li Laiheng listened to Lao Jiu's report in a daze.

After a while, he said, "Old Nine, it's settled like this. Let's break through the encirclement and return to Funiu Mountain."

This is one of the countermeasures he has been thinking hard about recently.

Originally, he planned to advance westward and Li Zicheng to attack the Qing soldiers, but the prerequisite for westward advance was that Li Zicheng had active preparations for eastward advance. Therefore, he thought hard for many days, and the only way to reverse the situation was to lead troops to replace Li Zicheng. Rock left blank, back to Funiu Mountain.

Going back to Funiu Mountain, Hao Yaoqi was at his fingertips, his old base, where the strength of Hao Yaoqi's troops would suddenly increase a lot.Secondly, Funiu Mountain is located in the core area of ​​China, and attacks can be made from all directions. Even if Li Zicheng is not in Shaanxi and moves to Huguang, he can also support Li Zicheng in the Funiu Mountain area.The third is that with the development of the situation, in case the Qing soldiers attack Jiangnan, Li Laiheng can go east to cut off his back.Back then, Yue Fei had to attack from the south to the north to fight against the gold, and it was very difficult to reach Zhuxian Town. Now that Li Laiheng is developing in Henan, Zhuxian Town is still within his sphere of influence, so Li Laiheng is going to stick to Henan.There is another reason, Li Laiheng can't tell too many people, there is a person in Xiong'er Mountain, he can make Li Laiheng's career.

"If the emperor does not agree to abandon Beijing, or if he orders us to return to Xiangyang, what should we do?" Hao Yaoqi had to express his concerns.

"I will not accept the orders of my king outside." Lao Jiu understood Li Laiheng's strategic intentions, so he answered Hao Yaoqi instead of Li Laiheng.

"No, it's not that the emperor's orders will not be accepted, but that we will no longer be restrained by Li Zicheng!" Li Laiheng said.

"Ah" everyone exclaimed.

Hao Yaoqi, Gu Ying, and Gu Kecheng have all followed Li Zicheng for many years. Now that Li Laiheng suddenly said such words, although they have great respect and admiration for Li Laiheng, they are still shocked.

"You guys are all older than me in terms of age, and have followed Li Zicheng longer than me. I understand your loyalty to Li Zicheng. However, Dashun is over, and the Dashun dynasty stopped abruptly before it was really established. It's wrong. , not someone else's fault, but Li Zicheng's fault. Moreover, he continues to make mistakes. We can't follow a person blindly. When this person is going to die, we can't follow him into his grave. Now, we should establish My own armed forces have been separated, in the future, if the people of the Dashun Dynasty are still there, we will still be one family, Li Zicheng is not dead, he will still be his emperor, but now, I decided to do it myself."

After Li Laiheng finished speaking, he scanned everyone with sharp eyes, "You guys, I hope you are still members of my Li Laiheng army."

This is him asking for their opinion.Ask them who they choose.

A dead silence.

This difficult decision-making choice is very painful for everyone.

Hao Yaoqi, Gu Ying, and Gu Kecheng are all Li Zicheng's generals. Now, it is very difficult for Li Laiheng to leave Li Zicheng.In the past few years, they have been part of Li Laiheng's army, and only here can their abilities be brought into full play. They admire and worship Li Laiheng, and of course they are more willing to follow Li Laiheng.However, it was very painful for them to be separated from Li Zicheng suddenly.

Li Laiheng did not explain too much, nor did he mobilize them to stay. He just said firmly: "Manqing, I, Li Laiheng, will drive you out of the customs even if it takes my whole life."

"Okay! Let's do it ourselves. Laiheng, I'm with you." Hao Yaoqi suddenly said loudly, "We just need to be good to Brother Li. From now on, we will drive the Tartars out of China. he does."

"Okay! We listen to General Li and swear to follow General Li." Gu Ying and Gu Kecheng also said firmly.

"Okay, tonight, we will break through."

Li Laiheng made the final decision.

Before long, the entire army knew about the breakout.Li Laiheng's troops are good at long-distance raids and field battles. When they heard that they were going to break through, they felt happy, just like a caged bird suddenly about to fly. They were in a good mood.

Li Laiheng predicts that there will be no major battle tonight.

The Manchus who besieged the city did not siege the city of Beijing to death, so Li Laiheng's breakout would not cause any major battles.

Dorgon was shocked when he heard that Li Laiheng had suddenly broken through.

Li Laiheng broke through, no matter where he went, it would be a disaster. Dorgon had already planned to send a strong force to pursue Li Laiheng once he broke through.

However, Li Laiheng's decision to break through was too sudden, and he did not receive a report until an hour before the official breakout, and by this time Li Laiheng's vanguard had already occupied key positions.

It's night now, and it's bound to suffer if you attack rashly.It will only be tomorrow to pursue them. However, Li Laiheng's troops are different from other troops. Once they attack, they will disappear soon.

Where is Li Laiheng's breakthrough direction?
This made Dorgon very anxious. He sent a large number of scouts and messengers to Azig and Duoduo overnight, asking them to be careful and guard against Li Laiheng's attack.

Li Laiheng had no secret operations at all, and it was impossible to hide a large operation of 7 to [-] horses from the scouts. Therefore, Li Laiheng only had one request, the whole army moved at full speed and marched towards Henan.

Coming out of Beijing, Li Laiheng proceeded in three ways, all the way to the west, passing Shanxi, suddenly going south from the north of Luoyang, passing Xiong'er Mountain and entering Deshengzhai of Funiu Mountain; all the way going south directly from Hebei, passing through Kaifeng, Zhengzhou, and then going west to Funiu Mountain; However, Li Laiheng led the way to the north and left Juyongguan.

The next day, Dorgon received a report on Li Laiheng's three-way marching route, and he was at a loss for a long time.What play is this in?

It is unquestionable to go west to rescue Li Zicheng. It is easy to understand that they have two routes, one is to deal with Duoduo, and the other is to deal with Azig.Now Azig and Duoduo both have [-] soldiers, and they divide their troops to attack, and Dorgon feels a little strange.

What's even more strange is that a fast troop came out of Juyongguan and the Great Wall, what are they going to do?Judging from the marching speed and characteristics of this army, Dorgon judged that it was Li Laiheng's elite army.

Li Laiheng's elite is ready to attack Manchu's lair again?Judging from the current climate, it is somewhat unbelievable.The weather has entered late autumn, and the cold weather is definitely not conducive to the solitary army going deep.However, for Li Laiheng, this matter is difficult to say, because Li Laiheng cannot think about him in the way of ordinary people.

Dorgon sent a large number of scouts to track Li Laiheng's whereabouts, and there was not much difficulty. All signs showed that Li Laiheng's sword was the home of the Manchus.

(End of this chapter)

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